The Civil Code of Ukraine

Document 435-15, streamed edition on 14.06.2007 on the 1111-16 pinnacle, orderly


Chapter 7

Стаття 80. Understanding legal entity

1. Legal special є organisation, regulation and registration
The procedure established by law.
Legal person above legal status
Дієздатністю, може бути позивачем та відповідачем у суді.

Stattja 81. See the legal autumn

1. A legal person may be riddled with a badge
That lane.
2. Juridical individuals, lying in the order of xt,
Podilyayutsya on juridicheskih osib private law and legal osib
Public law.
Legal person of the private right to speak on
Install documents before the Article 87 of the Code.
The legal person of the public law is to be rasporyadchim act
President of Ukraine, the body of state power, authority
Autonomous republics Крим або органу місцевого самоврядування.
3. The Tsim Code establishes the order of the state,
Organizational and legal forms, legal status of legal entities
Private law.
The order of establishment of the legal status of legal matters
Public law in the Constitution of Ukraine
(254к / 96-ВР) that law.
4. A legal person may be sealed with a glove
Podilu (vidilu) in vipadkah, according to the law.

Stattja 82. The fate of legal issues of public law in civilizations

1. On the legal basis of publical law in civil matters
To lay down the laying of the code of the Code, no further storage

Stat'ia 83. Organizatsiyno-legal forms of legal autumns

1. Juridical individuals can talk to forms of partnerships,
Established in other forms, as prescribed by law.
2. A partnership is an organisation,
(Participants), yakі majjut the right of a share in the company of comrades. Partnership
Moge bouti trasreno odnієy osoboyu, yakschoo інше not vstanovleno
Fellowship on the subject of the non-adherence.
3. Establish є organizatsiya, borry odnієyu abo klikloma
Individuals (dignitaries), do not take the part in its management,
With the hat of obedinnya (vidilennya)
Bishops, for the razoonok of this lion.
Particular attention to the legal status
Shall be enacted by law.
4. Putting the head of the matter to rest assured before all comradeships
Installation, yakshcho інші rules for okremih hidіv partnerships
Not enforced by law.

Стаття 84. Підприємницькі товариства

1. Partnerships, yakі zdіysnjumut pіdpriєmnitsku діяльність з
By the method of the sustained pribudku ta advancing yogo rozpodilu mizh
Participants (підприємницькі partnerships), mozhut бути стрені лишеі лише
Yak gospodarski comradeship (in general, the comradeship, the commanders
Відповідальністю, акціонерне товариство) або виробничі

Стаття 85. Непідприємницькікі дружба

1. Nepidpriemnitskimi comradeship є comradeship, yakі not mait
On the meti-supported pributku for yogi advancing rozpodilu mizh
2. Special attention to the legal status of the visually impaired
Non-cooperative partnerships are established by law.

Стаття 86. Здійснення підприємницької діяльності
Non-cooperative partnerships with those institutions

1. Nepidpriemnitsky comradeships (cooperative societies,
Obedinnya gromadyan tochno) that you can establish the order of its own
Basic dіяльністю здійснювати підприємницьку діяльність, якщо
Інше not vstanovleno by the law і якщо ця діяльність відповідає меті,
For the ashes of stink of buli, and that of the enemy.

Statka 87. The Streener of Legal Entities

1. For legal entities, participants (dignitaries)
Rozroblyayut set up documents, yakі vikladayutsya letter i
To be signed by all participants (dignitaries), but not by law
vstanovleny Inshyj order їh zatverdzhennya.
2. We will establish the document of comradeship œ consolidation by participants
Statute abov skasnovnitsky dogovіr mіzh uchasnikami, yakshcho іnshe not
Is established by law.
A partnership, a one-of-a-kind special state, and a statute,
Hardened by a special one.
3. Establishing a stand on the submission of indefinite
Spilnogo stanovychogo act, deposited by an official (dignitaries).
The installation act can be arranged in the same way as in the safeguard. To the line
Establish an installation act, one-to-one accumulation of assets,
Mozhe bouti skasovannogo by an official (dignitaries).
4. Legal person vvazhaetsya trudenyuyu from day to day

