The Civil Code of Ukraine

Document 435-15, streamed edition on 14.06.2007 on the 1111-16 pinnacle, orderly

Chapter 58

Paragraph 1. Obligatory provisions for hiring (rent)

Стаття 759. Договір намуму

1. After the contract, hiring (rent) naimodavets is transferred to the
Zobov'azuyetsya transfer naymachevsi mayno at koristustvannya for a fee on
Singing lines.
2. The law allows for special care
Vikonannya contract hiring (orendi).

Article 760. Subject of the contract to hiring

1. The subject of the contract is the hiring of a worker, a yak
Індивідуальними знаками і яка зберігає свій первісний вигляд при
Non-repeatable vicarities (nespozhivna rіch).
By law, you can look into the main, but you can not
Subject of the contract hire.
2. The subject of the contract hiring can be the rights of the may.
3. Especially the hiring of people who have seen the lane in the cyme
The Code is this law.

State 761. The right to transfer the lane from the hiring

1. The right of the transfer of the lane at the hiring of the majesty of the river,
Yakіy nalezhat maynovi rights.
2. The landlord may also be special,
Contractual lease.

Stattia 762. The payment for the corridor by lane

1. For korostuvannya maynym zaymacha cope with the fee,
Rozmіr yakіya vstanovlyuyutsya contract hiring.
Yaksho rozmіr pay not vestanovleniy contract, vіn viznachaetsya
To the hurricanes of the disputes, the anchories of the rest of the detachments, the yaks
Istotne znachennya.
2. The payment for a corridor by a lane can be paid for by a vibor
Сторін у грошовій або натуральній формі. Form of payment for
Koristuvannya maynom vstanovlyutsya contract hire.
3. By agreement, the law allows a peri-odnichny
Pereglyad, zmіnu (іndeksatsіyu) rozmіru pay for koristuvannya lane.
4. The use of the right of vimagati to change payment,
Obstanvini, for yakі vіn not відповідає, mozhnivist korestuvannya
The mine has changed steadily.
5. The payment for the korostuvannya lane is made by the mine, yakshchoo
It is not settled by the contract.
6. Naymach zvilnyaetsya vid pay for the entire hour, stretching a yakogo
Mayno could not see it through him, but for

Statica 763. Lines of contract hire

1. Договір hiring укладається on lines, встановлений
2. Yakshcho lines hiring not vestanovleniya, dogovir hiring vvazhaetsya
By laying down on non-recognition of strings.
Кожна із сторін договору найму, укладеного на незназначений
Lines, you can contact the contract at any time, by letter
Spanning around the other side for one month, and for hire
An uneducated lane - for three months. The treaty is prohibited by law
Insertions of the lines for interpreting about the agreement with the agreement
Hiring, lined up for non-recognition of strings.
3. The law allows for the installation of maximum (border)
Line contract hiring okremih vidiv lane.
To maximize the maximum line
Hiring a Jodna із сторін not vідмовилася від договол, укладенго на
Non-recognition of strings, vin pripinyatsya zі slyvom maximal
String to the contract.
The contract of hiring, the lines of which I translate the provisions of the law
Maximum lines, to be placed on lines, in the form of
The maximum row.

Стаття 764. Правові наслідки прожиження корстування майном
Після закінchenня row contract hiring

1. Yaksho naymach prodzhuyu korrostuvatisya maynom pislya
I hire a line for a contract, then, for security reasons
In the course of one month, the contracts should be renewed
On the lines, a sort of buv before the agreements.

Стаття 765. Передання майна наймачеві

1. Naimodivets zobov'azaniyah transfer naymachevі mayno y
Korostuvannya negoyno abo from the lines, contractual terms of employment.

Стаття 766. Правові наслідки непередання майна наймачеві

1. Yaksho naimodavets not transfer naimachevі Mayno, hiring a man
Right for your own choice:
1) vimagati vіd naimodavtsya transfer lane i vіdshduvannya
Zbitkiv, zavdannikh zatrimkoju;
2) contact the contract hiring і вимагати відшкодування
Zavdanyh yomu zbitkiv.

