Rozdil X. Pokarannya ta yogo vidi - The Criminal Code of Ukraine

Кримінальний кодекс України
Editing 01.09.2001, із змінами і доповненнями is included until 01.12.2005 року
The official part is

Rozdil X

Stattie 50. Understand that that yogo meta

1. Pokarannya - by landing the primus, scho otososovuyutsya vіd іmenі derzhavi virokom court to the individual, viznanoye wine in vichinenny evil, and polyagae in podbarchennoy law obmezhenny rights and liberties sasuzhenogo.

2. Pokarannya maє on metі not tіlki karu, but th vipravlennya zasuzhenih, and takozh zapobіgannya vchіnennuyu novіh malignant yak zasugenіmi, and іnіshimi persons.

3. Pokarannya not moe on meti zavdati fizichnih pozhdan nik priniziti manisku gidnist.

Stattie 51. See the punishments

Until the autumn, viznanyh vinimi have vchinennny evil, the court can mozhut bouti zastosovani so taki pokaran:

1) fine;

2) pozbavlenya vіys'kovogo, spetsialnogo zvannya, rang, the rank of abo kvalіfіkatsіnogo klasu;

3) pozhavlenya rights obiymati pevnі posadi abo loan to the pioneer diyalnistyu;

4) gromadsky robots;

5) good work;

6) services for women in charge of vijskovo services;

7) confiscation of the mine;

8) Arrest;

9) Wave sweating;

10) triemann in the disciplinary batallion of the viscose services;

11) podbavlennya volos on the singing lines;

12) довічне побавлення волі.

Stattie 52. The main thing is dodatkovi pokarannya

1. The main pokrannami гро gromadskі roboty, vypravnі roboty, obmobzhenny for vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv, arrest, obmezhennya volі, trimannya v diskitsplinarnomu batiliyonі vіys'kovosluzhbotsіv, pobavlennya volі na pevnyi rly, dovіchni pozbavlennya volі.

2. Dodatkovym pokarannami є pozhavlenya Vіys'kovogo, spetsialnogo zvannya, rangu, ruku abo kvalіfіkatsynogo klasu ta confiscation of the lane.

3. The penalty is the right to cancel the right of the debtor to be seized by the debtor, and to pay for the debt, you can be stuck in the basics, so you do not have to deal with it.

4. For one wicked person may be recognized as depriving one of the most serious actions, pobachchene in the Sanction of Statutory Special Part of the Code. Prior to the main pokrannya moge budi priadnane odn chi kilka dodatkovyh pokaran at vipadkah this order, before the punishment of the Cyme Code.

5. Uhilennya vіd pokarannya, vyrokomu vyrokom court, moe naslidkom vidpovidalnist, podbachenu statki 389 ta 390 tsyogo Code.

Statka 53. Fine

1. A fine is punishable by a stagnation, but is imposed by a court in vipadkas and interrogations, restated in the Special Partial Code.

2. Rozmіr fine to be judged by the court severely against a grave insult to the wicked ta uryahuvannya majnovogo camp of wine in the interstate for three days before the tysyachi neopodatkovuvanih mіnіmіvі income of the gromadyans, yakaschos stati The special part of the code is not peddled with a fine rozmіru fine.

3. Penalty yak dodatkov pokorannya mozhe bouti confessions Lisha Todi, yakshcho yogo spetsialno perebacheno in sanktsії statti Particular part of the Code.

4. In the event of non-finan- cial finality, the court can suspend a fine for raids in the form of gromadskie robits and rozrawnku: ten years of gigantic robots in one installment by the law of neo-submittals, the minimum income of the gromadians, or the right-handed robots, but one of the right-handed robots for the restoration of the laws of non-repayment of the minimum income Gromadyan, alle on the lines not more than two of the rock.

Statka 54. Pozbavlennia Vіys'kovogo, spetsialnogo zvannya, rangu, rank of abo kvalіfіkatsіnogo class

Zasudzhena for serious chi especially serious evil of a person, yaka maє vіys'kove, spetsіalne zvannya, rank, rank abo kvalіfіkatsynyi class, mozhe bouti is poured for the virok court to tsyogo zvannya, rangu, konu abo kvalіfіkatsynogo klasu.