Stattja 88. Wimogy before installing documents

1. The statute of the partnership shall be vested with the naimenuvannya legal
Individuals, the organization of management, the competence, order
Priinyatty them rishen, the order of the entrance to the comradeship and vyhodu z
Нього, якщо додаткові вимоги щодо змісту статуту не встановлені
The law.
2. In the case of a matchmaker, the comradeship is viznachayutsya
Zobov'yazanya uchasnikіv stvoiti comradeship, order їх спільної
Діяльності schodo yogo strenrenya, after the transfer to the lane comrade
Uchasnik, yaksho dodatkovi vimogi shodo zmistu zasnovnitskogo
The contract is not enforced by the Code with a new law.
3. In the installation act, install vkazuyutsya її meta,
Vyznachayutsya mayno, yak transfer to install, neobhdnev for
Досягнення цієї мети, the management structure is established. Якщо в
To install an act, to be held in a secure place, in the middle of the day
Sign of the vischello, їх встанолює орган, що здійснює
Holding power. (Article 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as amended by Law No. 2452-IV
(2452-15) dated 03.03.2005)

Stat'ia 89. The holding of the legal entity

1. Legal person pідлягає державній реєстрації у порядку,
Established by law. DANI sovremennoї reestrazii turn on before
Ідиного державного реєстру, відкритого для загального
2. The ruin of the order established by the law
Juridical person abo nevidpіdnіst її installation documents
Law є pіdstavoju for відмови у державній реєстрації юридичної
Individuals. Відмова у державній реєстрації з інших мотивів
(Nedotsitsilnist tochno) not to be admitted.
3. Vidmova at the state registration office, and takozh zholikannya z її
Spent the way you can be prosecuted.
4. Prior to the joint state reestra,
Organizatsiyno-legal form of legal entity, її naimenuvannya,
Місцезнаходження, organization managіння, філії та представництва, мету
Establish, and that's the way they are, established by law.
5. Зміни до установчих документов документаів юридичної особи набирають
Чинності для третіх осіб з дня їх державної реєстрації, а у
Vipadkah, vstanovlenyh law - at the time of the organ,
Scho zdіysnyuє derzhavnu реєстрацію, about soі зміни. Legal entities
Їх participants do not grudge the right to take advantage of the visibility of the state
Реєстрації таких змін у відносинах із третіми особами, які діяли з
Urauvuvanni cih zmin.

Stat'ia 90. Naimenuvannya legal entity

1. A legal person is guilty of a mother's surrender,
Informatisation about the legal and organizational form.
Naimenuvannya establish mе містити інформацію about nature її
A legal person can be mathematically qualified for speed hiring
2. A legal person, that is, a pidpriemnitskim comradeship, may
Mati komertsyne (firmov) naimenuvannya.
Комерційне (фірмове) наменування юридичної individuals can be
Zarestrovan at the order, established by law.
3. Naimenuvannya juridical individuals vkazuyutsya in її installation
Documents і to be made up to the диdin state power.
4. In the case of its own name, the legal person is
Vikonannya інших вимог, fixed by the law, зобов'язана помістити
Uninhabited prose in drunkovyh hunches of masovo інформації, in яких
To publish about the state registration of a legal entity, that
Poizdomiti pro ce all individuals, z yakimi vona perebuvae at dogovirnyh
5. Legal person does not have the right of vikorovuvuvati naimenuvannya
Іншої юридичної individuals.

Stat'ya 91. The legal identity of a legal entity

1. The juridical person of a mother's house is so t ziv tsivilny rights ta
Obovyazyka (tsivilnu pravozdatnist), yak i fizichna persona, krim silent,
Yakі for its nature can mogut nastojati lishhe ludinі.
2. The legal identity of a legal entity may be crossed
Lisha for rulings to the court.
3. A legal person may, for example,
The re-enactment of which shall be established by law,
Special permissions (litigations).
4. The legal identity of a legal entity is at the moment
Її treasury і pripinyayatsya from the day of entering to the Іdіn state
Reestru note about її pripinennya.

