Rozdil VIII. Obnovlani, scho viklyuchayut zlochinnіst діяння - Кримінальний кодекс України

Кримінальний кодекс України
Editing 01.09.2001, із змінами і доповненнями is included until 01.12.2005 року
The official part is

Rozdil VIII

Stat'ia 36. The Need for Defense

1. Neobhіdnoyu stronghold viznayutsya dії, vchinenі s metoyu ohoronyuvanih Zahist rights law that іnteresіv individuals yak zahischaєtsya, abo іnshoї individuals and takozh suspіlnih іnteresіv that іnteresіv powers od suspіlno nebezpechnogo encroachment Shlyakhov zapodіyannya fact hto posyagaє, Skoda, neobhіdnoї i dostatnoї in danіy Situatsii for negaynogo vidvernennya chi pripinennya zasyagannya, yakshcho with ts'omu not boolo allowed to intervene between neobhіdnoy defense.

2. The skin person may not have the right to need defense without securing herself against the possibility of uniqueness of a susceptibly unsuccessful impulse to marry for the sake of some other authority or authority.

3. The brigade between the non-defense defenders should be visibly docked by the fact that they encroach on, the heavy school, the yak is obviously not transparent enough to infringe on the circumstances of the zahist. Intervention between the necessary defense of the draft of the criminality in the course of the vipadkas, in particular, in the statutes of the 118th Code of the Code.

4. Especiality is not pinned down the criminality of the past, it is through strong souls hvilyuvannya, viklikane sospilno nebezpechnym encroachments, von could not otsіniti vidpovidnist zapodijanoї her school nebezpechnosty impersonal chi situatsii zahistu.

5. Yea perevischennyam between neobhіdnoї Defense i not Got naslіdkom krimіnalnu vіdpovіdalnіst zastosuvannya zbroї abo whether yakih іnshih zasobіv chi predmetіv for Zahist od will attack ozbroєnoї individuals abo will attack groupies osіb and takozh for vіdvernennya protipravnogo nasilnitskogo vtorgnennya at Zhitlo chi Lots Other primіschennya, Square od Hardness of school, yaku zapodіyano to that, hto encroach.

Stattie 37. The defense

1. Imaginary defense viznayutsya dії, povyazhenі із заподіянням school for such обставин, if real suspilno nebezpechnogo посаганя not було, і person, incorrectly оцінимичи дії страпілого, лише pomilkovo pripustala nayavnіst such пояганя.

2. Uyavna defense viklyucheno kriminalnu vidpodalnist for zapodiynu school lichee vypadkah, if the situation, sho folded, gave a succinct pvdastavi vvazhati, scho little real revenge, and won did not assimilate and could not make peace with her pripuschennya.

3. Yakshso person did not know and could not assiduously pomilkovostі its pripuschennya, even under the rule of intermittent intercourse zahistu, scho allowed in the minds of the real impulse, vona pідлягає кримінальній відповідальності як for перевищення between neobhіdnoy defense.

4. Yaksho in the circumstances, she was folded, the person did not assimilate, or could easily assure the presence of a real suspalno nebezpechnogo poyagannya, vona pідлягає кримінальній відповідальності за запоіяння шкоди through неурежність.

Stattie 38. Zatrimannya individual, scho vchinila evil

1. Do not vysnayayutsya malicious dies of the patient and those of the minor osibs without pause in the form of insinuations, they are crooked on the zatrimannya individuals, the yaka has brought in evil people, and delivered to the authorities, yakshchoo with the help of which there is not allowed the transplantation of visits that are necessary for the overtaking of such an individual.

2. The perevischennyam zahodіv, neobhіdnih for zatrimannya zlochintsya, viznaєtsya umisne zapodіyanny osobі, scho vchinila zlachin, zhelekoї shkodi, yaka obviously not vypodnyaє nebezpechnosty posyagannya abo situatsi zatrimannya zlochintsya. Perevishchennya zahodіv, neobhіdnih for zatrimannya zlochintsya, moe naslidkom vidpovidnist lishe vypadkah, spetsialno peredbacheny at statuti 118 of the 124 th Code.

Stat'ia 39. Extreme need

1. Not Je zlochinom zapodіyannya Skoda pravoohoronyuvanim іnteresam in stanі kraynoї neobhіdnostі, tobto for usunennya nebezpeki scho bezposeredno zagrozhuє osobі chi ohoronyuvanim law Helsinki Human Rights tsієї abo іnshih osіb and takozh chi suspіlnim іnteresam іnteresam powers, Yakscho qiu nebezpeku in danіy obstanovtsі not mozhna Bulo Osunut іншими засобами і якщо at цьому not було admitted перевищення between extreme measures.

