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Echinodorus amazonicus (echinodorus grisebachii or "Amazon")

Alismataceae (alismataceae) family.
Spread. Two habitats in the Amazon: Rio Yamari (Rondônia) and Belém (Pará).
plant mean value, the water reaches a height of 30 - 50 cm. Petiole to 10 cm long. Leaf blade narrowly lanceolate, often bowed slightly to the side, up to 40 cm, a width of 1.5 - 3 cm, green with dark transverse stripes. The top and bottom of the sheet pointed, 5 veins. There are clear lines.
The inflorescences appear in underwater plants with long-term and short day, greatly rise, they are simple or branched, with affiliated plants. Inflorescence with 4 - 6 whorls. Each whorl with 3 - 6 (12), flowers (under water are not disclosed). Bracts long stalks. Peduncle to 1 cm in diameter of about 1 - 1.5 cm, 6, 9, 12 stamens. Nut size of 2 x 1 mm, the lateral edges 3 - 4 and 2 - 5 or more friends. Beak length of 0.5 - 0.75 mm.
It belongs to the middle-sized Echinodorus, especially recommended for maintenance. For many years this kind, which has long been erroneously referred to as E.brevipedicellatus, a standard aquarium plants, which confirms its simplicity. Depending on the soil nutrient develop more or less strong instances. In small aquaria up to 100 liters of soil should consist of sand, so that the plants do not grow very large. In aquariums with medium size plant nutrient soil it is recommended to use as a tapeworm. In a very large aquariums group can be decorative. While the need for lighting in the plant fair, it is necessary to consider that Amazon should be free, light area. The optimum temperature range 22 - 26 degrees C. Vegetative reproduction in this species is not difficult, because the powerful items are usually formed in the aquarium inflorescence with numerous subsidiary plants. Their upon reaching a few centimeters can be separated and planted in the ground.
Plants grow slowly in the waters slowly flowing and stagnant waters at a depth of 50 - 100 cm.