Statka 767. Yakist rechі, peredannoї u hiring

1. Naimodivets zobov'azany transfer naimachevі rіch у
Set і і у стані, що відповідають исмов договору найму та її
2. Naimodivets zobov'azaniyu spolditi naymacha osoblyvі
Power of the nedol'ki rechі, yakі yomu vіdomі i yakі mozut bouti
Nebezpechnimi for zhittya, zdorov'ya, lane naymacha neboshin ossyb nebo
To call up to the posekodzhennya samoї rechі pіd hour koristustvannya her.
3. Naymach zobov'azany in the presence of naimodavtsya pereviriti
Справність речі. Yaksho naymach at the time of the transfer of speech to yoga
Володіння не переконається у її справності, річ вважається такою,
Is transferred to the yom in the camp.

Statka 768. Guarantees of the anchor, handed over to the hiring

1. Naimadavets can guarantee the accuracy of the
Row hiring.
2. Yaksho y rechі, yak bula transferred naymachevі z sarantiєєyu
Anchovy, vyyavlyatsya nedoliki, scho pereskojayut її vicarities
Up to the contract, hiring a right for its own vibor
1) zameni rechi, yakshcho tselmlyno;
2) vіdpііnogo zmenshennya rozmіru pay for koristustvannya
3) free of charge usunennia nedolіkіv rechі abo vіshchoduvannya
Vitrate on їх усунення;
4) розірвання договору і відшкодування збитків, які були йому

Stattja 769. The rights of third parties to the riches, I will transfer from the hiring

1. Peredannya rechy u hiring not pripinyayat ta not zmіnyue rights on neї
Tretich osib, zokrema rights are forced.
2. In case of a contract, I will hire a landowner
Повідомити наймача про всі права третіх осіб на річ, що
To be transferred from the hiring. Якщо наймодавець не повідомив наймача про всі
The rights of third parties to the riches, the transfer from the hiring, the hiring of the right
Vimagati zmenshennya rozmіru pay for korestuvannya rіchchyu abo
Розірвання договору та відшкодування збитків.

Стаття 770. Правонаступництво у разіміни власника речі,
Transferred from hiring

1. In the case of the mistress of the speech, handed over to the hiring, to the new
The governor shall transfer the rights of the goods to the lender.
2. Parties can vstanoviti at the contract of hiring, scho u razi
Відчуження наймодавцем речі договір hiring припиняється.

Statka 771. Strahuvannya rechy, transferred from the hiring

1. The transfer from the hiring of the speech, the ballot is insured by the lender,
Do not prichinyayu chinnosti contract insurance.
2. The agreement of the law may allow for the insertion of obovyazok
Hiring the skill of the dogovar insurance of the speech, sho is transferred from the hiring.

Stattya 772. Rizik of the Vipadkov znischennya abo Vipadkovogo
Пошкодження речі

1. Najmach, yaky zatrimav poverennya rechi nimodavcevtsev, nese
Rizik її vipadkovogo znischennya abo vipadkovogo pososhkodzhennya.

Statka 773. Korostuvannya ricciu, transferred from the hiring

1. Naimach zobov'azaniy korostustovatsya rіchchyu upіpіdіdo її
The recognition of the minds of the treaty.
2. Yaksho naymach korostusteyatsya ricchu, passed yomu u hiring, not
For її confession of the prisoners of the minds of the contract of employment,
Nimodaveci maj right vimagati roses contract agreement ta
Відшкодування збитків.
3. Naymach moe right zmіnjuvaty stu rechi, transferred yomu u
Hiring, forfeiting for the profit of the lender.

Statka 774. Pіdnaym

1. Dedication by hiring a speech at a distance
(Pіdnaym) mozhlive lishe for zgodoyu nimodavtsya, yakshcho іnshe not
Is established by the agreement by law.
2. The line of the contract can not be interchanged
Contract hiring.
3. Before the contract, podnaymu zastosovuytsya povozhnya about dogovir

Stattya 775. The right of power on the fruit, the produce,
In the corridor of Ricciu, transferred from the hiring

1. Naimachevі nalezhit right vlasnostі on the fruit, product,
Come, keep it with the result of the rychchyu korostuvannya,

Statka 776. Repair of the river, handed over to the hiring

1. Поточний repair речі, переданої у намм, провадиться
Naymachom for yogo rakhunok, yakschoo no more established by the contract
2. Kapitalny repair of the river, handed over to hiring, to get through
A landlord for a yogo rakhunok, no further agreement is established
By the law.
Kapitalny repair repair at the lines, insertions
Contract. Yaksho rows are not the terms of the contract repair
Wiklikanii nevidkladnoyu demand, capital repairs moe bouti
Conducts near the rosy rows.
3. Yaksho naimodavets not proivіv kapitalnogo repair of the river, sho
Pereskojaja її використанню відповідно до призначення та umov
Contract, hiring a right:
1) відремонтувати річ, зараувавши ватість repair in rahunok
Pay for the corridor, rychchyu, abo vimagati відшкодування вартості
2) вимагати розірвання договору та відшкодування збитків.

