Constants, Units of Measurement Reference

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Measures of length

1 inch = 2.539 cm
1 inch = 12 lines
1 inch = 1000 mils
1 cm = 0.3937 in.
1 mm = 1000 microns
1 micron = 1000 nanometers
1 nanometer = 10 angstroms
1 foot = 0.3048 meters
1 foot = 3 palms
1 foot = 12 inches
1 foot = 144 lines
1 foot = 12,000 mils
1 meter = 3.281 feet
1 yard = 0.9144 meters
1 yard = 3 feet
1 meter = 1,094 yards
1 km = 0.6214 miles
1 mile land = 1.609 km
1 mile land = 8 furlong
1 mile land = 80 chain
1 mile land = 5280 feet
1 mile land = 1760 yards
1 mile English = 500 feet
1 mile English = 1,523 km
1 mile Russian = 7.468 km
1 mile Russian = 7,000,375 versts
1 mile Russian = 3,500,188 boundary versts
1 verst = 1,0668 km
1 verst = 500 fathoms
1 verst = 430,1613 skew fathoms
1 verst = 606,1364 flying fathoms
1 verst = 1500 arshin
1 bench verst = 2 versts
1 sazhen = 2.1336 meters
1 sazhen = 3 arshina
1 sazhen = 5.08 cubits
1 sazhen = 7 feet
1 sazhen = 12 sprouts
1 sazhen = 48 vertices
1 inch = 17.78 cm
1 inch = 4 inches
1 inch = 7 inches
1 span = 70 Russian lines
1 league sea = 3 nautical miles
1 mile offshore = 1.852 km
1 mile offshore = 8.439049 cables
1 mile offshore = 10 small cables
1 cable = 185.2 m
1 cable = 120 fathom (fathoms)
1 mile geographical = 1 'Earth's equator
1 mile geographical = 1,8532 km
1 sea league = 3 nautical miles
1 nautical league = 5555.55 km
1 league (league) = 4.828032 km
1 league (leagues) = 1 mile land
1 chane = 4 genus
1 Chain = 22 yards
1 cf = 66 feet
1 tap = 100 links
1 cf = 792 inches
1 second light = 299792.5 km
1 light minute = 60 light seconds
1 astronomical unit = 8.316746 light minutes
1 light-year = 63239.73 astronomical units
1 parsec = 3.261633 light years
1 redshift = 4222000000 parsec

Area Measures

1 in2 = 6,452 cm2
1 cm2 = 0.155 in. 2
1 mile2 = 2.59 km2
1 mile2 = 640 acres
1 mile2 = 259 hectares
1 km2 = 0.3861
1 acre = 0.4047 ha
1 acre = 4 ores
1 acre = 160 genus2
1 hectare = 2.471 acres
1 ar (weaving) = 100 m2
1 hectare = 100 hectare
1 hectare = 10 000 m2
1 ore = 1011.714 m2
1 ore = 40 kind2
1 ore = 108.9 squares
1 ore = 1210 yards2
1 ft2 = 144 in. 2
1 ft2 = 0.0929 m2
1 yard2 = 9 feet2
1 yard2 = 0.8361 m2
1 Township = 93.23957 km2
1 township = 36 miles2
1 township = 144 homesteads
1 homestead = 160 acres
1 homstead = 640 ores
1 meter2 = 10.76 feet2
1 meter2 = 1.196 yards2
1 versta2 = 1.138062 km2
1 versta2 = 78,125 dessiatines of economic
1 verst2 = 104.1667 dessiatines of state treasuries
1 tithe government = 10925.4 m2
1 tenth economic = 14567.2 m2
1 tithes economic = 1,333333 acres of state treasuries
1 tithe economic = 28800 arshin 2

Measures and units of speed

The speed of sound in the air is 331.46 m / s
The speed of sound in the air = 1193.256 km / h
The speed of light in a vacuum = 299792.5 km / s
1 km / s = 3600 km / h
1 km / sec = 60000 meters / min
1 km / sec = 0.6213712 miles per second
1 km / h = 0.2777778 m / s
1 km / h = 16.66667 m / min
1 km / h = 0.6213712 mph
1 knot = 1,852 km / h
1 knot = 1,150,779 miles per hour
1 knot = 1.68781 ft / sec

