The Civil Code of Ukraine

Document 435-15, streamed edition on 14.06.2007 on the 1111-16 pinnacle, orderly

Rozdil I

Chapter 1

Stattja 1. Vidnosini, scho regulyulyuyut tsivilnim legislation

1. Civilnym legislated to regulate the special nature of the majnovi vіdnosini (tsivilnyi vіdnosini), zasnovanі na juridichnіy rіvnostі, volіnym voleviyavlennі, majnovіy samostіnostі їh participants. 2. Prior to the mayor's meetings, the grounds for administrative admissibility of the individual podporyadkuvannyi odnієї side of each other, and as far as subordinate, budgetary matters, the law does not become lawful, but it is not enforced by law.

Stattja 2. The participants of the civic invoices

1. The participants of the civic vedosinen є phizichny individuals that legal entity (dali - individuals). 2. The participants in civil matters are: the Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, territorial authorities, and other countries that share the sub-public rights.

Stattya 3. Zagalni zasadi civilnogo legislations

1. By zagalnimi ambushes tsivilnogo legislations є: 1) inadmissible svavilnogo vtruchanya in the sphere of an individual life of people; 2) inadmissibility of adding the right of power, by the way, by the Constitution of Ukraine (254k / 96-ВР) that law; 3) freedom of contract; 4) the freedom of the prisoner, the yak is not dumped by law; 5) shipyard of the civil law right to the agency; 6) fairness, good faith and rozumny.

Article 4. Acting legislation of Ukraine

1. The basis of the civile legislation of Ukraine is the Constitution of Ukraine (254k / 96-ВР). 2. The main act of the civile legislation of Ukraine is the Civic Code of Ukraine. Acts of civil law є takozh інші laws of Ukraine, яіі приймаматься відповідно до Конституції України (254к / 96-ВР) тацьго Кодксу (даі - закон). Yakshchoo sub'ekt rights of legislative acts and laws, submitting to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine a draft law that is governed by the laws of the country, the code of laws and regulations for one-hour submission of the draft law to the draft law before the Civil Code of Ukraine. The filing of the bill is to be viewed by the Verkhovna Radu of Ukraine one-time in accordance with the draft law on the introduction of amendments to the Civile Code of Ukraine. 3. CIVILIAN ADVERTISEMENTS can be regulated by the acts of the President of Ukraine at vipadkas, the Constitution of Ukraine (254k / 96-ВР). 4. Acts of civil law є takozh order Kabinetu Ministry of Ukraine. Yaksho decree to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to supersede the provisions of the Code to the law of law, to dovetail with the provisions of the Code of the Law. 5. Інші оргадержавної влади України, орга влади Автономної Респубіки Crim mozhut vidavati normative and legal act, law regulating the civil matters, depriving them of vipadkas і in the interim, restorations of the Constitution of Ukraine (254k / 96-ВР) that law. 6. Цивільні відносини регулюються однаково на всій території України.

Стаття 5. Дія актів цивільного законодавства у часі

1. Actives of civil law regulate vidosnoni, yakі vinikli from the day of recruiting them order. 2. The act of civil law does not mean the bell ringing in the hour, krim vipadkiv, if vin pom'yakshuyo abo skasovuu tsivilnu vidpovidalnist individual. 3. Yaksho tsivilnyi vіdnosini vinikli early and regulated by an act of civil law, a kind of vigilance, a new act of civil law, zastosovyutsya to the rights of those obovozyazkiv, sch vinikli at the moment recruiting him chinnosti.

Stati 6. Actual legislation and dogovir

1. The parties mait the right to lay down the contracts, which are not imputations of acts of civil law, or to the zagal ambushes of civil law. 2. The parties have the right to vandalize the treaty, such as the acts of civil law, its legislation, and not the acts of speech. 3. The parties to the agreement can enter into the position of the actives of the civil law and the vagruljuvati of their own adherence to the rulership. Parties in the agreement can not enter into the position of the actives of the civil law, in other cases it is expressly stated in the acts, but in such cases, for the sake of obedience to the status of the act of the civil law is aggravated by the accusation of the parties. 4. The position of the part of the Persian, the other and the third party is stagnated, and і up to one-sided legalities.

Stattja 7. The Zichichi

1. Цивільні відносини mozhut reguljulovatsja zvichiєm, zokrema zvichaєm dіlnogo revotu. Zvich'yat і rule of the story, yak not vstanovlennye acts of civil law, ale є tired of the pevnyi sphere tsivilnyh vidosin. Звичай може бути зафіксований у виідповідному документаі. 2. Zvichay, scho superexpress the contract abo acts tsivilnogo legislations, in tsivilnyh vidosnonah not zasstosovetsya.

Stat'ia 8. Analogy

1. Yaksho tsivіlnі vіdosinini not pogogolovanіcim Code, іnshih acts of civil law or the contract, stinks are regulated by the legal norms of the Code, the іnshih acts of civil law, and regulate the subordination of zііmі zivіlnі vіdnіnіi (analogy to the law). 2. In the case of non-moderating vikoristy analogy to the law for regularity of civil matters, vonya regulate vidpovidno to zagalnih ambushes tsivіnogo legislations (analogy of law).

Стаття 9. Застосування Цивільного кодексу України до врегулювання відносин in the spheres of the dowry, the vicarities of natural resources, the hunt for dovkillja, and takozh up to the hard work of those simeinyh vidosin

1. Putting the code of the Code to get stuck before vraglosyuvannya vidosyun, yakі vinikayut in the spheres of the natural resources of the nature, that of the dovkill, and so to the work of that day, it is not disturbed by the acts of legislation. 2. By law, you may oversee the particularity of the regulation of Maynoviks in the sphere of public property.

Stattia 10. The international agreement

1. Chinniy mіzhsnarodnyy dogovіr, який нормалює цивільні відносини, згода на обов'язковість якого надана Верховною Радою України, є частиною національного цивільного законодавства України. 2. Yakshcho uchnnomu mіzhnarodnom treaty of Ukraine, ukladenimu vstanovlennuyu law order, mistjatsya іnші rules, ніж ті, що встановлені відповідним the act of civil law, zastosovuyutsya rules of the international treaty of Ukraine.