Sulphates: Epsomite

Semiprecious stones, Gems Diagnostic card.

Mg SO 4 * 7 (H 2 O)
Singonia monoclinic
Hardness 2-2,5
Specific weight 1,7
Cleavage is perfect
White color
Color in powder white
Glitter glass

Semiprecious stones, Gems

Epsomite occurs in the form of fibrous and stalactite masses, efflorescences and crusts with a fibrous structure. The color is white, the shine is glassy to silky, and in the differences between the fibrous and continuous structure - to earthy. Chemical composition. Magnesium oxide (MgO) 16.3%, sulfate (SO3) 25.5%, water (H2O) 51.2%; As an isomorphous impurity, ferrous oxide (FeO) (ferruginous epsomite) or nickel oxide (NiO) (nickel-epsomite) can be present.

Class of symmetry. Rhombo-dysphenoidal - 222. Form of crystalline secretions. Blots, incrustations (icicles), granular, fibrous, earthy masses, sometimes crystals up to 10 cm in size. Cleavage. Good for (011); The mineral is very fragile.

Diagnostic signs.
Easily soluble in water. The taste is bitter ("bitter", or "English, salt"). Due to the content of nickel or cobalt impurities, the color may be greenish or pink. When heated, it forms a non-melting white mass, at a temperature of 100-238 o C loses crystallization water.

It is formed mainly on deposits of table salt, and also in the form of felt-like efflorescences in the regions of development of limestone and dolomite sequences. In addition, it can be deposited from thermal springs and formed in the oxidation zone of pyrite deposits.

Place of Birth.
The typical known long-standing location of the epsommit is Epsom in Surrey county in England, where this mineral is deposited from the waters of thermal springs. Other deposits - Sedlice in Bohemia (Czech Republic); Stassfurt in Saxony (Germany); Kalatyud in Spain; In the United States (Oroville, Washington), in the Sydney area (Australia). In Italy, there were reports of findings of epsomite in Valle Antron.

Epsomite is used in many industries: paper, pharmaceutical, tanning (as a mordant) and textile (for dyeing fabrics).

Magnesium - a component of enzymes, in the human body is contained in bones, teeth, is the regulator of the work of the nervous system. Magnesium is a macronutrient, from the insufficiency of which up to 90% of people suffer. In the human body contains about 140 g of magnesium (0.2% of body weight), with 2/3 accounted for bone tissue. The main "depot" of magnesium is found in bones and muscles in the form of phosphates and bicarbonates. Magnesium enters the body with food (in particular, with table salt - bitter, "Artemsol") and water.

Magnesium depletion is noted in rickets. Signs of magnesium deficiency: worsening of the transmission of nervous and muscle impulses, causing irritability and nervousness, increased excitability, spasms and convulsions, disorientation in time and space, insomnia, migraine, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, palpitations, attacks, outbursts of anger or irritation. The first sign of magnesium deficiency are twitching and convulsions, especially the calf muscles. Psychiatric mineral.

Magnesium deficiency is the basis of cardiovascular disease. Against the background of a permanent magnesium deficiency, the risk of atherosclerosis of the arteries of the heart, heart attacks and changes in the rhythm of the heart increases. It can be the cause of lethal cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension, sudden cardiac arrest, asthma (especially on the basis of inhaling cinnabar), chronic pain syndrome (posttraumatic syndrome), depression, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome and lung diseases. Arthritis and osteoporosis develop. Most magnesium is found in wheat bran and cereal sprouts (520 and 270 mg per 100 g).

Magnesium is necessary: ​​for hypertension, symptomatic hypertension, atherosclerosis, liver and bile duct disease, depression, dizziness, muscle weakness and convulsive contractions, psoriasis, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, premenstrual syndrome, to maintain a normal pH balance in the body, to prevent calcification of soft Tissues. It protects the endothelium of arteries from stress caused by sudden changes in blood pressure, it is necessary for the formation of bone tissue, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism, for dissolution of kidney stones formed from oxalates and phosphates. Magnesium enhances the effectiveness of the action of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), important for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

An increase in magnesium (hypermagnesia) in the blood can occur with the intake of antacids or laxatives containing magnesium in patients with chronic renal insufficiency. When parenteral administration of magnesium sulfate symptoms of intoxication in the form of general oppression, lethargy and drowsiness (the brain is involved), heart failure can be observed. The use of a solution of magnesium sulphate during pregnancy and childbirth 4 times increases the risk of developing cerebral palsy in newborns (weak mothers). Anesthesia (before coma) occurs when the concentration of magnesium in the blood is 15-18 mg%.