2. To perevischennyam between the extreme necessities of umisne zapodyannya chasti pravochoronyuvannym iinteresam, yakshcho taka shoda є bilsh znachnoyu, nizh vidvernena shoda.

3. Especiality is not pinned down for criminality in the course of perevischennya between the extreme necessities, yakshcho vaslidok strong mental hvilyuvannya, wiklikanogo nebezpekoyu, scho obscure, vona could not isolate the appearance of the student's schoolchildren's nebezpetsi.

Стаття 40. Фізичний або психічний Primus

1. It is not an evil person who disregards the despair of the individual, the yak pinned the school to the law-enforcement organizations, was engulfed by the bezoposednym vplyvom fizichnogo primus, vasledidok yakogo person could not keruwati his fillings.

2. Power about krimіnalnu vіdpovіdalnіst individuals for zapodіyannya Skoda pravoohoronyuvanim іnteresam, Yakscho tsya person arrogant fіzichnogo Primus vnaslіdok yakogo Won zberіgala mozhlivіst keruvati svoїmi dіyami and takozh psihіchnogo Primus virіshuєtsya vіdpovіdno to position stattі 39 tsogo Code.

Statka 41. Vikonannya punished by the air strikes

1. Дія або бездіяльність individual, scho zapodіяla shodu pravochoronyuvannymі Іnteresam, vіznаtsya pravіirnymyu, yakshоo vona bula vchinena v sykomu vikonannya pravoslavnogo nazu po rozporyadzhennya.

2. The order of the deputy of the police and the lawful, that is, the wives of the adherence to the special order in the orderly order, that in the relations її povnovazhen і zmіstom not to regulate the law of law that does not affect the freedoms of the constitutional rights of the freedoms of the people and the gigantic.

3. Not підлягає кримінальній відповідальності person, yaka vіdmovila vikonuvati clearly malicious order abo rozporyadzhennya.

4. Special person, but vikonala is clearly an evil command or order, for a day, in the manner of a vikonannya such a order, abo rozporyadzhennya, pідлягає кримінальній відповідальності на загальних підставах.

5. Yakshso person did not understand and could not assure the evil nature of the order of the chas, and then for the day, in accordance with the method of the vikonannya of such a charge, the person who disliked the person, was disliked by the evil command of the chi of the rasporyadzhennya.

Stattja 42. Діяння, пов'язане з ризиком

1. Do not be evil-minded dian (dya abo bizdіyalnіst), yak zapodіyalo school legitimate entreesam, yakschoo tse dіyannya boulo vchinene in the minds of a vizupadnogo riziku dosyagnnnya znachno sispilno korisnoї meti.

2. Rizik viznaєtsya vipravdanim, Yakscho Meta, scho bula delivered without mozhna Bulo dosyagti in danіy obstanovtsі dієyu (bezdіyalnіstyu), not poєdnanoyu rizikom h, i lady, made a yak rizik, obґruntovano rozrahovuvala scho vzhitі her come in for Je dostatnіmi vіdvernennya Skoda pravoohoronyuvanim To entertainments.

3. Rizik not viznaetsya vipravdanim, yakshcho vin zavidomo stvovavav zagrozu zhittya інших people abo zagrozu ekologicheskoi catastrophe chіnshih nazvichaynih podіy.

Stat'ia 43. Vikonannya spetsialnogo zavodannya z povrezhzhennja chi rokkrtyty zlichinnoї dіyalnі organizovanoї grupi chi zhachinnoї organizatsii

1. It is not зло zlachinom vimushene zapodіyanya chtody zakonohoronyuvannym іnteresam especial, yaka vidpovіdno before the law vikonuvala spetsialnee zavdannya, beruchi fate in the Organizational Group of the evil of the Organizing Committee on the method of the chi rokkrttya їх злочинної діяльності.

2. The person who zaznachena in chastinі pershіy tsієї stattі, pіdlyagaє krimіnalnіy vіdpovіdalnostі deprivation of vchinennya in skladі organіzovanoї groupies chi zlochinnoї organіzatsії Especially grave zlochinu, vchinenogo umisno poєdnanogo i s on Enforced poterpіlim, abo serious zlochinu, vchinenogo umisno i pov'yazanogo sprichinennyam s grave Tilysnogo ushkodzhennya pervopilomu abo nastannam іnshih grave nap osoblivo grave naslіdkіv.

3. Special person, yaka introduced evil, but some of the other parts of the room, can not get bogged down to the pre-paid pogavlennya wave, and pokarannya in the form of pozhavlennya volya can not be admitted to the lines, larger, nizh half of the maximum line pozbavlennya voli, pobabachennogo law for Tse evil people.