Stat'ia 92. Civilna dієздатність legal entity

1. Legal person nabuvaє tsivilnykh rights that obov'yazykov i
Здійснює їх through its organization, yakі діють відповідно до установчих
Documents in the law.
The order of the authority of legal entities is established
With the established documents that law.
2. In vipadkas, established by law, a legal person can
Nabuvati tsivilnykh rights that obovozyazkiv і zdіysnjuvjati їх through svoїh
3. The Organ shall be a person, yaka, before the installation of documents
Juridical person of the law vіgodіє vіd ії імені, зобов'язана діяти
In the interests of a legal entity, good and bad, that does not
Perevischuvati svoeї obnovazhen.
In the third part of the world,
Representatives of a legal entity do not have legal force,
Vipadkiv, if a legal person is brought to her, but the third person knew about it
All the circumstances could not but know about the so-and-so.
4. Yakshcho for the organ of a legal entity, that інші individuals, yakі
Up to the law chi of installation documents in progress
Juridical person, crush your obovovyazki schodo predstavnitvva,
Stinks to carry soliadarnu vidpovidannist for zbitki, zavdanі them
Juridical person.

Statka 93. Місцезнаходходняня юридичної individuals

1. Місцезнанаходженням юридичної особи є Address To Authority
Individuals, yakі vіdpіїdno before the installation of documents of legal entities
The law vidupayut vіd її імені. (Statka 93 in the editorial board of the Law N 2452-IV (2452-15)

Stattya 94. Specificity of non-legal rights of legal entities

1. Juridical person, the right to underdevelopment її ділової
Reputatsii, on the subject of correspondence, on the information of the інші
Osobisti nemainovі rights, yakі mozhut їй належати.
Individuals of non-legal rights of legal persons are abused
Up to chapter 3 of the Code.

Stat'ia 95. Філії та представництва

1. Філією є відококремлений підрозділ legal person, що
Roztashovany poza її місцезнаходходням та здійснює всі або частину
Її functцій.
2. Predstavnitstvom є vidokremleny pidrozdіl legal entity,
Роз роз роз по по по по по по
Representation and zahist of interests of a legal entity.
3. Філії та представництва not є legal persons. Ponies
To be lined up with the legal entity, which was created, and
Pidstavi zasverdzhennogo it laid.
4. Керівники філій та представництв is recognized as a legal entity
Special і діють на підставі виданої нею довіреності.
5. Information about the phylosophy and representation of juridical persons
Join up to the other state power.

Стаття 96. Відповідальність юридичних осіб

1. A legal person is self-sufficient for her own
2. A legal person is responsible for her own problems
Bedded lynx.
3. A participant (official) of a legal entity is not responsible for
Zobov'yannami legal entity, and legal person is not responsible for
Zobov'yazannymi її participant (official), krіm випадків,
The provisions of the installation documents that law.
4. Individuals, whichever is the legal person, to bear the salt
Vidpodalnist for zobov'yazannymi, scho vinikli up to її statehood
The legal person is responsible for zobov'yazannymi її uchasnikіv
(Snowshooters), sho pov'yana z її стренренням, тільки у разі
Approachable grasp of їхніх дій відповідним орган юридичної

Stattya 97. Management of the partnership

1. Manage the partnership of the yoga organization.
2. The organs of management of comradeship are zagalny zbori yogo
Participants and the vikonavichy body, is not further enforced by law.

Statty 98. Загальні збори учасників товариства

1. Загальні збори учасників of partnership мають право приймати
Рішення з усіх pitan diyalnostі comrades, beside that number nі з тих,
Scho transferred zagalnimi zborami to competence vikonavchogo organ.
2. Рішення загальних зборів приймаються простою більшістю від
The number of attendees, no more installed
Documents by law.
The information about the amendment to the statute of the association, vichchuzhennya
Lane of comradeship
In the lane of comradeship, that about partnership
Приймамаються більшістю не менш як у 3/4 голосів, якщо ненше не
Is due to the law.
3. A participant in a partnership is not entitled to a vote with a virgin
Pity zarchi comrades feed
That schodo dispute with him and comradeship.
4. The order of squirting zagal zbornіv viznachaetsya in
Installation documents of the partnership. Comrades
Volodijut not mensh yak tenma vidosotkami voices, mozut vimagati
Sklikannya zagalnih zborіv.
Якщо вимого учасників about sklikannya zagalnih zborіv not
Vikonana, ti participants mait the right to selfishly scribble zagalny zbori.
5. Rishennya zagalnih zbornіv mozhe bouti oskarzen by the participant
Comradeship to court.