Magnesium is even afraid of doctors, it is a dangerous "comatose" ("sleepy") drug that depresses the brain - almost 100% hospital (when treated with medical magnesia). The mineral, whose ions "work" at the junction of neurons (axons). In acute renal failure with oliguria, especially in combination with metabolic acidosis, hypermagnesia is possible. Infusion of calcium (an antagonist) can counteract the toxicity of magnesium.

ADR 4.1 Semiprecious stones, Gems
Highly flammable solids , self-reactive substances and solid desensitized explosives
Risk of fire. Flammable or combustible substances can ignite from sparks or flames. May contain self-reactive substances capable of exothermic decomposition in the case of heating, contact with other substances (such as: acids, heavy metal compounds or amines), friction or impact.
This can lead to the emission of harmful or flammable gases or vapor or spontaneous combustion. Containers can explode when heated (over-dangerous - practically do not burn).
Risk of explosion of desensitized explosives after loss of desensitizer
Seven vertical red stripes on a white background, equal in number, ADR number, black flame

ADR 4.2 Semiprecious stones, Gems
Substances that are capable of self-ignition
Risk of fire due to autoignition in the event that the packaging is damaged or the source of the contents has occurred.
Can react violently with water
White upper half of diamond, red - lower, equal, ADR number, black flame

ADR 4.3 Semiprecious stones, GemsSemiprecious stones, Gems
Substances that emit flammable gases in contact with water
Risk of fire and explosion if exposed to water.
The cargo, which crumbled, must be covered and kept dry
Blue and blue diamond, ADR number, black or white flame

ADR 5.1 Semiprecious stones, Gems
Substances that are oxidized
Risk of violent reaction, ignition or explosion if exposed to flammable or flammable substances
Do not allow the formation of a mixture of cargo with flammable or combustible substances (eg sawdust)
Yellow diamond, ADR number, black flame above the circle

ADR 6.1 Semiprecious stones, Gems
Toxic substances (poison)
Risk of poisoning by inhalation, in contact with skin or if swallowed. Dangerous to aquatic environment or sewer system
Use a mask for emergency leaving the vehicle
White diamond, ADR number, black skull and crossbones

The name of a cargo that is particularly dangerous for transportation room
Magnesium nitrate see MAGNESIUM NITRATE 1474 5.1.
MAGNESIUM or MAGNESIUM ALLOYS, which contain more than 50% magnesium (granules, chips or tapes) 1869 4.1
Magnesium silicate fluorides, see MAGNESIUM FLUOROSILICATE 2853 6.1.
MAGNESIUM IN GRANULES COATED, particle size not less than 149 microns 2950 4.3
Magnesium phosphorous (Mg3 (PO3) 2) see Magnesium phosphide (Mg3P2) 2011 4.3
Magnesium methyl bromide in ether diethyl see METHYLMAGNEBROMIDE IN ETHYL ETHER 1928 4.3
MAGNESIUM PEROXIDE (peroxide) 1476 5.1.
Magnesium silicate fluoride see MAGNESIUM FLUOROSILICATE 2853 6.1.
Magnesium chloride, solution - -

Poisonous and radioactive dangerous stones and minerals

** - poisonous stones and minerals (mandatory check in the chemical laboratory + explicit indication of toxicity)
** - radioactive stones and minerals (mandatory check on the standard dosimeter + ban on open sales in case of radioactivity exceeding 24 milli / g / h + additional measures of population protection)