Statty 777. Transfer of the right to hire

1. Naymach, which is so vilely vikonuє his own obovyozyaki behind the contract
Hiring, singing a line contract to the right before
I wish my newcomers to settle the contract for new lines.
Naymach, yaky moe naimir, cope with the right to
Contract for hiring new lines, zobov'azaniy poizdomiti
Pro tse naimodovtsya to split line contract to hire from the rows,
The contract, but not the contractual provisions, in
Rozumnyh lines.
You can hire a contract for new lines
Домовленістю сторін. In the case of nedosyagnennya domovostysti schodo payi
That інших of minds to the contract переважне the right of hiring on укладення
Contract pripinyatsya.
2. Naymach, which is so viciously vikonuє its own obovyozyaki behind the contract
Hiring, at times selling a speech, handing over, hiring a right
Before the other people on її придбання.

Стаття 778. Поліпшення намачем речі, переданої у найм

1. Naymach mozhe polishishti rіch, yaka - the subject of the contract hiring,
Lisha for the profit of the lender.
2. Yaksho polishpennyya mozhut bouti vidokremlenі vіd rechі without її
Posshodzhennya, hiring a right on the viluchennya.
3. Yaksho polipinshnya rechі zrobleno zgodoju nimodavtsya, naymach
The right to vidstkoduvannya vartosty neobhdydnyh vitrat on
Zarahuvannya їh vartosty in rahunok pay for the korostustvannya rіchchyu.
4. Yakshcho in the result of the plowing, zroblenogo zgodoyu
Nimodavtsya, trenena nova rіch, naymach стає її співвласником.
Chaska naymacha v pravilno vlasnostі vіdpoviday vartost yogo vitrat
On the floor of the speech, no further agreement was made with the agreement
5. Yaksho naymach without zgody naimodavtsya zrobiv polypsennya, yakі not
Mozhna vidokremiti without school for the speech, vin not the right to
Відшкодування їх вартості.

Stattja 779. Наслідки погіршення речі, transferred from hiring

1. Naymach zobov'azaniyu usunuti pogyrshchenya rechy, yaki have become
Yogo vini.
2. In the case of undemanding admission of speech,
Vimagati vіdshoduvannya zavdannikh yomu zbitkiv.
3. Naymach is not responsible for pogryshchenya rechі, yakshchoo tselosya
Vnasledok normal її znoshennya abo omission of the lender.

Stattie 780. Postponed for a school, student at a call
Korostuvannyam ricciu, transferred from the hiring

1. Skoda, zvdana third persons in zv'yazku z koristuvannami
Ricciu, handed over to hiring, vidshkodovuyutsya naymachem on zagalnih
2. Skoda, zvdana at zv'yazku korostuvannyam ricchu,
Vidshkodovuyutsya nimodavtsem, yakshchoo bude vstanovleno, scho tse vsya
Vasledidok osoblivih vlastvostey abo nedolіkіv rechі, about nayavnnist
Yakih naymach not bouv pokojeny naimodavtsem і pro yakі vіn not knowing
I do not know the nobility.
Umova contract hiring about zvilnennya naimodavtsya vid
In the course of the school, in the wilderness
Power of chi nedolіkіv rechі, about nayavnіst yakih naymach not boav
Of transgressions by the landlord і about the yakі vіn not knowing іn not mіg znati, є

Statelya 781. Pripinennya contract hiring

1. Договір hiring припиняється у разі смерті фізичної individuals -
Naymacha, yakschoo not yet established by the agreement of the law.
2. Договір hiring припиняється у разі ліквідації юридичної
Individuals, yak bula naimachem nakomodavtsem.

