The Civil Code of Ukraine

Document 435-15, streamed edition on 14.06.2007 on the 1111-16 pinnacle, orderly

Chapter 63

Stattya 901. Договір about наддання послуг

1. The contract for nadannya was attended by one side (vikonavets)
Zobovyazyatsya for zavdannyam drugoi side (zamovnik) nadati
I will serve, yaka to argue in the process of engaging in
Здійснення певної діяльності, а замовник зобов'язується оплатити
Vikonavtsev zaznachenu sgigu, yakshcho no more established agreement.
2. The position of the head of the group can be addressed to all
Contractual agreement about a mission, do not superee a day

Stattie 902. Vikonannya contract about nadannya service

1. Vikonavets is guilty of nadati personally.
2. In vipadkah, vostanovleny agreement, vikonavets me the right
Lending vikonannya contract about nadannya has served on іншу person,
Zalishayuchis vidpovidalnim in the pendent obyazi before the zamovnikom for
Violation of the contract.

Stattie 903. Fee for the contract about the nadannya service

1. Yakshcho, the agreement was amended by the treaty for a fee,
Zamovnik zobov'yazany pay for nadanu yomu I will serve in rozmіrі, у
A line that is in order, but is inserted into the contract.
2. At разі неможливості виконати договір about наданяня has served,
Scho vinikla not from blame vikonavtsya, zamovnik zobovyazany viplatity
Vikonavtsev rozumnu fee. Якщо неможливість виконати договір
Виникла з вини замовника, він збов'язаний виплатити виконавцеві
Fee in the pending taxation, which is not settled by the contract

Statka 904. Visokshduvannya vikonavtsev actual costs for
An agreement on the free of charge

1. For the agreement on the free of charge, the ambassador has served
Zobov'azaniy vіdshkaduvatіy виконавцеві усі фактичні витрати,
Necessary for the contract.
2. The position of the part of the first stage is to get stuck
In vipadkah, if nemozhilivist vikonati dogovir about free of charge
Nadannya has served as a vice-minister
Were strong.

Stattie 905. Rows to the contract about the service

1. The line of the contract about the service has been established for
Housebuilding, no further enactment by law
Normative-legal acts.

Statty 906. Wikipedia entry for a contract with a treaty
About nadannya service

1. Zbitki, zavmina zamovniku nevikonannyam neo neolozhnim
Vikonyannyam contract about nadannya service for a fee, pidlyagayut
Vidshkoduvannuu vikonavtsem, y raz nayavnostі yogo vini, at the time
Lays, no further agreement is made. Vikonavets, yakiy
Having defeated the dogovir about the nadannya of an ambassador for a payment at the cost of them
Pідприємницької діяльності, Відповідає за це зарушення, якщо не
Vobede, scho nablyzne vikonannya vyyalosya nemozlimivim vnasledok
Non-reinforced, they are not enforced by the contract by law.
2. Zbitki, zavdanny nevikonannyam neo neolozhnim vikonannyam
To the contract about the free of charge the ambassador has served, to pick up the message
Vikonavtsem u rozmіrі, scho do not interrogate two neopotatkovyvanih
Мінімумів доходів громадян, якщо інший розмір відповідальності
Vikonavtsya not vestanovleny agreement.

Statty 907. The agreement on the service

1. Договір about наданяня has served може бути розірваний, at that
By one-sided invitation letter to the contract, in the order of that on
Pidstavah, vozstanovyh tsim Code, the next law for
Домовленістю сторін.
The procedure for setting up a contract for the hiring of a servant
Viznachayutsya domovlіstyu stоrіnо law.