  1. Adamine *
  2. Annabergite * Erythrin *
  3. Antimonitis *
  4. Arsenolit **
  5. Arsenopyrite **
  6. Auripigment **
  7. Baildonite *
  8. Beryl **
  9. Betafit **
  10. Billietite **
  1. Bismuthinite *
  2. Breithauptit *
  3. Witherite *
  4. Gadolinite **
  5. Galit * *
  6. Geocronite *
  7. Glaucodot *
  8. Decloisite * Mottramite *
  9. Jordananite *
  10. Carnotite **
  1. Kinovar **
  2. Cobaltin *
  3. Kotunit *
  4. Lyroconite *
  5. Marcasite *
  6. Monazite *
  7. Mytalian *
  8. Nickelin *
  9. Otenith **
  10. Pyromorphite *
  11. Pyroclor *
  1. Proustite *
  2. Rammelsbergit *
  3. Realgar **
  4. Mercury *
  5. Senarmontitis *
  6. Sulfur *
  7. Scutterudite *
  8. Strontianite * *
  9. Antimony *
  10. Tetrahedrite *
  11. Thorionite **
  1. Torit **
  2. Uraninite **
  3. Pharmacolit *
  4. Chalcosine *
  5. Hutchinsonite *
  6. Celestine * *
  7. Zircon **
  8. Euxenite **
  9. Enargite *
  10. Ashinit **
  11. Conichalcite

Catalog of minerals and semi-precious stones of the world by groups

** - poisonous stones and minerals
** - radioactive stones and minerals

Types of minerals (classification
On chemical composition)

