Rozdil XI. The wickedness of the armlessness of driving that transport operation - the Criminal Code of Ukraine

Кримінальний кодекс України
Editing 01.09.2001, із змінами і доповненнями is included until 01.12.2005 року

Rozdil XI

Stattie 276. The ruin of the rules of carelessness of the ruin of the exploitation of the hall, the water transport of transport

1. Ponushenny pracitsivnikom zaliznichnogo, water abovitiryarnogo transport rules of careless ruhu abo ekspluatatsyї transport, and takozh neprorojakisny repair of transport zabobiv, kolіy, zasobstv znakomizatsii y zv'yazku, yakshchoo tserstvoryo nebezpeku zhittya nebot nastannya іnshikh zhilkikh naslіdkіv, -

Karayutsya vizravnimi robots on the lines up to two people rock'n'no obmezhennyam voli on the lines to three ryokhiv.

2. Ті самі діяння, якщо вони спричинили терпілому середньої тяжелості чи тяжелиі тілесні ушкодження або заподіяли больку матеріальну шкоду, -

Karayutsya pozbavlennyam voli on lines from two to seven rock.

3. Diyannya, perebacheni in parts of the first row of the other, and the stinks have caused the death of people -

Karayutsya pozbavlennyam voli on the lines of seven to dvadnatsyati rokiv.

Стаття 277. Пошкодження шляхів получення і транспортних засобів

1. Umisne ruinuvannya abo poshkodzhennya shlyahiov spoluchennia, sporud on them, rihogo to the warehouse abo suden, zasobiv zv'yazku chi signalizatsii, and takozh інші дії, спрямовані on the subject not subject to the unprincipled for the exploitation of the mill, yakzcoo tse sprichinilo chi could sprinkiniti avarіyu pazhda, The ship aborted the normal transport to the robot, did not provide a safe haven for the people's lives, but also for the onslaught of their grave troubles,

Punishable by a fine of one hundred neopodatkovyvanih mininimiv income gromadyan abo vizualnymi robots on the lines of up to two rock, podbavlenyam wolves on the lines of up to three rock.

2. Ті самі діяння, якщо вони спричинили терпілому середньої тяжелості чи тяжелі тілесні ушкодження або заладали велиії матеріальної шкоди, -

Karayutsya pozbalennyam voli on the lines of up to eight rock.

3. Diyannya, perebacheni in parts of the first row of the other, and the stinks have caused the death of people -

Karayutsya zazavlennyam volo on the lines of seven to p'yatnattsyati rockiv.

Stattya 278. Hijacking of the plundering of the warehouse of a rustic warehouse, an expensive,

1. Ugon podoplennya zaliznichnogo ruhomogo warehouse, perevryatnogo, morsky chi richkovoy ship -

Karayutsya pozbalennyam voli on the lines of up to six rock.

2. Ті самі дії, вчинені за родньою змовою групою осіб або поєднані з violence, як не є небезпечним для життя чи health'я страпілого, -

Karayutsya pozbavlennyam volo on the lines of up to eight rock.

3. Dії, pobabacheni in part by the first person of the other, that is brought in by the gov- ernment with the violence, which is not unsuccessful for the life of the health of the patient, but so did the death of the people of the country,

Karayutsya zazavlennyam voli on the lines of eight to p'yatnattsyati rockiv.

Stattya 279. The blockade of the transport communes, but also the transportation of traffic

1. Blokuvannya transport komunikatsyy shalom vashshtuvannya pereshkod, viklyuklyuchennya ergergopostachanannya chi in the other way, yak pogruzhilo normalno robotu transport otlo stvoilovalo nebezpeku for zhittya people, abo nastannya інших heavy залідків, -

To be punished with a fine of up to fifty unpaid minimum income in the amount of monies by right-handed robots on lines up to two people, by arresting them on lines of up to six months, or by exchanging wolves on lines to three strips.

2. Захоплення to station, аеродрому, to port, стації абоіншого transport підприємства, establish the organization -

Karaєt pozavlennyam volі on lines vіd dvuh to п'яти років.

3. Dії, peredbacheni in parts of the first person of the other tsієї stattі, yakshcho stings sprinkled people's bodily discomfort,

Karayutsya pozbavlennyam voli on the lines of p'yati to dvadnatsyati rokiv.