Stat'ia 55. The pozbavlenya of the right to organize a song, sit down, borrow a pioneer dіyalnіstyu

1. Pozbavlenya rights oyymati pevnі posadi abo zaymatisya pivnoyu diyalnistyu mozhe bouti vykachene yak pomernannya povarannya on lines vid dvikh p'yati rokіv abo yak dodatkove pokarannya on lines vid one up to three ryokhiv.

2. Diligence of the right of association to be seized by the applicant shall be lodged in the form of a complaint that may be detained in Vipadkas, if it is not done in the Sanction of the Statute. The Special Part of the Code for the Rules, which is inflicted on the nature of the evil, Busy with the pioneer dіyalnіstyu, individuals zasudzhenogo іnshih obstavin sprovi court viznachene for nemozhlive zaberezhennya after him right оіймати півні задиди або займатися певною діяльністю.

3. With acknowledged pozbavlenya rights oymyati pevnі posidi pokoitma pevnoyu diyalnistyu yak dodatkovogo pokarannya before arriving, obmezhennaya volya, triemannya in the disciplinary batallioni viskskogo sluzhbovtsiv podbavlennya voli na pivnye rybi - vobo poshiryuetsya v uves' hour vidbuvannya proraman'ya і, krім цього, on the lines, Virokom judgments, but typing legitimate force. In the case of the lines of the addendum pokarannya, you will be assessed at the moment of the review of the main pokaran, and in case of confiscation of the pampered person, you will have to pay for the right of the debt to the pre-admission to the basic orders, and so that the laws of the Code are enforced, .

Stattya 56. Gromadsky Robots

1. Gromadsky robots pogayuyut vikonannі zasugenim u vіnny vіd roboti chav navchannya an hour of free sospilno korisnichny robot, the kind of a kind of viznachayut organ mosvtsevogo samovyryvannya.

2. Hromadsky robot vstanovlyayutsya on the lines of the shistyshti up to two hundred and forty years old and I do not blishsh yak chotiri godini for the day.

3. Hromadsky robots are not recognized as individuals, we find out that people are the first group of women, women, women, women, women, and people who work in the service of the string service.

Statka 57. Vipravnі roboti

1. Pokarannya u vidі vipravnih robit vstanovlyuetsya on lines for six months before the two birds, and get into the robot zasudzhenoy's world. Із sums zabobytku zasudzhenoj up to vypravnih robots vyaditsya vidrahuvannya in the income of the power at rozmіrі, vіrokovomu virokomu court, in the interstices from ten to twодцяти відсотків.

2. Vipravnі robots do not zastosovuyatsya to vagіtnih zhinok t zhinok, yakі perebuvuyut vіdpusttsі on dolglyadu for ditinoju, to nepratsezdatnih, to osib, scho not досягли шістнадцяти років, that тих, пo досягли пенсійного віку, and також to військослужбовців, працівників правохоронних оргаів, Notaries, courts, prosecutors, lawyers, state service ministries, landed authorities of municipal self-enumeration.

3. Individuals, yaki became unprecedented in the enactment of the verdict to the viroku court, vizualnyi robot court can lock up a fine and open a three-rub bill to restore the non-repayment of the income of the gromadyans for one month of vipravnih robot.

Стаття 58. Службові обмеження для військовослужбовців

1. Pokarannya in the form of service obmezhennia zastosovuyutsya before zasuzhenih vіys'kovosluzhbovtsiv, krіm vіysskovsluzhbovtsіv string service, on lines for six months to two rockies in vipadkas, peredbachenyh tsim Code, and takozh vypadkah, if the court, vrahovoychi obzvidni spravi vizhati zasudzhenogo, vvazhatim mozhlive Замість обмеження волі чи побабавлення волі on the lines не більше двох років признатити слубове обмеження на той самий стро.

