The Civil Code of Ukraine

Document 435-15, streamed edition on 14.06.2007 on the 1111-16 pinnacle, orderly

Chapter 33

Stati 407. Pidstavi vikinennya rights korostuvannya stranger
Land for the Silesian

1. The right to build a foreign land
By a contract between a landlord and a special landlord, yaka vyyavila
Bazhannya korostustovatsya tsією ground for a day for
Sylskogospodarskih consumption (dali - zemlerokoristuvach).
2. The right korostuvannya someone else's land plots for
Сільськогосподарських потреб (емфітевзис) може відчужуватися і
To pass to the order of spadkuvannya.

Statka 408. The line of the contract about the right of knights
Someone else's land for
Sylskogospodarskih consumption

1. A row to the contract about the right of a foreign country
Land for the needs of the Sylvester
2. Yakshto dogovir about the right of the people
Land for the Silesian population
The non-recognition of lines, the skin of the story can be viewed in the agreement,
Alternately, moving about the other side of the side is not a mistake for one

Statka 409. The rights of that obovzjazyka the governor of the land,
Nadoanoї at koristuvannya for sylskogosodarskih

1. Власник земельної ділянки має the right вимагати від
Zemlyokorostuvacha vikoristanna її for the confessions, the restoration of
2. The landlord of land is entitled to receive payment for
Crocheted with it. Розмір плати, її form, уми, order that line
Ії виплати встанолюються the contract.
3. The landlord of land zobov'yany not pereshkojati
Zemlekoristustvachevі y zdіysnennі yogo rights.

Stattie 410. The right of that obovoyozyka zemlekoerstuvacha

1. Zemerkoeristuvač maje right korrostuvatisja zemelnoy dljankoju
In the pendulum, up to the contract.
2. Zemerkoeristuvach zobovetsyaniya bring a fee for koristustvannya
Land dilyankoju, and takozh інші payment, vosstanovlіі by the law.
3. Zemlyokoristuvach zobovaniya efektivno vikoristivuvati
Landed before the ії tsіlovogo gratitude,
Підвищувати її роючість, застосовува природоохоронні технології
Vibrobnitsva, utrimuvatisya vіd dіy, yakі mozhut call up to
Погіршення екологічної situation.

Stattie 411. The right of a farmer to vyudchuzhnya rights
Crooked land

1. A landlord is entitled to vychuzhennya rights koristustvannya
Landlord for the sylskopodarskih consumption, but no more
Is established by law.
2. In case of sale of the right to land
Власник цієї земельної ділянки має переважне перед іншими особами
The right to yogo pribdannya, for the price, is shattered for sale, that on
Ішших рівних увах.
3. Zemlyokoristuvach zobov'azaniyu letter to the narrator of the device
Land sales of the right to sell it. Yakshto stretching
One month, the registrar does not have to send a letter to buy, right
Korestuvannya landed dilyankoju mozhe bouti soldne іншій особі.
4. At razis zarashennya rights vyspezhnoi komіvlі nastayut
Nalidki, podbacheni statteyu 362 tsiogo Code.
5. In the case of the sale to the landlord of the right of the korostuvannya
Landed for the sylkosporarskih needs of the individual
Власник земельної ділянки має eligibility відсотків від
Tsіni sale (vartosty rights), vstanovleny agreement.

Stattie 412. Pripinennya rights koristustvnnya landed dljankoyu
For sylskogosodarskyh consumption

1. The right of land to the land for
Сільськогосподарських потреб припиняється у разі:
1) eating in one of the possessions of the landlord
2) I'll split up the line, into a sort of boulevard the right of the corridor;
3) vikupu landlord in the zv'yazhu iz sspilnoyu
2. The right of land to the land for
Sylskogospodarskih consumption can be replicated by the courts
In the other vipadkah, vosstanovleny law.