Statka 99. Vikonavchy organ of the partnership

1. Загальні збори товариства своїм рішенням створюють
Vikonavshy body that vstavlyayutyut yogo kompetentciyu i warehouse.
2. The vikonavchy body of the partnership may be deposited in one's office
Кількох осіб. Vikonavchy organ, scho warehousing in kilkok osib,
Priymaє rіshennya y order, vstanovlenuemuyu paragraph of the first part
To the Code.
3. Members of the vikonavchogo organ can mate at any time
Usuneni vіd vikonannya svoїh obov'yazіv, yakshcho in the installation
Documents are not viznacheni pідстави усунення членів виконавчого
Organ vіd vikonannya svoїh obov'yazіv.
4. By the call of the vikonavochogo body of the association,
Installation of documents, abo the law, can "rule", "directing"
In other words.

Statka 100. The right to participate in the partnership

1. The right of a participant to a partnership shall be subject to a non-monetary right and
Can not be transferred in person.
2. The partners of the partnership wield the right to leave the comradeship,
The installation documents not for the installation of the binding of the participant
Letter of alternation about the holy vihid of comradeship in the visions
Lines, which can not be interwoven with one rock.
3. The participant in the comradeship of the vipadkas is in order,
With legal documents, can be

Stat'ia 101. I am installing the management

1. Demonstrators establish not to take part in the management of it.
In the installation of obovyazyakovo stvoiovyatsya rule, to yakogo
To get stuck in the statute of the 99th Code.
The installation act may be interdigitated by the order of takozh інших
Organiiv, viznachati order formvannya tsih organiiv ta їh warehouse.
2. Look at the documentation to establish a good visibility.
Visually glad to see the visibility behind the control of the lane
Establish, dostupernyamymi meti seti ta її іншою діяльністю
Before the installation act.

Стаття 102. Передання майна устанавлиі

1. In the installation act, you can be identified as Mayno, yak as a bastard (and in
Разі його смерті - зобов'язана особа) guilty of transferring installation
Після її державної реєстрації.

Stattya 103. Zmіa et al establish the structure of management

1. Yaksho zdіysnennnja meti vstavi became nemozlimivim bobo
Zagrozhuє suspilnye іnteresam, then the organ of the body, a kind of zdіysnyuє
Holding the reestra- tion, you can get married to the court with the application
Viznachennya іnshoї meti set for weather with organs
Control installation.
2. At different times, establish the court is guilty of physicians namiri
The official that dbati about those, shob vigodi vіd the vicarage lane
Establish the transfer to the same time, as many tourists as possible
They confessed to the namir of the official.
3. The court may change the structure of the management board,
Neobhіdno vaslіdok zmіni іsli set the most important militants
4. In the case of a change in the organization of the management structure
Establish її rule of law zobov'yane podimomiti court in writing form
About your dumb zti tsiogo pittannya.

Statya 104. Pripinennya legal entity

1. A legal person should be assigned to the results of the transfer
Its lane, the rights that obovozjazkіv to the legal entities -
Offenders (zlittya, priednannya, podilu, peredvorennya) in
Resultі ліквідації.
2. A legal person is such, she has been assigned, on the day of the entry
Єdiynogo state reestru a note about її pripinennya.
3. The order of acquiring legal personality in the process of implementation
Її platospromozhnostіo bankruptcy vstanovlyuetsya law.

