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Cryptocoryne willisii (Cryptocoryne Willis)

Araceae (Araceae) family.
Distribution Central Sri Lanka areas.
Bog plants, terrestrial height up to 25 cm, underwater 5 - 15 cm. Leaves are 2 - 12 (20) cm Leaf blade narrowly ovate to lanceolate length of 1.5 -. 12 cm, a width of 0.6 - 2.5 cm, smooth , neutral green. The apex usually acute; base acute or slaboserdtsevidnoe. Leaf entire. Venation neotchёtlivoe.
Bedspread length of 4 - 8 sm. Handset 2 - 5 sm. plate covers a length of 0.8 - 3 cm, no-tail-shaped, pointed, erect and slightly twisted, distinctly rough to pupyrchatoy usually brownish to dark purple (sometimes yellow). Zev is colored like the plate covers or reddish. Female flowers 4 - 7. The male flowers 40 - 60. The pollen sterile. The number of 2n = 28 chromosomes.
Recommended, a popular aquarium plant. Kind of has a good adaptation. Soft water, characteristic of their habitats is not mandatory for Culture, since this brings Cryptocoryne and tap water with a pH in the alkaline range. As the soil is quite satisfied washed sand. The aquarium in the bright spot leaves are scattered horizontally, in a shady spot, they grow up. The optimum temperature 23 - 28 degrees C. Willis Cryptocoryne fast grower.
Cryptocoryne Willis grows underwater and land in the coastal zone of the rivers.