Rozdil III. Злочин, його види та стадії - The Criminal Code of Ukraine

Кримінальний кодекс України
Editing 01.09.2001, із змінами і доповненнями is included until 01.12.2005 року
The official part is

Rozdil III

Stattie 11. Understand the evil

1. By malice перед peredbachene tsim Code sospilno nebezpechne vinne dіyannya (dіya abo bezdіyalnіst), vchinene sub'ektom malicious.

2. Do not be evil, do not abuse, ya hocha formally and misti zaniki be-yakogo diyannya, perebachenogo cym Code, ala through maloznachnost not become suspilnoy nebespeki, tobto not zapodiila and could not restore the istotnoy school of the legal entity, legal entity, abso-power.

Стаття 12. Класифікація злочинів

1. Zalezhno vіd stіzya zhil'kostyі zhilchini podіlyayutsya on zlochinі nebelikії zhilkostіі, srednnyої heavier, heavy and especially difficult.

2. The evil of unbelievable seriousness is evil, for some kind of pogranchenya pokaranya u pidi pozbavlennya volos on the lines are not more than two of the rockies, abo, bilsh m'yake pokorannya.

3. The evil of the middle grave is wickedness, for a kind of pogranachene pokaran'ya u pidi pozbavlennya volos on the lines are not more p'yati rockiv.

4. A hard evil is evil, for a kind of pogranachene pokaran'ya in the form of pozhavlennya voli on the lines no more than ten rock.

5. Especially the grievous villain is evil, for a kind of pogranachene pokaran'ya in the form of pozhavlennya volos on the lines of ten ten rockov obo dovіchnogo zabavlennya volya.

Stattie 13. The reasons for those nepokintscheny evil

1. Zakinchimim evil person to be aware of the day, yake mesti syі znaki to the storehouse of evil, pobrachenogo vidpodіdnoyu statuteyu Particular part of the Code.

2. Unintelligible wickedness - gotuvannya to evil is that swing for evil.

Statka 14. Gotuvannya before the evil

1. Gotuvannyam to zlochinu Je pіdshukuvannya abo pristosuvannya zasobіv chi znaryad, pіdshukuvannya spіvuchasnikіv abo zmova on vchinennya zlochinu, usunennya pereshkod and takozh Lots Other umisne stvorennya minds for vchinennya zlochinu.

2. Gotuvannya before the evil is not so great a burden as not for the criminality of the past.

Stattya 15. Zamah on the wicked

1. swing on zlochin Je vchinennya owes a special debt s direct umislom dіyannya (dії abo bezdіyalnostі) bezposeredno spryamovanogo on vchinennya zlochinu, peredbachenogo vіdpovіdnoyu statte Osoblivoї Chastain tsogo Code, Yakscho at tsomu Bulo zlochin not brought to kіntsya s reasons scho not stale od її Volya .

2. Swing on vchinennya zlochinu Je zakіnchenim, Yakscho lady vikonala usі dії, SSMSC vvazhala neobhіdnimi to bring up zlochinu kіntsya, ale zlochin not Bulo zakіncheno s reasons SSMSC not stale od її Volya.

3. Zamah on vachinennya evil is not defenseless, because of a special reason, she did not lie in the wolves, she did not inject her, she did not need anything to bring the evil to the censorship.

Стаття 16. Кримінальна відповідальність for not knowing evil

Krimіnalna vіdpovіdalnіst for gotuvannya to zlochinu i swing on zlochin nastaє for statte abo 14 15 i for tієyu statte Osoblivoї Chastain tsogo Code, yak peredbachaє vіdpovіdalnіst for zakіncheny zlochin.

Stattja 17. Dobrivіlna vіdmova pri nezakіnchenomu malicious

1. Dobrovіlnoyu vіdmovoyu Je residual pripinennya owes a special debt of svoєyu willed gotuvannya to zlochinu abo swing on zlochin, Yakscho at tsomu won usvіdomlyuvala mozhlivіst bringing zlochinu to kіntsya.

2. The person, yak dobrovіlno vіdmovilasya od bringing zlochinu to kіntsya, pіdlyagaє krimіnalnіy vіdpovіdalnostі deprivation in addition razі, Yakscho factuality vchinene her dіyannya mіstit warehouse іnshogo zlochinu.