Stattya 105. Obovyazyki individual, scho priinyala rishennya about
Legal drinking

1. The participants of a legal entity, the court of law, having received
Rіshennya about припинення legal person, збов'язані неойно
A letter to the authorities about the body, which is responsible for the reestra- tion,
To make a contribution to the state sovereignty
Juridical person perebuvaєe in the process pripinennya.
2. The participants of a legal entity, the court of law,
Рішення about припинення юридичної individuals, признаяють комісію з
Privenennya legal entity (lіkvіdatіynu komісію, ліквідатора
In the same way) that introduces the order і lines of the prequalified juridical person
Up to the Code. {The first part of the article is different
105 із змінами, висеними згідно із Law N 3456-IV (3456-15)
As of 22.02.2006}
Виконання функцій комісії з припинення legal person
But it is pawned on the body of management of a legal entity.
3. At the moment of acknowledging the comity to pass
Povnovazhenna schodo upravlennya spravami legal entity. Комісія
Vypupaє in the court of law of the juridical person, yaqa pripinyatsya.
4. The comission of the legal person in the friendships
In the form of mass information, in some publications about the
Repository of juridical person, scho pripinyayatsya, obsidomlennya
About pripinennya legal entity about the order і lines of the statement
By creditors. Tie lines can not be less than two
Місяців з дня publikatsії повідомлення about припинення юридичної
Комісія вживає усіх можливих заходів шодо виявлення
Creditors, and takozh letter povіdomlyaє їх about припинення
Legal entity.

Stattya 106. Zlittya, priennannya, podil ta peredvorennya
Legal entity

1. Zlittya, приєднання, поділ та перетворення юридичної individuals
To be in the habit of doing yoga
An individual who has been indulged in the installation of documents, and in vipadkas,
Podbachenyh law, - for the courts to the prosecutor's office
State power.
2. By law, may be secured against the
State authority
Zlitty abo priednannya.

Stattya 107. The order of drinking a legal entity with anger,
Приєднання, поділу та переверрення

1. The creditor of a legal entity, that is,
Vid ne neprinennya abo dostrolovogo vikonannya zobov'yanya.
2. To close the line for the submission of declarations by creditors
That zadovolennya chi vidhilennya cich vimog komisiya z pripinennya
Juridical person of the warehouse is the transfer act (in the case of anger,
Приеднання або переверрення) або розподільчий баланс (у разі
Поділу), які мають містити положення about правонаступництво щодо
Vseh zobov'yazan legal entity, scho pripinyayatsya, stasovno vseh
Її кредиторів та боржників, вклюючи зобов'язання, які
Contested by the parties.
3. The transfer certificate and the balance sheet must be consolidated
Participants of a legal entity abo body, yaky priinyav rishennya pro
Її припинення.
The notarized copy of the certificate of transfer
Rozpodilchogo balance transferred to the body, a kind zdіysnyuє derzhavnu
Реєстрацію, за місцем державної реєстрації юридичної individuals, що
Pripinyatsya, and takozh in the body, a kind zdіysnyu derzhavnu reestracy,
For a person holding a legal entity of a legal person.
4. The ruin of the position of the parts of the other, that of the third party of the state
Підставою для відмови у внесенні до єдиного державного реєстру
A note about pripinennya juridicheskoї sobi ta sternvnіy reestratsії
Legal rights to legal persons.
5. Yakshcho right-leavers legal entity і kіlka juridical
Osib and precisely viznachiti the right-of-right shodo specific obovyazykov
Juridical person, scho pripinila, nemozhlivo, juridical persons -
Right-wingers carry a soliloquence in front of
Creditors of juridical person, she clung to.

Stat'ia 108. Redevelopment of legal entities

1. Peredvorennnyam legal entity є zmіna її
Organisational and legal form.
2. In case of re-entry to the new legal entity,
Musto mayno, the right of that obovvozyka alternate juridical person.

Statka 109. Viewed

1. Vidilom є perehіd for rozpodolchim balance part of the main,
Of the rights of the obovozyazkiv juridical person to odnієї abok kіlokh
Of new legal entities.
2. Until the view is stuck in the analogy of the position of the part
Першої, друї та четвертої статті 105 та положення статьи 106 і
107 of the Code.