Statka 782. The right to engage in a contract with a contractor

Vimagati ponennennya rechi, yakshcho naymach not pay a fee for
Korostuvannya rіchchyu stretch трьох місяців підряд.
2. In the case of a contract for renting a contract,
In the time of the conquest, by hiring a landlord
About відмову від договору.

Stattie 783. The lease contract for hiring a lender

1. The landlord of the right of vimagati to the contract of employment,
1) naymach korostustyutsya rіchchyu vusuprech contract nebo
Confession of speech;
2) naimach without permission naimodavtsya passing rych in koristuvannya
Іншій особі;
3) naymach his nebaloyu povedinkoyu stolyorye zrorozu
Пошкодження речі;
4) hiring before proceeding to the capital repairs
Rechі, yakshcho obov'yazok carried kapitalnogo repair buv
The laying on the hiring.

Стаття 784. Розірвання the contract of hiring on вимогу naymacha

1. Naymach mae right vimagati roses to contract hire, yaksh:
1) naimodivets' transferring from the korostuvannya rіch, yakіst anchor not
Відповідає уммов договору та призначенню речі;
2) naimodavets not vikonuє its obovyazyka schodo srednaniya
Kapitalnogo repair of the river.

Стаття 785. Obovjazyka naymacha at raz pripinennja to the contract

1. In the case of a contract, I hire hiring of cattle
Negayno rotate naimodavtsev rіch u stennі, in yakomu vona bula
Is gained, from hurricanes of normal weather, at the station,
Obmovleno in the contract.
2. Yaksho naymach not vikonuє obovyazku schodo poverennya rechi,
Nimodaveci maje right vimagati vіd naymacha razlichi penalties u
Розмірі подвійної pay for the korostuvannya річчю for an hour прострочення.

Стаття 786. It is called davnnist, scho zastosovuyutsya to vimog, yakі
To hoard

1. Prior to the question about the vandalism of zbits in zvjazyku z
Pokshozhennyam rechy, yak bula transferred to koristuvannya naymachev, and
Takozh up to vimog about vіdshoduvannya vitrat on the floor of the river
Zastosovuyutsya pozovna dannnist in one pic.
2. Перебіг позовної давності schodo вимог наймодавця
Ponachaetsya in the moment poverennya rechi naymachem, and shodo vimog
Naymacha - at the moment of pripinennya contract hiring.

Paragraph 2. Rental

Стаття 787. Договір прокат

1. After the rental contract, the landlord,
pіdpriєmnitsku dіyalnіst s speeches, sent messages in hiring, peredaє abo
Zobov'yazuyetsya transfer rihomu rіch naymachevі at koristuvannya for
Fee for the singing lines.
2. Договір прокату є the contract приєднання. Naimadavets can
In the installation of types and conditions of the rental contract. Type the agreement
Rent can not maim the rights of hiring, reinstating the law.
Umovi hire contract, yaki pogyrshuyut stanovische naymacha
Portivnyano z tym, scho vstanovlenno tyvovimi umovami contract, є
3. Договір прокату є публічним договором.

Statka 788. The subject of the rental agreement

1. The subject of the contract is rental є ruhoma rіch, yaka
Vikoristovetsya for zadovolennya rassutovikh neprobnichih need.
2. Subject matter of the rental contract may be entered into for
Of destructive consumption, is set by agreement.

Statka 789. Rent for rent

1. The fee for renting a vehicle is charged for tariffs

Statka 790. The right of hiring on a rental contract

1. The right to enter the rental contract
Turn the річ наймодавцеві у бы-який час.
2. The rent for the rent of a speech is collected by hiring for the whole line
Contract, to change oneself to the triviality of the actual
Korostuvannya ricciu.

Stattya 791. Extension to the rental agreement

1. Naimach does not have the right to settle the contract.
2. Naymach is not a person of the right of transfer to the right of the buyer of the goods
Sale by the lender.
3. Капітальний і поточний ремонт речі здійснює наймодавець за
Svyy rahunok, yakshcho vin not volde, scho poshkojzhennya rechi became
Vinny hiring.