Paper sizes

A0 = 1189x841
A1 = 841x594
A2 = 594x420
A3 = 420x297
A4 = 297x210
A5 = 210x148
A6 = 148x105
A7 = 105x74
B0 = 1000x1414
B1 = 707x1000
B2 = 500x707
B3 = 353x500
B4 = 250x353
B5 = 176x250
B6 = 125x176
B7 = 88x125
C3 = 324x458
C4 = 229x324
C5 = 162x229
DL = 220x110

Measures of volume

1 inch3 = 16.39 cm3
1 in3 = 0.01639 liters
1 liter = 61.03 in. 3
1 gallon = 4,546 liters
1 gallon = 4 quarts
1 gallon = 8 pints
1 gallon = 32 gill
1 gallon = 128 fluid ounces
1 gallon = 1024 liquid drachmas
1 gallon = 61440 minima
1 liter = 0.2270207 loose gallon
1 liter = 0.264172 liquid gallon
1 barrel dry = 0.115628 m3
1 barrel of oil = 0.158988 m3
1 barrel English = 0.16365 m3
1 liter = 1000 cm3
1 cm3 = 0.06102 in. 3
1 ft3 = 0,02832 m3
1 meter3 = 35.31 feet3
1 yard3 = 0.7646 m3
1 meter3 = 1.308 yards3
1 register ton = 2832 m3
1 bushel = 36.36879 liters
1 bushel = 33,02588 bulk quarts
1 free flowing = 8,809,768 liters
1 pec = 8 quarts
1 pec = 16 pints
1 pec = 64 gill
1 loose quart = 1,101,221 liters
1 quart = 0.25 gallons
1 quart = 2 pints
1 quart = 4 gill
1 liquid ounce = 29.57353 cm3
1 liquid ounce = 8 liquid drachmas
1 liquid drachma = 3.696691 cm3
1 liquid drachma = 60 min
1 pentagon = 2,133203 buckets
1 chetverik = 8 garnets
1 barrel = 40 buckets
1 bucket = 12.3 liters
1 bucket = 4 quarters
1 bucket = 10 shtofs
1 bucket = 16 wine bottles
1 bucket = 20 vodka bottles
1 bottle = 1.23 liters
1 bottle = 2 vodka bottles
1 curtain = 10 char
1 curtain = 20 scales
1 cup = 0.1 buckets
1 vodka bottle = 0.615 liters
1 wine bottle = 0.7768 liters
1 scale = 61.5 cm3
1 garnet = 3.2798 liters

Weights measures

1 grain = 0.0648 grams
1 grand = 20 maite
1 grain = 480 dolit
1 grain = 0,05 scruples
1 carat = 3,086 gran
1 carat = 200 mg
1 gram = 15.43 grit
1 ounce = 28.34952 grams
1 ounce = 16 drachmas
1 gram = 0.03527 ounces
1 pound = 16 ounces
1 pound = 0.4535924 kg
1 kg = 2.205 lb.
1 troy ounce = 31.1035 grams
1 troy ounce = 155.5174 carats
1 troy ounce = 20 pennyweight
1 troy ounce = 480 grains
1 troy pound = 12 troy ounces
1 troy pound = 373.242 grams
1 long ton = 1016.047 kg
1 long ton = 20 long centners
1 long ton = 160 stone
1 long ton = 2240 pounds
1 short ton = 907.1487 kg
1 short ton = 20 short centners
1 short ton = 2000 pounds
1 stone = 6,350,293 kg
1 cental English = 112 pounds
1 cent. English = 58.8 kg
1 berkovets = 10 poods
1 pood = 16.38048 kg
1 pood = 40 Russian pounds
1 Russian pound = 0.409512 kg
1 Russian pound = 32 lots
1 Russian pound = 96 spools
1 spool = 4,26575 grams
1 spool = 96 parts

Correspondence of temperatures

1 degree Celsius = 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit
1 degree Celsius = 1 kelvin
1 degree Celsius = 0.8 degrees Reaumur
1 degree Celsius = 1.8 degrees Rankina