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Cryptocoryne cordata (Cryptocoryne cordata)

Araceae (Araceae) family.
Distribution of the Malay Peninsula: from West Malaysia to the South of Thailand; a habitat in Borneo.
Bog plants, surface part up to 25 cm, underwater up to 60 cm in height. Petiole 5 - 45 cm sheet plate elongated from ellipsoidal to narrowly ovate length of 5 - 20 cm., A width of 1 - 5 (10), see, smooth or slightly bubble. The top sheet is sharp; base acute, chopped or heart-shaped. Leaf entire. Painting forms of olive-green, tan to deep bronze, sometimes marble, brilliant colors front side, the back side of the neutral-green to deep wine red, brilliant.
Opaque sheet length of 5 - 30 cm, the tube 2 - 22 cm plate coating sheet 1.5 -. 7 cm long, oblong, pointed, erect and wrapped down inside from smooth to slightly rough, usually brilliant-yellow, sometimes brownish to reddish brown (mostly along the edge of the sheet). Collar no. Zev smooth, brilliant yellow. Female flowers 5 - 8. The male flowers 20 - 60. Number of chromosomes 2n = 34,68,85,102.
Some of the diverse forms of Cryptocoryne cordata for many years considered excellent aquatic plants. Grow well in culture conditions and often kept in aquariums and are considered separate species before C.siamensis and C.blassii with egg-leaf blade, without heart-shaped base. When the content of their underwater recognize mainly on olive-green or brown-bronze color of the leaves. The most difficult to contain forms with heart-shaped leaves. For Cryptocoryne cordata preferred soft, acidic water, mild to medium-light and nutritious soil. But some forms, such as types blassii-siamensis highly adaptable and well developed and slightly alkaline water of medium hardness. The optimum temperature 23 - 27 degrees C. After an extended period of acclimatization is good to take copies provide many creeping shoots. It is also not difficult and ground cultivation, for example, in a pot with sand and clay and peat mixture. Freeboard in inflorescences of plants are formed much more frequently, and sometimes in the aquarium.
As a rule, inhabit streams and small rivers over from weak to fast. Dense populations are growing under the intense rays of the sun and in deep shade.