Стаття 280. Примушування працівника transport before the neobikonannya svoїh zabibovih obov'yazіv

1. Primushuvannya pratsіvnika Zaliznicnovo, povіtryanogo, water, avtomobіlnogo, mіskogo elektrichnogo chi magіstralnogo truboprovіdnogo transport to nevikonannya svoїh sluzhbovih obov'yazkіv Shlyakhov shook vbivstvom, zapodіyannyam serious tіlesnih ushkodzhen abo znischennyam lane tsogo pratsіvnika chi blizkih Yomou osіb -

To be punished with a fine of up to fifty unpaid minimum income in the amount of monies by right-handed robots on lines up to two people, by arresting them on lines of up to six months, or by exchanging wolves on lines to three strips.

2. Ті самі дії, вчинені repeatedly for the alternating winter group of osib, -

Wary of the oxen on the lines to the p'yati rock 'ni podbavlenniam voli on that very line.

3. Dії, peredbachenі Chastain Perche abo by another tsієї stattі, vchinenі organіzovanoyu GROUP abo poєdnanі s Enforced, nebezpechnim for Zhittya chi Zdorov'ya poterpіlogo, takі abo scho sprichinili zagibel people chi INSHI tyazhkі naslіdki -

Karayutsya pozbavlennyam voli on the lines of p'yati to dvadnatsyati rokiv.

Stattya 281. The Pursuit of the Rules of the Resulting Poloties

1. The ruin of the rules of the bezpeki polotіv povitryаnyh suden individuals, yakі not є pracitsnikami poіtryannyh transport, yakshchoo tsevorilo nebezpeku for zhittya people abo nastannya іnshih grave naslіdkіv, -

To be punished with a fine of up to one hundred non-compliant income minimum income, with a fine of up to six months, on the lines of up to three strips.

2. Ті самі діяння, якщо вони спричинили терпілому середньої тяжелості тілесні ушкодження або заладали велиії матеріальної шкоди, -

Karayutsya zazavlenniam voli on the lines from two to p'yati rockiv.

3. Diyannya, perebacheni in parts of the first row of the other, and the stinks have caused the death of people -

Karayutsya pozbavlennyam voli on the lines of p'yati to dvadnatsyati rokiv.

Stattie 282. The ruin of the rules of vicarities

1. Ponushennya rules for the launching of missiles, carried out all vidіv strіlbi, vibuhovykh robіt nachinennya іnshynі дій у поітряруюному просторі, якщо цестворило зацрозу безпеці повітряних польотів, -

Punishable by a fine of one hundred neopodatkovyvanih mininimyv earnings gromadyan abo vivo robots on the lines to two strips, abo omegzhennyam voli on the lines to p'yati rockiv.

2. Ті самі діяння, якщо вони спричинили терпілому середньої тяжелості чи тяжелі тілесні ушкодження або заладали велиії матеріальної шкоди, -

Karayutsya zazavlenniam voli on the lines from two to p'yati rockiv.

3. Діяння, perebachenі partnoyu першою або other цієї статті, якщо stinks спричинили забибель people, -

Karayutsya pozbavlennyam voli on the lines of p'yati to dvadnatsyati rokiv.

Stattya 283. Samovil'ne without food

1. Samovіlne without nagalnoї require zupinennya poїzda stop tap chi Shlyakhov roz'єdnannya povіtryanoї galmovoї magіstralі abo іnshim way Yakscho Tse target zagrozu zagibelі people chi nastannya іnshih serious naslіdkіv abo zapodіyalo Skoda Health Protection poterpіlogo -

To be punished with a fine of up to fifty unpaid minimum income in the amount of monies by right-handed robots on lines up to two people, by arresting them on lines of up to six months, or by exchanging wolves on lines to three strips.

2. Ті самі дії, якщо вони спричинили загибель людей або інші тяжекі наслідки, -

Karayutsya pozbalennyam voli on the lines of up to ten rock.

Stattya 284. Nenadannya dopomogi ship to those people,

Nenadannya Relief kapіtanom ship razі zіtknennya s іnshim ship ekіpazhu that passengers ostannogo and takozh zustrіnutim in morі abo on іnshomu water high road personages, SSMSC arrogant dashing, Yakscho vіn MAV mozhlivіst Nadachi Taku Relief without seryoznoї nebezpeki for Svoge ship yogo ekіpazhu i pasazhirіv, -

To be punished with a fine of up to one hundred non-compliant monies in the income of the gromadyans by right-handed robots on strings up to two people, by arresting them on lines of up to six months, or by placing waves on rows to two people.

