The Civil Code of Ukraine

Document 435-15, streamed edition on 14.06.2007 on the 1111-16 pinnacle, orderly

Rozdil II

Chapter 52

Стаття 626. Поняття та visible to the contract

1. The contract є domovstіst dvuh abo bіshe storein,
Spinnovana on vstanovlenya, zmіnu abo pripinennya tsivilnykh rights ta
2. Договір є one-sided, yakshchо one side beret on itself
Obov'yazok before the other side vchiniti pevnі disya oboimatisya
Of them, and the other side of the right is deprived of the right to wim, without
Vinikennya dustrichnogo obovvyazku shodo Pershoto side.
3. Договір є dvuhponnіm, yakshcho the rights о обов'язками
Overdependent parties to the contract.
4. Until the agreement, I will be discharged by the two parties
(Bagatosporannіі contract), zastosovuyatsya zagalnі poslozhnya about
Dogovor, yakshchoe tse not supersize the bagatlon character cich
5. Договір є відплатним, якщо інше not vestanovlo by the contract,
The law does not impose a contract.

Statty 627. Freedom to contract

1. It is submitted to the 6th day of the Code by the parties in
Contractual agreement, vybori kontragenta ta viznachennі minds contract
In the case of the Code of Inquiry, the in-laws of the Civil Code
Legislation, zvichiv dilovoy turnover, vimog rozumnostі ta

Statka 628. Zmist contract

1. Zmist contract to become umovi (dotted), viznacheni on
Rosud storin і погоджені them, that umovi, які є обов'язковими
Before the acts of civil law.
2. The parties have the right to make payments to the employers,
Елементи різних договорів (змішаний договір). До відносин сторін у
Zmishanomuyu contract to zastosovuyutsya in the parts of the situation
Acts of civil law about the agreement, the elements of
Mistjatsja at zmіshannomu to the contract, yakshcho інше is not established by the contract
Abo not viplivaє із суті змішаного to the contract.

Statka 629. Obovvyazykovist agreement

1. Dogovir - obovyazykovym for vikonannya parties.

Statka 630. Type the agreement

1. The agreement may be put into effect, but the yogo okremi umvi
Viznachayutsya vidpovіdno to tipovih dvom contractov singer in sight,
In the established order.
2. Yaksho at the agreement not to sit down on the types,
Soi typei umovi mozhut zastosovuvatis yak zvichay dilovogo
Turn, yakshcho stinks vidpodayayut vimogam statti 7 tsiogo Code.

Stattie 631. Strings to the contract

1. A string of contracts - the hour, the extension of a party can
To build one's own rights and vikonati its own obovyazyka up to
2. Dogovir is recruited from the moment of yogic way of life.
3. The parties can make a decision,
Zastosovuyatsya to vidosinom mizh them, yakі vinikli to yogo
4. Закінчення row договору не звільняє сторони від
Відповідальності за його порушення, яке мало місце під час дії

Stattie 632. Price

1. The price of the contract is set for the construction of the parking lot.
In vipadkah, vosstanovljah the law, zastosovujutsja tsini
(Tariffs, rates tolko), yakі vstalayutyutsya abo regulyuyutsya
By the adherents of organs of state power
2. Зміна ціни після після укладення contract to admit to the Lisha
Vipadkah і on umovah, vosstanovljah the agreement the law.
3. Зміна ціни в договорі після йоіго виконання не
To be admitted.
4. Yaksho tsin at the contract is not installed and can not
Viznachena vigodachi yogo minds, vona viznachaetsya vyhodichi iz
Zvichaynih tsіn, scho folded on the analogue comrade, roboti abo
At the time of the agreement, the contracts.

Стаття 633. Published by agreement

1. Publichnym є dogovir, in any one side - pidpriєmeets
Took over the obov'yazok zdіysnyuvati sales of goods, vikonannya
Robit abo nadannya has served kozhnomu, hto up to ne zvernetsya (rozdrybna
Trading, transported by the transport of a spooky corridivan,
Zv'yazku, medicina, gotelnoe, bankivske obesgovovuvannya tochno).
2. Wear the public contract in the name of yours for
Всіх споживачів, крім тих, to whom for the law надаі відповідні
3. Pідприємець not має the rights надавати переваги одному
Spozhivachevі before іnshim schodo ukladennya publіchnogo contract, yakshchio
Otherwise, it is not enforced by law.
4. Pідприємець не має rights відмовити від укладення
Public contract for nayavnosty nyogo mozhnlostey nadnya
Spozhivachevі vіdpovidnih goods (robot, ambassador).
У разі необгрунтованої відмови підприємця від укладення
Public contract vinem vіdshchaduvaty zbitki, zavdanny
Spozhivachevі takoyu vidmovoyu.
5. Acts of civil law can be reinstalled
Rules, obovv'yazkov for staryn when укладенні і виконанні
Public contract.
6. Umovi publichnogo contract, yakі superechat chastnyi friend
The rule of law, obovv'yazkim for storin at ukladennі і
Vikonannі publichnogo agreement, є nikchimnimi.

