Rozdil II. The Law on Criminality in the Code of Criminal Procedure - The Criminal Code of Ukraine

Кримінальний кодекс України
Editing 01.09.2001, із змінами і доповненнями is included until 01.12.2005 року
The official part is

Rozdil II

Stattja 3. Legislation of Ukraine about кримінальну відповідальність

1. Legislation of Ukraine on the criminality of the admission to become the Criminal Code of Ukraine, a way to compete in the Constitution of Ukraine with the principles of ignorance and norms of international law.

2. Laws of Ukraine on the criminality of the admission, accepting a copy of the enumeration by the Code, be included before the date of recruiting them.

3. Malice of the day, and so yogo karanist and інші кримінально-правові наслідки viznachayutsya tilki zim Code.

4. Diligence to the law about the criminality of the admission for the analogy is buried.

5. Laws of Ukraine on the criminality of compliance with the obligations to be laid, to be ruled in the official international treaties, for the sake of obvojazkovism, which are imposed by the Supreme Radu of Ukraine.

Stattia 4. The Law of the Law on the Criminality of the Year

1. The law on criminality is recruited within ten days from the day of the yogic office oppression, but neither is it imposed by the law itself, nor by the day of the publication of the yogi.

2. Malice and karanіst діяння viznachayutsya the law about кримінальну відповідальність, який діяв на час вчинення цього діяння.

3. An hour of a wicked evil man is to be recognized by the hour in which he was summoned specially by the law about the criminality of the day before the abolition of the abyss.

Statka 5. Zvorotna dіya to the law about кримінальну відповідальність у часі

1. Law about krimіnalnu vіdpovіdalnіst, yaky skasovuє zlochinnіst dіyannya abo pom'yakshuє krimіnalnu vіdpovіdalnіst, Got zvorotnu dіyu in chasі, tobto poshiryuєtsya on osіb scho seized of vіdpovіdnі dіyannya dialed up so chinnostі law, in addition to chislі osіb, SSMSC vіdbuvayut retribution abo vіdbuli Pokarannya, a lot of judging.

2. The law of the criminality of the law, the law of the evil, the disregard of the crime, not the noise of the day in the hour.

3. The law on the criminality of the interior, the private part of the estate, the private part of the property, the municipality of the day in the hour of deprivation of the part, yaka pom'yakshuyu vidpovidalnist.

Stattia 6. The law of the law on the criminality of the crime of mischief, vchinenih on teritorii Ukrainy

1. Individuals, yaki, inflicted wickedness on the territory of Ukraine, podljagayut kriminalnogo vidpіdalnosti zim Code.

2. The villainy is to be recognized as entering the territory of Ukraine, yaksho yogo bula pocato, prodovzheno, zakincheno abo pripineno teritorii Ukrainy.

3. Malice is to be recognized as entering the territory of Ukraine, yaksho yogo vikonavets abo hocha b one із співучасників діяв на території України.

4. Power about krimіnalnu vіdpovіdalnіst diplomatically predstavnikіv іnozemnih powers that іnshih gromadyan, SSMSC for the laws of Ukraine i mіzhnarodnimi treaties Zgoda on obov'yazkovіst yakih Nada Supreme Radoyu Ukraine, Je pіdsudnі not have the right krimіnalnih courts of Ukraine, in razі vchinennya them zlochinu on teritorії Ukraine Virishuyutsya diplomatic hat.

Stattia 7. The law of the law on the criminality of the crimes of poverty, inciting the Ukrainians to abominate persons without gromadyansya for the interstices of Ukraine

1. Gromadyani Ukraine that individuals without gromadyanstva scho postіyno prozhivayut in Ukraїnі, SSMSC seized of zlochini for її mezhami, pіdlyagayut krimіnalnіy vіdpovіdalnostі for the CIM Code Yakscho not peredbacheno mіzhnarodnimi Lots Other treaties of Ukraine, on Zgoda obov'yazkovіst yakih Nada Supreme Radoyu Ukraine.

2. Yakscho individuals zaznachenі in chastinі pershіy tsієї stattі for vchinenі zlochini arrogant krimіnalnogo retribution for mezhami Ukraine, the stench of shaping can not Buti prityagnenі in Ukraїnі to krimіnalnoї vіdpovіdalnostі for tsі zlochini.

Stat'ia 8. Chinnist to the law on the criminality of the crime of poverty, vynyenih iznozemtsami aboriginal persons without gromadyannosti for the interstices of Ukraine

Іnozemtsі abo individuals without gromadyanstva, scho not prozhivayut postіyno in Ukraїnі, SSMSC seized of zlochini for її mezhami, pіdlyagayut in Ukraїnі vіdpovіdalnostі for the CIM Code in vipadkah, peredbachenih mіzhnarodnimi contracts abo Yakscho stink seized of peredbachenі CIM Code Especially tyazhkі zlochini against the rights i freedoms gromadyan Ukraine abo Entertaining in Ukraine.

Стаття 9. Правові наслідки засудження individuals for the intercourses of Ukraine

1. Virok court іnozemnoї powers Mauger Buti vrahovany, Yakscho The Citizen Ukraine, іnozemets abo person without gromadyanstva boule zasudzhenі for zlochin, vchineny mezhami for Ukraine, that seized of znovu zlochin on teritorії Ukraine.

2. It is advisable to part of the first day of the year to recidivist the evildoers, disobedience to the court of law, and to the judiciary in the land of the enemy during the kvalifikation of a new evil, acknowledged, punished, criminally insulted and criminally prosecuted.

Stattia 10. The species of the individual, the yak accusing himself of the evil, that person, the yak zasudzhena for vchinennya evil

1. Gromadyans of Ukraine that individual without gromadyannosti, scho postoyno live in Ukraine, yaki vchinili wicked pose with the interstices of Ukraine, can not buti vidanі inozemnіy keep for attracting to the criminality and advances to the court.

2. Inozemtsi, yakis have introduced wickedness into the territory of Ukraine and zasudzheny for them on the pidstavіtsi of the Code, they can be transferred to the customs for the incursions of the evil of the people, the thieves of the ashes, but such transfer is peddled by the international treaties of Ukraine.

3. Inozemtsi that individuals without gromadyannosti, scho postinoyno do not live in Ukraine, yaki vchilii evil things poza mezhdami Ukraini і perebuvayut na її teritorії, mozhut buti vidanі іноземній державі for attracting up to the criminality and advances and judgments before the court, аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааау The transfer of goods in front of the international treaties of Ukraine.