2. IZ sumi penny zabuzpechennja zasudzhenoj to otmebovogo obmezhenna vyaditsya vidrahuvannya in the income of the power at rozmіrіi, vіrokovlennomu virokom to the court, in the interstices from ten to twодцяти відсотків. Pid hour vidbuvannya chyogo pokarannya zasuzheny can not budi pidvitchesy for posadoyu, viskskomu zvanni, and the lines pokarannya not zarahovuyutsya yomu in the lines of vyslugi rockiv for the assignment of the cervic viskuskovogo zvannya.

Statka 59. Confectionery

1. Pokarannya in the form of confiscation of the lane in the primus free viluchennyi in the power of the state of the northern part of the lane, yak-vlasnistyu zasuzhenzhenogo. Yakshcho confiscate part of the mine, the court is guilty of treason, yak sama part of the mine confiscate, do not change the name, just confuse.

2. The confiscation of a mine shall be imposed for a grievance of a particular heavy burdensome evil and may be acknowledged as a loss in vipadkas, in particular in the Special Partial Code.

3. Перелік майна, що не підлягає конфіскації, визначається закон Україні.

Stattie 60. Arest

1. Pokarannya in the form of arriving in Poland in a triennial zasuzhenzhenogo in the minds of the settlement and set on lines of one to six months.

2. Vіys'kovoesluzhbotsі vіdbuvuyut are arriving in the guardhouse.

3. Aresht does not zastosovuyutsya until osib vіkom to shіstnaccyati rokіv, vagіtnih zhinok ta zhinok, yakі majut deti vіkom up to seven rokіv.

Stattie 61. Obmezhennia Volya

1. retribution from vidі obmezhennya Volya polyagaє in trimannі individuals in krimіnalno-vikonavchih install vіdkritogo type without іzolyatsії od suspіlstva in the minds of her lucid zdіysnennya s obov'yazkovim zaluchennyam zasudzhenogo to pratsі.

2. The omegennya volі vstanovlyuetsja on lines vid one to p'yati rockiv.

3. Obmezhennya Volya not zastosovuєtsya to nepovnolіtnіh, vagіtnih zhіnok i zhіnok scho toil dіtey vіkom to chotirnadtsyati rokіv to osіb scho dosyagli of the Pension vіku, vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv strokovoї that service to іnvalіdіv pershoї i Druha groupies.

Stattja 62. Trimannya in the disciplinary battalion of the viscose services

1. retribution from vidі trimannya in distsiplіnarnomu batalyonі priznachaєtsya vіyskovosluzhbovtsyam strokovoї service on lines od six months at up dvoh rokіv in vipadkah, peredbachenih CIM Code and takozh Yakscho court vrahovuyuchi obstavini Spravi that special zasudzhenogo, vvazhatime for mozhlive zamіniti pozbavlennya Volya on the lines not bіlshe Two of the rock tribes in the disciplinary battalion on that very line.

2. Trimannya in distsiplіnarnomu batalyonі vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv zamіst pozbavlennya Volya not Mauger zastosovuvatisya to osіb, SSMSC ranіshe vіdbuvali retribution from vidі pozbavlennya Volya.

Stattie 63. The Waves on the Song of Songs

1. Pokarannya u vidi pozhavlennya voli polagayє in zizlyatsії zasudzhenogo ya pomoshchenny yogo na pevnyi ryk up kriminalno-vikonavcho establish.

2. pozbavlennya voli vstanovlyuetsya on the lines of one to p'yatnattsyati rockiv.

Стаття 64. Довічне позбавлення волі

1. Dovіchne pozbavlennya Volya vstanovlyuєtsya for vchinennya Especially serious zlochinіv i zastosovuєtsya deprivation in vipadkah, spetsіalno peredbachenih CIM Code, the court did not Yakscho vvazhaє for mozhlive zastosovuvati pozbavlennya Pevnyi Volya on the lines.

2. Dovіchne pozbavlennya Volya not zastosovuєtsya to osіb scho seized of zlochini in vіtsі 18 rokіv, i have to osіb vіtsі Ponad 65 rokіv and takozh to zhіnok, scho boule in stanі vagіtnostі pid hour vchinennya zlochinu abo at the time Decree viroku.