Carbonates: Malachite

Semiprecious stones, Gems Diagnostic card.
On the picture. Concretive malachite of the kidney-like structure from Shaba (Zaire).

Cu 2 CO 3 (OH) 2
Singonia monoclinic
Hardness 4
Specific weight 4
Cleavage is easily manifested
Cracked shell
Color emerald green
Color in powder green
Gloss from wax-glass to silky

The name is given, probably for a green color, reminiscent of the color of the leaves of the mallow (Greek malache - mallow), or for the low hardness of the mineral (Greek malakos - soft). On the ground surface of malachite, a pattern is opened from alternating light and dark concentric rings, straight strips or a pattern of a more complex configuration due to the concentric structure of the aggregates. More or less monochromatic pieces are rare.

In isolated, very rare cases, malachite occurs in the form of individual small crystals collected in bundles. Usually it forms microcrystalline aggregates of a concretional, sometimes stalagmite form. Usually in malachite bodies the size, for the most part, from a few millimeters to several decimeters, - the structure is zonal: alternating strips of fibrous-radiant structure, concentric or banded.

Semiprecious stones, Gems The color of the bands is intense green or yellowish green, sometimes they alternate with the blue ones, associated with the presence of azurite. Glitter aggregates can vary from waxy-glass to silky in fibrous aggregates. Individual fibers are sometimes discernible to the naked eye.

Chemical composition - content (in%): CuO - 71.9; CO2-19.9; H2O-8.2. Prismatic view of symmetry. Cleavage is absent. Crystals are rarely seen, usually prismatic with facets (100), (110), (010), (201). Twins are developed in accordance with (100). Most often observed in the form of crusts, spherocrystals, infiltrating kidney-shaped aggregates radial-radiant, parallel-columnar and zone-concentric structure

Diagnostic signs.
Malachite is not too hard, brittle, it breaks into pieces when it strikes; Reacts to hydrochloric acid with rapid effervescence. Copper (the content of which in the mineral is more than 70%) causes a green color, and when the powder of the mineral contacts the flame, it turns green. Melts pretty easily. Ural malachite has such a characteristic appearance that it is impossible to confuse it with malachite, imported from other countries. Sometimes malachite forms close intergrowths with azurite - azur-malachite, more rarely - with turquoise and chrysocolla.

Malachite is a secondary mineral formed in the zone of near-surface oxidation of copper deposits.

Deposits and applications.
In the past, malachite was mined in the Urals (there were blocks weighing up to fifty tons) and in the mines of Ancient Egypt. Now it is mined in Australia, Zaire, Zimbabwe, Arizona (USA), Chile, France and Germany. In Italy, malachite is found in Sardinia (Campo Pesaro, Cagliari region), Libiol (Liguria region), Carnia and Elba (Capo Kalamita). Malachite from ancient times, because of its intensely green color and concentric zonation, found wide application. Now it is used in jewelry business and as a very expensive ornamental stone.

Now the main supplier of malachite to the world market is Zaire (Kolvezi). Malachite is partially processed directly on the spot, and partly comes to the market in raw form. In addition, malachite deposits are available in Australia, Chile, Zimbabwe, Namibia, the USA (Arizona) and the CIS (Ural, Kazakhstan).

Application in jewelry.
In the jewelry business, malachite is used for processing in the form of a tondo or oval and cut into a cabochon. Malachite also goes to expensive art crafts - caskets, balls, knife handles, candelabra, etc.

Semiprecious stones, GemsSemiprecious stones, GemsSemiprecious stones, GemsSemiprecious stones, GemsSemiprecious stones, Gems

Semiprecious stones, Gems
Malachite. Lower. Tagil, Wed. Ural, Russia, the CIS. More than 15 cm. Photo: © А.А. Evseev.

Aggregates of malachite consist of the smallest crystals. Large crystals are very rare and very much appreciated by collectors. Untreated malachite is characterized by a weak glass shine, but on fresh fracture and polishing, its shine is often silky. Malachite is sensitive to heating and is unstable with respect to acids, ammonia, it also breaks down in hot water. The mineral is usually represented by kidneys, bunchy, pineal, stalactite-like secretions, less often flat crusts. Occurs when copper solutions are exposed to carbonate rocks in the immediate vicinity of copper deposits and in their oxidation zone. The most famous malachite deposits were located in the Urals. It was here that malachite was mined for facing fireplaces, countertops, pilasters and vases of the Malachite Hall of the Winter Palace, as well as columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

Despite the low hardness and instability, malachite today is one of the most popular jewelry and decorative stones. It is polished with cabochon or slightly convex tablets, beads made of it, as well as small cabinet decorations - boxes or stands for candlesticks, watches, ashtrays and small figures. When processing malachite try to maximize the decorativeness of the stone. Especially appreciated is the "eyeball" malachite with thin concentric rings - "peacock eye". In large pieces of malachite can not be confused with anything, in small products, where banding is not visible, it looks like many opaque green stones.