Стаття 285. Неповідомлення капітаном / name your ship with sіtknennіі суден

Unpopulated by the capitán of a vessel to a new ship, it is necessary to check it on the sea, call it the port of registration of its vessel, and so that its mission is not recognized, it is unreasonable to be able to pay taxes,

To be punished with a fine of up to a hundred times non-compliant income in the amount of monies earned by right-handed robots on strings up to two strata, or by arresting them for up to six months.

Stattie 286. The ruin of the rules of carelessness of the expensive road to the exploitation of transport by individuals,

1. Porushenny rules of careless road rakhu abo ekspluatatsiї transport special, yaka keruє transport zasobom, scho sprichinil patelnomu srednnyo severnyost tislesne ushkodzhennya, -

karaєtsya fine of up to one hundred neopodatkovuvanih mіnіmumіv dohodіv gromadyan abo vipravnimi robots row to dvoh rokіv, abo areshtom row up to six months at, abo obmezhennyam Volya on the lines to troh rokіv, s pozbavlennyam right keruvati transport zasobami row to troh rokіv abo without such.

2. Ті самі діяння, якщо вони спричинили смерть страпілого або заподіяли тяжелесне ушкодження, -

Karayutsya zazbavlenniam vololi on the lines of up to eight rockies from pozbalennyam rights keruwati transport zasobami on the lines to trihoch rock without me.

3. Діяння, perebachenі partnoyu першою цієї статті, якщо вони спричинили забибель кількох осіб, -

Karayutsya zazavlennniam vololi on the lines of seven to twoteen rockies with zabavlenyam rights keruwati transport jams on the lines of up to three rock.

Primitka. Pid transport zasobami in tsіy stattі that statte 287, 289 i 290 slіd rozumіti All types avtomobіlіv, tractors that INSHI samohіdnі machine, tramvaї i trolleybus and takozh motorcycles that INSHI mehanіchnі transportnі zasobi.

Stattya 287. A visa for the exploitation of technically inadequate transport facilities for the abolition of crippling operations

Key infrastructure in ekspluatatsіyu zavіdomo tehnіchno by malfunction of the agriculture zasobіv, access to transport keruvannya zasobom individuals yak is staying in stanі sp'yanіnnya abo not Got the right to transport keruvannya zasobom, chi Lots Other rougher torn down rules ekspluatatsії Transport, scho ubezpechuyut dorozhnіy ruh, vchinene special, for vіdpovіdalnoyu Technical train of abacus exploitation of transport facilities, yakshchoo tse prprichinilo poterepilomu srednnyo severnyost tislesne ushkodzhennya, grievke tislesne uskozdzhennya abo yogo death, -

karayutsya fine of up to one hundred neopodatkovuvanih mіnіmumіv dohodіv gromadyan abo vipravnimi robots row to dvoh rokіv, abo obmezhennyam Volya on the lines to p'yati rokіv, abo pozbavlennyam Volya on the lines to p'yati rokіv, s pozbavlennyam right obіymati planted pov'yazanі s vіdpovіdalnіstyu For technical support of transport operations, on lines to three rockies without it.

Stattie 288. The ruin of rules, norms and standards, that is to say that the road

Torn down rules, regulations i standartіv scho stosuyutsya ubezpechennya road Ruhu, vchinene special, vіdpovіdalnoyu for budіvnitstvo, rekonstruktsіyu repair chi utrimannya shlyahіv, vulits, zalіznichnih pereїzdіv, іnshih Shlyakhovoy sporud, abo special, yak vikonuє takі robot Yakscho Tse torn down sprichinilo poterpіlomu serednoї Heavy weight of the ear, death of the child, death, -

To be punished with a fine of up to one hundred neopodatkovuvanih mininimumv income gromadyan abo vizhnimimi robots on the lines to two strips, abo omemzhennyam voli on the lines to p'yati rockiv, pozavlennyam wolves on the lines to p'yati rockiv.

Statka 289. Illegally driving a transport bug

1. Illegally zavolodinnya transport bug -

To be punished with a fine from one day to one thousand to one thousand dollars. Two to ten times a year.

2. Ti samі dії, vchinenі again abo for poperednoyu zmovoyu GROUP osіb, abo poєdnanі s Enforced scho not Je nebezpechnim for Health Protection poterpіlogo Zhittya chi, s abo shook zastosuvannya such vio, abo vchinenі s proniknennyam in primіschennya chi Lots Other skhovische, abo Yakshcho stubs zavdali znachnoї materialnoi shodi, -

Karayutsya pozbavlennyam voli on the lines of up to eight rockies from the confrontation of the maya abo without such.