Stat'ia 110. Licensing of legal entities

1. Legal person:
1) for rіshennyam її participants in abort organ of legal entity,
On the basis of the established documents, including
Zv'yazku із закінченням a line, in a boule is legalized
Person, dosyagnennyam meti, for anchor її it is trivial, and takozh in інших
Vipadkah, peredachicheny installation documents;
2) for judgments to the court about the viznannya court nedіysnoy sovremennoy
Реєстрації юридичної individuals through admission under її створенні
Zarashennya, yaki can not be used, but in the other vypadkas,
2. Whimoga about the legal entity on pidstavah,
Signposted in paragraph 2 of part першої цієї статті, може бути
Is presented before the court by the body, which is the holder of the reestra- tion, and
Takozh participant of legal entity.
Rishennyam to court about legal entity's yogic
Participants in the body, with respect to installation documents
Приймати рішення про ліквідацію юридичної individuals, mozhut buti
Покладені обов'язки щодо проведення ліквідації legal person.
3. Yakshcho vartnist lane legal entity - a disadvantage for
Zadovolennya vimog creditors, juridical persona likviduyutsya in
The procedure established by law for the introduction of platosphere
Abou the bankruptcy.
4. Specific lіkvіdatsії bankіv vstanovlyayutsya law on
Banks і bankівську діяльність.

Statka 111. The order of legal entity

1. Ліквідаційна комісія після закінчення линия для
Predlavlenya vimog creditors warehousing promyzhny lіkvіdatsіny
Balance, yaky mіstit vіdomosty about the warehouse of a legal entity,
Lіkвідується, перелік пред'явленийх by creditors вимог, and також про
The resultant view.
Проміжний ліквідаційний balance затверджується учасниками
Juridical person abo body, yaky priynyav rіshennya about lіkvіdatsіyu
Legal entity.
2. The payment of a sum of money to the creditors of a legal entity,
To fail, to get by at the order of chergovost,
Statutem 112 of the Code, before the promo likvidatsionnogo
Balance, starting on the day of the yogi solidification, for the wagtail
Creditors of the fourth cherga, vyplati yakim provadyatsya zі slyvom
Місяця від дня затвердження promііжного ліквідаційного balance.
In times of lack of legal personality,
Грошових коштів для задоволення вимог кредиторів ліквідацінана
Комісія здійснює sales of the legal entity's lane.
3. Pislja zakrashennja rozraunkiv with creditors lіkvіdatsіna
Комісія складає ліквідаційний balance, який затверджується
Participants of a legal entity by a body, having received a
Legal entity.
4. Mayno juridical person, sho zalishilos pislya zadovalenya
Vimog lentorіv, to be transferred її to participants, якщо інше not
Established by the legal documents of the law.
5. Legal person - on the day of registration before the ad
Soviet regestru record about її pripinennya.

Stat'ia 112. Задоволення вимог кредиторів

1. In the case of a platosphere of a legal entity
Її кредиторів задовольняються у такій черговості:
1) at the top of the chervon,
School, zavdanoї каліцтвом, іншим ушкодженням здоров'я або смертю,
That is the creditors' creditors, who are forced to stop in a different way;
2) a friend of a chervon is satisfied with the admirers of prazivnikiv,
Are affected by the laborious invoices, the author's
Vikorystannya result yogo інтелектуальної, творчої діяльності;
3) in third place the chervon is enchanted with wimogs schodo podatkiv, zborniv
(Obovyazykovy payments);
4) in the fourth, all the enigmatic worms are satisfied.
Вимоги однієї черги задовольняються пропорційно сумі вимог,
To lay on the leather creditor of the cherry.
2. At разі відмови ліквідаційної комісії у задоволенні вимог
Creditor abolishment of the accounts of the creditor of the right to
Завердження ліквідаційного balance juridical person zvernutisya up to
To the court із позовом до ліквідаційної комісії. For the judgments of the court
The lender may be satisfied with the lane of the lane,
Після ліквідації legal person.
3. The lender's creditors, claiming a line,
Vstanovlenogo lіkvіdatsіnoyu komіsієyu for їх pred'yavlenya,
Zadovolnyayutsya z mayna legal entity, yaku likvidovuyot, scho
Enriched with a greeting of wimog creditors, applications
It's all right.
4. Wimogs of creditors, which are not visually impaired,
Yakschoo the creditor at місячний rows після одержання повідомленняня про
Povnu pornokovu vidmovu viznannny yogo vimog not zvertavsya to
To the court in the post, wimogy, in the lawsuits that have been envied for some reason
Creditors, but not the way they are, not satisfied with
To attend the lane of a legal entity, to register, to march in