At present (including in the CIS) the problem of obtaining artificial malachite, suitable for jewelry, has been solved; Elegant inexpensive beads from such malachite already actively go on sale.

Poisonous and radioactive dangerous stones and minerals

** - poisonous stones and minerals (mandatory check in the chemical laboratory + explicit indication of toxicity)
** - radioactive stones and minerals (mandatory check on the standard dosimeter + ban on open sales in case of radioactivity exceeding 24 milli / g / h + additional measures of population protection)

  1. Adamine *
  2. Annabergite * Erythrin *
  3. Antimonitis *
  4. Arsenolit **
  5. Arsenopyrite **
  6. Auripigment **
  7. Baildonite *
  8. Beryl **
  9. Betafit **
  10. Billietite **
  1. Bismuthinite *
  2. Breithauptit *
  3. Witherite *
  4. Gadolinite **
  5. Galit * *
  6. Geocronite *
  7. Glaucodot *
  8. Decloisite * Mottramite *
  9. Jordananite *
  10. Carnotite **
  1. Kinovar **
  2. Cobaltin *
  3. Kotunit *
  4. Lyroconite *
  5. Marcasite *
  6. Monazite *
  7. Mytalian *
  8. Nickelin *
  9. Otenith **
  10. Pyromorphite *
  11. Pyroclor *
  1. Proustite *
  2. Rammelsbergit *
  3. Realgar **
  4. Mercury *
  5. Senarmontitis *
  6. Sulfur *
  7. Scutterudite *
  8. Strontianite * *
  9. Antimony *
  10. Tetrahedrite *
  11. Thorionite **
  1. Torit **
  2. Uraninite **
  3. Pharmacolit *
  4. Chalcosine *
  5. Hutchinsonite *
  6. Celestine * *
  7. Zircon **
  8. Euxenite **
  9. Enargite *
  10. Ashinit **
  11. Conichalcite

Catalog of minerals and semi-precious stones of the world by groups

** - poisonous stones and minerals
** - radioactive stones and minerals

Types of minerals (classification
On chemical composition)

