home aquariums

Choosing an aquarium Setting aquarium Inventory for the aquarium The water in the tank Ground for aquarium Stones, driftwood and other The lighting in the aquarium Aeration and filtration Heating tank First start Fish, place of origin fish diseases Feeding the fish Plants plant diseases Aquarium care Seaweed Making home aquarium Breeding fish Snails and invertebrates

Aquarium care

In general, not too hard in a burst of enthusiasm equip the new aquarium. In the early days, he will even be more or less conform to your wishes and ideas. And then, very quietly at first, start various changes, some of which you will accept with joy, while others - with regret. All animals and plants have one thing in common: they can not remain in their original state, and vary continuously. They live, which means that they interact with the environment (in this case the tank), and changing themselves, continually changing and their environment. Care should be taken that all these processes occurred in the right direction, and for that we have to take care of the aquarium.
Impatience - the worst enemy of our aquarium, on this we told before. Of course, everyone wants to hurry to reach the target. You would think that plants grow quickly enough, and the newly acquired fish grow tediously slow. You gets minerals fertilizer for the plants and abundant flavor of the soil in the aquarium. You hope that help the growth of plants and animals, but in fact they are breaking the natural processes of development, as a result of which only and can get a perfect purity and beauty of the aquarium. Therefore: the excess is always harmful! Poor, if you constantly fumble in his aquarium. Caring for them is necessary only to the extent to which it is absolutely necessary. The less time and effort is spent on you, the better. Remember that any interference in the internal life of the tank can disrupt natural biological processes, disturb fish and prevent the growth of plants. The same applies to feeding. Too abundant feeding is responsible for most violations of the aquarium life. Turbidity and water damage, algae growth, digestive disorders and diseases of fish - all this may be due to excessive, copious feeding. In short, if your aquarium is something not in order, the reason should be sought in the main not in animals and plants, but above all in itself.
Remember the most important thing - the least disturb the inhabitants of the aquarium as possible, limited only by the need for intervention in their lives. And yet we must remember that if your aquarium farm consists of several aquariums, for each must have its own equipment in order to eliminate the possibility of entry of pathogenic microbes, algae, etc.
Over time you will learn how to properly care for an aquarium, and realize that it requires not much more effort and time than to care for your flowers on the windowsill. But first you need to carefully study those directions or instructions, call it what you want, which we present below.
A few simple steps every day will save you from a great deal of trouble and grief, and your hostess (fair to say) will not resent your constant fuss with water. Your intervention in the life of a well-functioning and functioning of the aquarium should be natural and unobtrusive.
The basic rule: it is better to make a few simple steps each day than general cleaning once every two months. The less and less you disturb the animals and plants, the better they feel. Our recommended daily operations should not be considered as interference in the life aquarium. If, however, its normal biological state for some reason fails, then restore it without a general cleaning impossible. In this case, you need to start from the beginning - from the conversion of the aquarium, and you can imagine how hard it is for fish and plants if these shakes are repeated every few weeks. In these spring cleaning is not only created unnecessary confusion and anxiety, but also the owner of the aquarium at risk after two or three such purges lose all interest in the aquarium, which, in his opinion, requires too much trouble. Joy hobbies you save only in the case if you follow the daily processes in the aquarium and in a timely manner, but carefully to make the necessary operations to restore the biological balance it. About what and when to do, you will read below. Do not be afraid of this. In fact, everything is much easier than it seems, and soon you will notice that our advice, call them now so will help you to always keep the aquarium clean and tidy. Carelessness, impatience and excessive zeal - that the worst enemies of your aquarium. If you get rid of them, the aquarium will always bring you only joy.

care operations can be divided into daily and weekly. So:


  • Check whether the tank if the windows are intact flows, whether in their cracks. If a small leak is detected, you can try to correct it with the help of clay;
  • Check whether the thermometer shows the correct temperature;
  • Check that the equipment is working correctly installed in the aquarium;
  • Check that the water is clear, if there is a large amount of suspended solids, turbidity, or water bloom. If the water is contaminated, then install a mechanical filter, and if this does not help, increase productivity. In an extreme case, it is necessary to put another filter with a large volume of the filter material. If the water blooms, take appropriate measures. On the fight against this, see the section: Algae ;
  • Check operation of the heater, does not exceed the temperature drop at the surface of the soil and 3 degrees, otherwise introduce or enhance aeration or filtration. This is what we were told in the section: Aeration and filter ;
  • Inspect the soil, plants and other items in order to detect a variety of algae. In case of detection to take measures to combat them;
  • Inspect the tank in order to identify the snails if they are too much, then take steps to remove them from the tank;
  • Feed the fish;
  • At that time, when they are feeding your fish count and if their number has decreased, try to find the missing. If the fish was lost, try to determine the cause of her death, if it is not possible to do, then in the following days, several times a day, check their appearance and behavior to detect possible symptoms of the disease. On the diagnosis of diseases described in detail in section: Illnesses of fish ;
  • If, after feeding on the ground remained uneaten food (try not to allow this), you should remove them using a siphon. What is a trap, and how to use it is described in section: Inventory for the aquarium ;
  • Spend the observation of the behavior and appearance of fish and plant growth (the result, it is desirable to record observations in a notebook). Upon detection of fish symptoms begin treatment. The same applies to plants.

  • Release access to the aquarium by lifting or moving the reflector light bulbs (depending on the design);
  • Measure the value DH, KH, PH. Take action to change, when leaving them beyond the limits;
  • Check the tightness of the air supply system;
  • Turn off electrical appliances installed in the tank (light, heater, compressor, filter);
  • If there is a cover glass, it is necessary to remove and clean;
  • Rinse the filter mechanical filter material;
  • Clear glass aquarium on algal fouling;
  • Clear substrate material by siphoning;
  • If there is a need proryadit floating plants (unless of course there are any), so as not to interfere with normal access of light to other plants;
  • Check the aquarium plants, remove dead leaves and other damaged parts of plants;
  • If there is a need, then proryadit heavily overgrown plants;
  • Make fertilizer for the roots of plants, where appropriate;
  • Fill in the fresh water tank, the same temperature and composition, and that the former, ie, preventing surges, especially PH;
  • Set on aquarium electrical space to improve internal decorations (if any);
  • Replace the cover glass (if any), the reflector or aquarium cover with built-in lights;
  • Include life-support system (filter, compressor, heater, lights).

All operations inside the aquarium should be done calmly, without haste, and be limited to only the most essential operations. Full conversion of the tank needs to be done especially in cases where you want to have very different fish, or in connection with the serious problems of the aquarium life. In conclusion - an hour of leisure before the aquarium where you can appreciate the work and enjoy the harmony of the world behind the glass. In the future, you will learn from the behavior of your fish correctly determine their state of health.

Plant diseases ago forward Algae