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Aponogeton boivinianus (Aponogeton Boivina)

Aponogetonaceae (Aponogetonovye) family.
Distribution of the north of Madagascar, about. Wear-Be, Maiotte.
Aquatic plant. Tuber up to 3 cm in diameter. Leaf blade Blends Ribbon, strongly curved and wavy, somewhat leathery, length 30 - 60 cm, a width of 1.5 - 5 (8) cm, dark green, young leaves are light green or brownish.
Peduncle up to 70 cm, inflorescence porous under-thickened. Opaque sheet up to 4.5 cm, is eliminated. The inflorescence is 2, at least 3 cones up to 20 cm with a circular arrangement of flowers. 2 white or pink tepals, stamens 6, 3 (4), each carpel with (3) 6 (7) ovules. Fruit up to 4-8 mm. Seeds are about the size of 3X1 mm, peel ordinary.
One of the most beautiful and worthy for the content of the aquarium water plants. Plants can be easily kept in soft or medium hard water and at pH slightly acidic to slightly basic. The soil should be loose and rich in nutrients. According to the natural habitat of a positive impact on growth and has strong water circulation. The optimum temperature of 22-25 degrees C. The grown specimens can reach an impressive size, making large aquariums needed. For long-term content is recommended as soon as the plant is dropping leaves will signal the coming of a period of rest or reduce the illumination and - if possible - to reduce the water temperature 2 - 3 degrees, or store the tubers only slightly moist at room temperature. Perhaps the best conditions will correspond to the alternation of the two storage methods.
This species inhabits flowing water bodies, that are expected to dry up only occasionally. The water values ​​can fluctuate wildly.