Paragraph 3. Hiring of a land plot

Stat'a 792. Договір hiring landlords

1. After the contract, hiring (land) landlords
Zobov'yazuyetsya transfer naimachevі zapadnu dlyanka on vestanovleniy
The contract of the lines of the Volodinia, and that of the korostuvannya for a fee.
The land can be transferred to hiring at once
Nasadzhennyami, budivlyami, sporudami, vodomami, yakі be seen on
Ny, abo without them.
2. Відносини щодо найму (оренди) земельної ділянки
Be regulated by law.

Paragraph 4. Recruitment of children and adolescents

Стаття 793. Форма договораруну найму будівлі або іншої
Capillary sporades

1. Договір найму будівлі або іншої капітальної споруди (їх
Okremoi partyni) укладається у писмовій формі.
2. Договір найму будівлі або іншої капітальної споруди (їх
Okremoi partyni) in a row of three rock і більше підлягає
Notarialnoe posvіdchennyu. {Part of another statti 793 in editorial
Law N 501-V (501-16) dated 20.12.2006}

Stattya 794. Derzhavna reestratsіya contract to hire budivlyi abo
Enoshoi kapitalnaya sporudi

1. Договір найму будівлі або іншої капітальної споруди (їх
Okremoi partiny), the laying on the lines is not less than for three rock,
Підлягає державній реєстрації. {Partially up to 794 in
To the Law N 501-V (501-16) dated 20.12.2006}

Стаття 795. Передання будівлі або іншої капітальної споруди у

1. Передання наймачеві будівлі або іншої капітальної sporudi
(Їх окремої частини) to be drawn up in the form of a document (act),
A written agreement between the parties. At which point do you start
Computed line contract hiring, no further storage
2. The trustee of hiring a subject of the contract,
In the form of a document (act), which is written by the parties
Contract. At the time of the dogovir hiring pripinyayatsya.

Statka 796. Nadanya naymachev's rights korostuvannya land
By day

1. One-time with the right of hiring wonders and adolescents.
Sporudy (ikh okremoi parti) naymachevі nadaєtsya right
Korostuvannya land dilyankoyu, on yakіy stinks otnosyatsya, and takozh
The right of a landed country, yak prilyagene to budivlyi abo
Sporudi, in rozmіrі, necessary for the purpose of hiring.
2. The contract of hiring parties may viznachiti rozmіr land
Ділянки, яка передається наймачеві. Якщо розмір земельної ділянки
The contract does not entail, naymachevі nadaetsya right koristuvannya
Usієyu landed dіlyankoyu, yakuyu volodіv naimodavets.
3. The landlord is not a landlord of land,
Vvazhaetsya, scho vlasnik landed
Naymachev's rights korostuvannya landed dilyankoyu, yakschoo інше not
Established by the contract naimodavtsya with the landlord landlord.

Stattie 797. The payment for koristustvannya

1. Fee, yaka cope with the hiring of the workplace.
Kapitalnaya sporudi (ikh okremo parti), warehousing pay for
Korostuvannya her - pay for the korostuvannya land dilyanka.

Paragraph 5. Hiring (orending) a transport batch

Article 798. Subject of the contract to hire

1. The subject of the contract is the hiring of transport
Поітряні, морські, річкові судов, а також наземні самохідні
Transportny zasobi tochno.
2. The contract of hiring a transport brigade may
Vostochno, scho vin surrendered by hiring zekapazhem, yak yogi
3. The parties can be proud of the hired owner
Naimachevі complex has served for the protection of normal
Transport regime.

Article 799. The form of the contract is hiring a transport bureau

1. Договір hiring transport засобу укладається у писмовій
2. Договір hiring transport засобу за участю фізичноїї
Individual pідлягає нотаріальному посвідченню.

Стаття 800. Діяльність hiring a transport bike

1. Naimach samostіno zdіysnyuє vіcoristanna transport
A bail-out at his own discretion
Ukladati vіd svogo ііnіu pereveveznya, and takozh інші
Close the way to the acknowledgment of the transport charge.

Stattja 801. Vitraty, which are worn in transport

1. Naymach zobov'azaniy pidtrimuvati transport zasib
To the affluent technician.
2. Witraty, which are involved in the transportation of the vikoristan, in
To that number with the payment of taxes on those payments, nes.

Stattja 802. Insurance of transport batch

1. Insurance of the transport charge is due to the lender.
2. The order of insurance in the field of hiring for school, yak
Mozhe buti zavdana іншій особі у зв'язку з використанням
Transport bug, set by law.