3. Dії, peredbachenі Chastain Perche abo by another tsієї stattі, vchinenі organіzovanoyu GROUP abo poєdnanі s Enforced, nebezpechnim for Health Protection poterpіlogo Zhittya chi, s abo shook zastosuvannya such vio, abo Yakscho stink zavdali velikoї materіalnoї Skoda -

Karayutsya pozbavlennyam voli on the lines of seven to p'yatnatciyati rockyv z konfiskatsiєyu lane.

4. Zvіlnyaєtsya od krimіnalnoї vіdpovіdalnostі court lady, yak Vpershe seized of dії, peredbachenі tsієyu statte (for vinyatkom vipadkіv illegal zavolodіnnya transport zasobom іz zastosuvannyam vio to poterpіlogo Chi shook zastosuvannya such vio), Ale dobrovіlno said about tse pravoohoronnim authorities turned transport zasіb vlasniku i Поністю відшкодувала завдані збитки.


1. Pid illegally zavolodіnnyam transport zasobom in tsіy stattі slіd rozumіti vchinene umisno, s whether yakoyu metoyu protipravne viluchennya whether Yakim way transport from zasobu vlasnika chi koristuvacha vsuperech їh Volya.

2. Vіdpovіdno to Chastain Druha tsієї stattі pid povtornіstyu slіd rozumіti vchinennya such Act reasonably distinctive, yak ranіshe illegally seized of zavolodіnnya transport zasobom abo zlochin, peredbacheny statte 185, 186, 187, 189 - 191, 262, 410 tsogo Code.

3. Vіdpovіdno to Chastain Druha i tretoї tsієї stattі materіalna Skoda viznaєtsya valued at razі zapodіyannya real zbitkіv od for the amount of one hundred to dvohsot p'yatdesyati neopodatkovuvanih mіnіmumіv dohodіv gromadyan and great - at razі zapodіyannya real zbitkіv on the bag Ponad dvіstі p'yatdesyat neopodatkovuvanih mіnіmumіv Income of the Gromadyans.

(Edited by the Law of Ukraine
Dated 22.09.2005 p. N 2903-IV)

Stattya 290. Znischennya, pidrobka abvo zamnina numbernev vuzlіv ta aggregatіv transport zasobu

Zinischennya, підробка або заміна ідентифікаціного номер, номерів двигуна, шасі або кабины, або заміна without permission of the bodies in the number of the panel with the number of the transport charge -

Punishable by a fine of up to ten to two hundred non-compliant income in the amount of money gromadyan abo vizualnymi robots on the lines of up to two strips, abo omemzhennyam voli on the lines to three ryokhiv.

Stattie 291. The Ruling of the Cynthia on the Transport of the Rules

Porushenny chinnih on transport rules, scho vespechuyut ruch, yakshcoo tse prprichinilo zagibel 'people nebolsin bolshy nalilki, -

To be punished with a fine of up to one hundred neopodatkovuvanih mininimumv income gromadyan abo vizhnimimi robots on the lines to two strips, abo omemzhennyam voli on the lines to p'yati rockiv, pozavlennyam wolves on the lines to p'yati rockiv.

Stattya 292. Poshkozhennya ob'ektiv magistralnih naphtho-, gas-naftoproduktoprovodiv

1. Poshkodzhennya abo ruynuvannya magіstralnih naphtho-, gas that naftoproduktoprovodіv, vіdvodіv od them, and takozh s tehnologіchno pov'yazanih them ob'єktіv, sporud, zasobіv automation zv'yazku, signalіzatsії, Yakscho Tse prizvelo torn down to normalnoї robots zaznachenih truboprovodіv Abo caused a sketch for people's lives, -

To be punished with a fine of up to one hundred neopodatkovuvanih mininimumv income gromadyan abo vizhnimimi robots on the lines to two strips, abo omemzhennyam voli on the lines to p'yati rockiv, pozavlennyam wolves on the lines to p'yati rockiv.

2. Ті самі дії, вчинені repeatedly for the alternating zmovoyu grupoju osib, and takozh zagalno nebezpechnim way, -

Karayutsya omegzhennyam volі on the lines to p'yati rockіv abo pozbavlenniam voli on the lines of up to eight rock.

3. Dії, perebachenі in parts of the first stage of the other stіlі stіtі, yakshоo stinks caused people to be killed, інші нещасні випадки з people were called up to avarії, pozhezhі, zabochnennya zabrudnnya dovkіllya chіn іnshih zhilkikh naslіdkіv, abo vchinnenі organizovannoyu grupoju -

Karayutsya pozbavlennyam voli on the lines of p'yati to dvadnatsyati rokiv.