Native elements:
  1. Diamond
  2. Graphite
  3. Iron
  4. Gold
  5. Copper
  6. Platinum
  7. Mercury *
  8. Sulfur *
  9. Silver
  10. Antimony *
  1. Antimonitis *
  2. Argentina
  3. Arsenopyrite **
  4. Auripigment **
  5. Bismuthinite *
  6. Bornitis
  7. Breithauptit *
  8. Boulangerite
  9. Bournonite
  10. Wurzit
  11. Galena
  12. Gauerite
  13. Geocronite *
  14. Glaucodot *
  15. Greenokite
  16. Jemsonite
  17. Diskrasite
  18. Jordananite *
  19. Kinovar **
  20. Cobaltin *
  21. Cowellin
  22. Cosalit
  23. Marcasite *
  24. Meningitis
  25. Miargyrite
  26. Millerite
  27. Molybdenite
  28. Nickelin *
  29. Pyrgirite
  30. Pyrite
  31. Pyrrhotite
  32. Polybasite
  33. Proustite *
  34. Rammelsbergit *
  35. Realgar **
  36. Silvanit
  37. Scutterudite *
  38. Stannin
  39. Stefanit
  40. Sphalerite
  41. Tetrahedrite *
  42. Ulmanit
  43. Chalcosine *
  44. Chalcopyrite
  45. Hutchinsonite *
  46. Enargite *
Pyroxenes (silicates):
  1. Augite
  2. Bronzite
  3. Hedenbergite
  4. Diopside
  5. Jade
  6. Spodumene
  7. Fassaite
  8. Aegirine
  9. Enstatite
  1. Atakamit
  2. Boleitis
  3. Williomit
  4. Galit * *
  5. Diaboleitis
  6. Yodargyrite
  7. Carnallite
  8. Kerhirit (chlorargyrite)
  9. Connollyte
  10. Cryolite
  11. Kotunit *
  12. Myersit
  13. Marshit
  14. Nadorit
  15. Mytalian *
  16. Tomsenolite
  17. Fluorite
  1. Ghanit
  2. Magnetite
  3. Surik
  4. Franklinite
  5. Chrysoberyl
  6. Chromite
  7. Spinel
Oxides and hydroxides:
  1. Arsenolit **
  2. Betafit **
  3. Billietite **
  4. Brookyt
  5. Brucite
  6. Wolframite
  7. Hematite
  8. Getit
  9. Diaspora
  10. Ilmenite
  11. Cassiterite
  12. Quartz
  13. Colombith
  14. Corundum
  15. Cristobalite
  16. Cuprite
  17. Limonite
  18. Manganite
  19. Octaedrite
  20. Opal
  21. Perovskite
  22. Pyrolusite
  23. Pyroclor *
  24. Pyrocystite
  25. Platnerite
  26. Psilomelan
  27. Rutile
  28. Senarmontitis *
  29. Tellurite
  30. Tenorite
  31. Thorionite **
  32. Tridymite
  33. Uraninite **
  34. Fergusonite
  35. Chalcedony
  36. Zincite
  37. Euxenite **
  38. Ashinit **
  1. Astrophyllite
  2. Petrified wood
  3. Amber
  1. Azurite
  2. Ankerite
  3. Aragonite
  4. Artinite
  5. Aurichalcite
  6. Bura
  7. Witherite *
  8. Geylussite
  9. Hydrozincite
  10. Dolomite
  11. Potassium nitrate
  12. Calcite
  13. Kernite
  14. Colemanite
  15. Ludwigit
  16. Magnesite
  17. Malachite
  18. Sodium nitrate
  19. Pearsonite
  20. Rodicite
  21. Rhodochrosite
  22. Rosazit
  23. Siderite
  24. Smithsonite
  25. Strontianite * *
  26. Throne
  27. Uleksite
  28. Phosgenite
  29. Cerussite
  1. Alotrichin
  2. Alunite
  3. Alunogen
  4. Anhydrite
  5. Anglesite
  6. Barite
  7. Botriogen
  8. Brochantite
  9. Wolfenite
  10. Gypsum
  11. Glauberite
  12. Devillin
  13. Cainite
  14. Kreonette
  15. Crocoite
  16. Linarit
  17. Römerit
  18. Spangolite
  19. Tenardite
  20. Celestine * *
  21. Cyanotrichitis
  22. Scheelite
  23. Epsomith
  1. Harmony
  2. Heylandite
  3. Gmelinite
  4. Gismondine
  5. Lomontite
  6. Mordenite
  7. Mesolithic
  8. Natrolite
  9. Skolecith
  10. Stylebite
  11. Thomsonite
  12. Ferrierite
  13. Phillipsit
  14. Shabazit
  1. Adamine *
  2. Annabergite * Erythrin *
  3. Apatite
  4. Austinit
  5. Baildonite *
  6. Turquoise
  7. Brasilianite
  8. Vanadinitis
  9. Variscite
  10. Wavellite
  11. Vivianite Kerchinite
  12. Decloisite * Mottramite *
  13. Kakoxen
  14. Carnotite **
  15. Clinoclase
  16. Lavendouraith
  17. Lazulit Scorzalite
  18. Lyroconite *
  19. Mimetite
  20. Monazite *
  21. Olivenith *
  22. Otenith **
  23. Pyromorphite *
  24. Pseudomalachitis
  25. Pharmacolit *
  26. Chalcophyllite
  1. Andalusite
  2. Brownite
  3. Völler
  4. Willemite
  5. Gadolinite **
  6. Gehlenith
  7. Gemimorphite
  8. Gumit
  9. Datolith
  10. Dumortierite
  11. Ilvayit
  12. Jortdalit
  13. Kyanite
  14. Lavasonitis
  15. Monticellite
  16. Olivin
  17. Sillimanite
  18. Staurolite
  19. Titanite
  20. Topaz
  21. Torit **
  22. Forsterite
  23. Chloritoid
  24. Zircon **
  25. Euclase
The Epidotes
  1. Allanit
  3. Benitoit
  4. Beryl **
  5. Vesuvian
  6. Dioptase
  7. Klinoziosite
  8. Cordierite
  9. Milarit
  10. Osumilit
  11. Piemontite
  12. Taramellite
  13. Tourmaline
  14. Zoisite
  15. Eudialyte
  16. Epidote
  1. Almandine
  2. Andradit
  3. Grossular
  4. The pie
  5. Spessartine
  6. Uvarovite
  1. Biotite
  2. Clintonite
  3. Xanthophyllite
  4. Lepidolite
  5. Marguerite
  6. Muscovite
  7. Phlogopite
  8. Cinivaldite
  1. Vermiculite
  2. Cammeririte
  3. Klinochlor
  4. Pennine
  5. Sepiolitis
  6. Serpentine
  7. Chrysocolla
Feldspars (silicates):
  1. Albite
  2. Anorite
  3. Hyalophane
  4. Microcline
  5. Orthoclase
  6. Plagioclase
  7. Sanidine
Faldshpathoids (silicates):
  1. Analcim
  2. Gayuin
  3. Lapis lazuli
  4. Leucite
  5. Nepheline
  6. Petalite
  7. Pollucite
  8. Scapolite
  9. Sodalite
  1. Actinolite
  2. Anthrophyllite
  3. Apophyllite
  4. Babingtonite
  5. Bavenith
  6. Bustamit
  7. Wollastonite
  8. Glaucophane
  9. Cummingtonite
  10. Neptunite
  11. Pectolite
  12. Pyrophyllite
  13. Prenit
  14. Ribekit
  15. Hornblende
  16. Rhodonite
  17. Talc
  18. Tremolite
  19. Eudidymitis