Native elements:
  1. Diamond
  2. Graphite
  3. Iron
  4. Gold
  5. Copper
  6. Platinum
  7. Mercury *
  8. Sulfur *
  9. Silver
  10. Antimony *
  1. Antimonitis *
  2. Argentina
  3. Arsenopyrite **
  4. Auripigment **
  5. Bismuthinite *
  6. Bornitis
  7. Breithauptit *
  8. Boulangerite
  9. Bournonite
  10. Wurzit
  11. Galena
  12. Gauerite
  13. Geocronite *
  14. Glaucodot *
  15. Greenokite
  16. Jemsonite
  17. Diskrasite
  18. Jordananite *
  19. Kinovar **
  20. Cobaltin *
  21. Cowellin
  22. Cosalit
  23. Marcasite *
  24. Meningitis
  25. Miargyrite
  26. Millerite
  27. Molybdenite
  28. Nickelin *
  29. Pyrgirite
  30. Pyrite
  31. Pyrrhotite
  32. Polybasite
  33. Proustite *
  34. Rammelsbergit *
  35. Realgar **
  36. Silvanit
  37. Scutterudite *
  38. Stannin
  39. Stefanit
  40. Sphalerite
  41. Tetrahedrite *
  42. Ulmanit
  43. Chalcosine *
  44. Chalcopyrite
  45. Hutchinsonite *
  46. Enargite *
Pyroxenes (silicates):
  1. Augite
  2. Bronzite
  3. Hedenbergite
  4. Diopside
  5. Jade
  6. Spodumene
  7. Fassaite
  8. Aegirine
  9. Enstatite
  1. Atakamit
  2. Boleitis
  3. Williomit
  4. Galit * *
  5. Diaboleitis
  6. Yodargyrite
  7. Carnallite
  8. Kerhirit (chlorargyrite)
  9. Connollyte
  10. Cryolite
  11. Kotunit *
  12. Myersit
  13. Marshit
  14. Nadorit
  15. Mytalian *
  16. Tomsenolite
  17. Fluorite
  1. Ghanit
  2. Magnetite
  3. Surik
  4. Franklinite
  5. Chrysoberyl
  6. Chromite
  7. Spinel
Oxides and hydroxides:
  1. Arsenolit **
  2. Betafit **
  3. Billietite **
  4. Brookyt
  5. Brucite
  6. Wolframite
  7. Hematite
  8. Getit
  9. Diaspora
  10. Ilmenite
  11. Cassiterite
  12. Quartz
  13. Colombith
  14. Corundum
  15. Cristobalite
  16. Cuprite
  17. Limonite
  18. Manganite
  19. Octaedrite
  20. Opal
  21. Perovskite
  22. Pyrolusite
  23. Pyroclor *
  24. Pyrocystite
  25. Platnerite
  26. Psilomelan
  27. Rutile
  28. Senarmontitis *
  29. Tellurite
  30. Tenorite
  31. Thorionite **
  32. Tridymite
  33. Uraninite **
  34. Fergusonite
  35. Chalcedony
  36. Zincite
  37. Euxenite **
  38. Ashinit **
  1. Astrophyllite
  2. Petrified wood
  3. Amber
  1. Azurite
  2. Ankerite
  3. Aragonite
  4. Artinite
  5. Aurichalcite
  6. Bura
  7. Witherite *
  8. Geylussite
  9. Hydrozincite
  10. Dolomite
  11. Potassium nitrate
  12. Calcite
  13. Kernite
  14. Colemanite
  15. Ludwigit
  16. Magnesite
  17. Malachite
  18. Sodium nitrate
  19. Pearsonite
  20. Rodicite
  21. Rhodochrosite
  22. Rosazit
  23. Siderite
  24. Smithsonite
  25. Strontianite * *
  26. Throne
  27. Uleksite
  28. Phosgenite
  29. Cerussite
  1. Alotrichin
  2. Alunite
  3. Alunogen
  4. Anhydrite
  5. Anglesite
  6. Barite
  7. Botriogen
  8. Brochantite
  9. Wolfenite
  10. Gypsum
  11. Glauberite
  12. Devillin
  13. Cainite
  14. Kreonette
  15. Crocoite
  16. Linarit
  17. Römerit
  18. Spangolite
  19. Tenardite
  20. Celestine * *
  21. Cyanotrichitis
  22. Scheelite
  23. Epsomith
  1. Harmony
  2. Heylandite
  3. Gmelinite
  4. Gismondine
  5. Lomontite
  6. Mordenite
  7. Mesolithic
  8. Natrolite
  9. Skolecith
  10. Stylebite
  11. Thomsonite
  12. Ferrierite
  13. Phillipsit
  14. Shabazit
  1. Adamine *
  2. Annabergite * Erythrin *
  3. Apatite
  4. Austinit
  5. Baildonite *
  6. Turquoise
  7. Brasilianite
  8. Vanadinitis
  9. Variscite
  10. Wavellite
  11. Vivianite Kerchinite
  12. Decloisite * Mottramite *
  13. Kakoxen
  14. Carnotite **
  15. Clinoclase
  16. Lavendouraith
  17. Lazulit Scorzalite
  18. Lyroconite *
  19. Mimetite
  20. Monazite *
  21. Olivenith *
  22. Otenith **
  23. Pyromorphite *
  24. Pseudomalachitis
  25. Pharmacolit *
  26. Chalcophyllite
  1. Andalusite
  2. Brownite
  3. Völler
  4. Willemite
  5. Gadolinite **
  6. Gehlenith
  7. Gemimorphite
  8. Gumit
  9. Datolith
  10. Dumortierite
  11. Ilvayit
  12. Jortdalit
  13. Kyanite
  14. Lavasonitis
  15. Monticellite
  16. Olivin
  17. Sillimanite
  18. Staurolite
  19. Titanite
  20. Topaz
  21. Torit **
  22. Forsterite
  23. Chloritoid
  24. Zircon **
  25. Euclase
The Epidotes
  1. Allanit
  3. Benitoit
  4. Beryl **
  5. Vesuvian
  6. Dioptase
  7. Klinoziosite
  8. Cordierite
  9. Milarit
  10. Osumilit
  11. Piemontite
  12. Taramellite
  13. Tourmaline
  14. Zoisite
  15. Eudialyte
  16. Epidote
  1. Almandine
  2. Andradit
  3. Grossular
  4. The pie
  5. Spessartine
  6. Uvarovite
  1. Biotite
  2. Clintonite
  3. Xanthophyllite
  4. Lepidolite
  5. Marguerite
  6. Muscovite
  7. Phlogopite
  8. Cinivaldite
  1. Vermiculite
  2. Cammeririte
  3. Klinochlor
  4. Pennine
  5. Sepiolitis
  6. Serpentine
  7. Chrysocolla
Feldspars (silicates):
  1. Albite
  2. Anorite
  3. Hyalophane
  4. Microcline
  5. Orthoclase
  6. Plagioclase
  7. Sanidine
Faldshpathoids (silicates):
  1. Analcim
  2. Gayuin
  3. Lapis lazuli
  4. Leucite
  5. Nepheline
  6. Petalite
  7. Pollucite
  8. Scapolite
  9. Sodalite
  1. Actinolite
  2. Anthrophyllite
  3. Apophyllite
  4. Babingtonite
  5. Bavenith
  6. Bustamit
  7. Wollastonite
  8. Glaucophane
  9. Cummingtonite
  10. Neptunite
  11. Pectolite
  12. Pyrophyllite
  13. Prenit
  14. Ribekit
  15. Hornblende
  16. Rhodonite
  17. Talc
  18. Tremolite
  19. Eudidymitis