Стаття 803. Правові наслідки пошкодження транспорт засобу

1. Naymach zobov'azaniy vidshkoduvaty zbitki, zavdani u zv'yuqu
Із втратою або пошкодженням транспорт засобу, якщо він не
Vozde, scho tse became not with yogo vini.

Стаття 804. Правові наслідки заввання шкоди іншій особі у
Visibility of transport bureaucracy

1. Naymach zobov'azaniy vіshkoduvaty shodu, zavdanu іншій
Individuality in zvjazyku vikoristannyam transport zasobu, vidpodistno
To chapter 82 of the Code.

Stattja 805. Specialized in hiring a transport
Екіпажем, який його обслуговує

1. Management of the technical operation of the transport bump,
Transferred from hiring zekapazhem, provadyaetsya yogo ekapazhem. Ekipazh not
Zapivnya trudovihn vidosovin z nimodavtsem. Vithrati for the Utriman
Екіпажу несе наймодавець.
2. Accident of the transport zobov zobov'azaniy vіdmovitisya vіd
Vikonannya rozporyadzhen naymacha, yakshcho stench superpose to the minds
Contract hiring, vmovam vichoristan transport charge, and takozh
Yakshcho fumes can be safe for ekipazhu, transport
And the rights of the rest of the world.
3. By law, you can establish yourself in the same way as you specialize
Contract hiring transport zakupu zekikazhem.

Paragraph 6. Leasing

Стаття 806. Договір лізингу

1. For a lease agreement, one party (leasing agent) transfers
Abov zobov'azuyetsya transfer the other parties (Lizinhooderzhuachev) in
Korostuvannya mayno, scho nalezhit lіzindodavcju on the rights of power
Bullo him with no alternatives
(Direct leasing), abo mayno, spetsialno pridbane lezindodavtsem u
Seller (s) before the insertion
Lіzinhooderzhuachom specifikatsy ya mind (indirect leasing), on
The first line and the fee for the payment (leasing payment).
2. Before the lease agreement, zastosovuyatsya zagalnі povozhnya pro
Hiring (rent) in the hurricanes of specialties,
Paragraph that law.
Up to the time, in the cases of leasing, zastosovuyatsya zagalnі
Pozdnjana about komplavlyu-of sales that povozhnya about договір deliveries,
There is no further enactment by law.
3. Special attention to the visions and forms of leasing

Stattja 807. Subject of the contract leasing

1. The subject of the contract is leasing can not be unreachable,
Is indicated by the inland signs,
Legislation up to the basic funds.
2. You can not bout the object of the contract to lizing the land
That інші природні об'єкти, and також інші речі, vosstanovlіі by the law.

Стаття 808. Sellers' admission (the post)
Subject of agreement

1. Yaksho vidpovidno to the contract of indirect leasing of vibes
Seller of the subject of the contract to the lease agreement
Lizinhooderzhuvachom, the seller (the supplier) is not responsible
Before lizinhooderzhuachom for zasushennia zobov'azannya schodo anchovy,
Комплектності, справності предмета договору лізингу, його
Delivery, zameni, free of charge usunennia nedolіkіv, installation of the
Launching into exploitation. Якщо вибір продавця (почальника)
Of the subject of agreement to the lease of the builder, seller
(The litter-bearer), that lizindovaziv to bear before the lizard
Солодарну відповідальність за зобов'язанням істо-sale
(Supply) of the subject to the agreement.
2. Repair and technical maintenance of the object of the lease agreement
To be sold by the seller (the supplier) to the contract
Lizinhooderzhuachom that the seller (the post-driver).

Stattia 809. Rizik of the Vipadsky znischennya ori Vipadkovogo
Priscodzhennya subject leasing contract

1. Rizik Vipadkovogo znischennya abo vipadkovogo pososhodzhennya
Of the subject of the contract to the leasing of the leasing company,
Is established by the agreement by law.
2. Yaksho Lіzschodovatzabo the seller (the supplier)
Stitched the transfer of the subject matter to the contract of lease lizinhooderzhavachu
Lozinhooderzhovach prosostochiv poverennya subject to the contract
Lіsingu lіzindodavcju, rizik vipadkovogo znischennya abo vipadkovogo
Poshozhenna nesa party, yak stitching.