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Plant diseases

In determining the plant disease be sure to confirm whether the damage is not caused by the plants snails or fish, because the symptoms are similar, in some cases. The number of shellfish should not be too large. True, they eat food remnants, and destroy certain types of algae, but consume oxygen, reducing its content in water, soil and enrich the water with excrement, and a number of species, being hungry, taken for plants.

Now we give some example symptoms and causes of plant diseases:

  • stop plant growth - perhaps a little carbon, which is often associated with too high PH value for a given plant species;
  • Patients and black roots - very fine, highly compacted soil;
  • plant quickly loses its leaves, which die off small areas - little phosphorus;
  • interstices are too long, quickly developing thin stems, leaves discharge into the lower parts of the plant, a pale coloring of the leaf blade - low light;
  • too long internodes and small leaves - a wrong relationship between temperature and luminosity (the higher the temperature, the more powerful lighting needed);
  • too extended in the length of the upper part of the plant - a very powerful red part of the spectrum of lamps;
  • rotting and fading plants, partial damage to the lamina (holes obtrёpannye edge blanching color) is often the result of a change in water chemistry or deficiency of any nutrient;
  • explicit lamina damage, especially in young plants with a short stem and well-developed root system - possible stagnation of water in the soil due to its high density;
  • leaf blades are covered with lime - little carbon dioxide;
  • leaf blades are very small - not enough power or too strong lighting;
  • yellow leaf blades, older leaves turn yellow in the first place, and sometimes become reddish - little nitrogen;
  • on the leaves appear yellow spots, and the leaves wither at the edges - a little potassium;
  • the young leaves are yellow edge - little calcium;
  • the leaves turn yellow, young, first, it may appear reddish coloring - little sulfur;
  • between the leaf veins appear yellow spots, then these places die off, leaving behind a hole - a little iron;
  • yellow leaf tissue, veins remain green - little manganese (often caused by an excess of iron);
  • the leaves turn yellow, the plant becomes glassy and die - little iron;
  • Cryptocoryne in leaf blade, starting from the top, it becomes vitreous, holes are formed, and then it is completely decomposed with petiole - "kriptokorinovaya disease." The cause of this disease has not yet been established. It is noticed that it often occurs as a result of a sharp change in the conditions, such as: change of a large number of different chemical composition of the water, changes in lighting conditions, replacement of artificial daylight and vice versa, the introduction of chemicals, change the filter material, etc. If the leaves have started to decompose, they need to be cut, suck hose remains of plants and replace with fresh water to save the root system. Cryptocorynes recovering after illness long and generally do not reach the same size. The disease rarely occurs in the aquarium, which produce regular change of water and contain normal amounts of fish and different species of plants, not only Cryptocorynes

Plants ago forward Aquarium care