Statty 634. Договір приєднання

1. By the contract of adherence to the terms of the agreement,
Odnією із сторін у формалярах або інших стандарних формах, який
In addition to the ways of dispositions,
Contracted to the treaty in the spring. The other side can not
To negotiate a treaty.
2. Договір приєднання можже бути змінений або розірваний на
Vimogu side, yaka priednalasya, yakshcho vona pozbavlyaetsya rights, yakі
Zvichayno small, and takozh yakschoo dogovir viklyuche chi intermode
Vidpovidalnost drugo parties for zasishenya zobov'yazannya abo
Mistit інші умови, obviously obtyazhlіі for the party, yaka приедналася.
The party, yaka priadnalasya, maee finish, sho vona, vyhodachi zі svoїh
Інтересів, не прийняла б ци цим умов за наявності у неї можливості
Brothers are destined for a vain contract.
3. Yakischu vimoga about zmіnu abo rozirvannya the contract was announced
To the side, the yak was priests to the next day with zv'yazku zі zdіysnennnyam her
Підприємницької діяльності, the party, по надала договір для
Приєднання, може відмовити у задоволенні цих вимог, якщо поведе,
Scho side, yaka priednalasya, she knew that the nobility could be nobles,
Won priednalasya to the contract.

Стаття 635. Previous dogovir

1. Previous - the dogovir, the sides of a zobov'yazyutsya
The extension of the piano line (for the song term)
Maybutnomu (basic dogovir) on the mind, restorations
By law, you can insert an obsolete line
(Terminu), in a kind of mia bouti stowage of basic dogovir on pidstavi
Alternating with the contract.
Істотні умови основной договору, що не встановлені
By the contract, to weather the order,
Parties at a later agreement, but such an order does not
The acts of civil law.
Попередній договір укладається у формі, встановленій для
Basic contract, but the form of the main contract is not
Is installed, - in writing forms.
2. The party, the yak is not grounded to be used for rest
To a contract peddled by a transitional agreement, is guilty of impairment
Friendy parties zbitki, zavdani prosprochenchenyam, yakshcho not
Established by the agreement of the parties with the acts of civil
3. Zobov'yanya, vstanovlenie krepodnim agreement,
Prikinyayatsya, yakshcho basic dogovir not laying out an extension string
(At termin), established by a transitional agreement, abo yakshchoo zhodna iz
Storin not to send each other's proposals for yogic rest.
4. Договір about namiri (the protocol about namiri tochno), yakshchoo in
Nyomu mnoye voleviyavlenya storin shchodo nadannya yomu sili
Alternate to the contract, do not enter into a contract with each other.

Stati 636. Dogovir na korost dlyaoїї individuals

1. A contract for the third party's census is the dogovir, in a yakom
Crocheted bearded beetles vikonati sviy obov'yazok on the cortex of the third
Individual, yak is inserted abo is not installed in the contract.
2. Vikonannya contract on the cortex of the third person mozhe vimagati
Yak persona, yaka bred dogovir, so і tretya persona, on the corridor of the
Vikobanno vikonannya, yakschoo not yet established by the contract
Law chi not vyplivaє із суті договору.
3. At the moment virazhenna third special naimiru cope
Its own right, it can not be done without
Zgody third person, yakschoo not yet established by the contract
4. Yakshto third person vidmovila vid law, nadanoho on
Pidstavi to the contract, the party, yaka has placed dogovir on a cord of the third
Individual, may itself self-succumbing to cyme right, yakzczo іnshe not vyplivaє із
Day to the contract.

Statka 637. Tlumachennya minds agreement

1. Тлумачення умов договору здійснюється відповідно до статті
213 of the Code.
2. In the case of a weak mind, the contract can be physically treated as such
Types umovi (types of agreement), navіt yakshcho in the contract nyashe
Be sent to ti umvi.