Faldshpathoids (silicates): Scapolite

Semiprecious stones, Gems Diagnostic card.
On the picture. Scapolite of prismatic appearance from Arendal, Norway.

(Na, Ca) 8 (Cl 2 , SO 4 , CO 3 ) (Al Si 3 O 8 ) 6
Tsingonia tetragonal
Hardness 5-6,5
Specific weight 2.54-2.77
Cleavage is easily manifested
Cracked shell
Color is colorless, differently colored
Color in powder white
Glitter glass

Semiprecious stones, Gems

Glitter is glassy, ​​often there is a pink or purple cat's eye. In 1975, a violet variety (baking) was discovered in East Africa. It occurs in Upper Burma, Brazil (Espiritu Santo), Madagascar, Tanzania. It can be confused with ambligonite, chrysoberyl, golden beryl.

Scapolite (vernerite) is a solid solution, the extreme members of which are marialite (containing sodium only) and meionite (containing only calcium). Both these minerals in pure form are not found in nature.

Scapolite crystallizes as well-formed individual prismatic crystals. It is allochromatically colored, that is, it can have a variety of colors (from yellow to violet, pink, blue, green, orange); Tonality is always somewhat weakened. Mineral has good, and sometimes excellent transparency. Scapolite is quite hard, its gloss is glassy. It easily shows cleavage in two directions, a fracture in it is conchoidal. Some specimens have the effect of iridescent coloring due to minute inclusions, visible only under a microscope.

Scapolite is a group of sodium and calcium aluminosilicates with a variable composition. Not surprisingly, the color of the mineral is also variable. The chemical composition is a mixture of marialite Na4 [AlSi2O8] 3 Cl and meionite Ca4 [Al2Si2O8] 3 CO3 minerals; The amount of SiO2 decreases as the content of the meionite part increases from 56 to 47%; The content of meyonite (in%) is: marialite 0-10; Vernerite 10-40; Mizzonite 40-60; Dipyr 60-90; Muonite 90-100. Tetragonal-dipyramidal form of symmetry. Cleavage is the mean of (100), imperfect in (110). It occurs in the form of elongated prismatic crystals with the most developed facets of prisms (100), (110), (210) blunted by dipyramids (111), (131), (331). Grain aggregates of a sixth-order structure are also noted, more rarely dense, draining masses.

Crystals scapolite straw-yellow shade called stroganovity. Blue scapolites are called glavcoliths (glaucolites). There are also pink, yellow, orange, red, purple and brown stones. There are also colorless crystals. Scapolites have dichroism - their color varies depending on the angle of view. In addition, there are stones with the effect of "cat's eye."

Diagnostic signs.
Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, this silicate can exhibit intense fluorescence in the yellow-orange range.

Scapolite is most often found in metamorphic rocks of medium and high degree of metamorphism, formed primarily by carbonate rocks (limestones, dolomites, marbles). In marbles and carbonate schists, it is mostly present in association with numerous minerals, such as calcite, quartz, diopside, vesuvian and others. Scapolites are also found in granulite rocks, pegmatites and, more rarely, in crystalline schists, sometimes associated with iron ore deposits.

Place of Birth.
In Italy, the scapolite is found in the Adamello massif, in various places in Val Malenco and in the upper Vattelina, on the island of Elba, and also in the form of elongated crystal clear crystals in the products of the eruptions of Vesuvius. Outside Italy, this mineral is found in Bavaria (Germany), Carinthia (Austria) and various locations on the Scandinavian Peninsula. Other deposits are in the area of ​​Lake Superior in the United States. Mineral, suitable for cutting, is available in Madagascar, Tanzania, as well as in Anonio-Coelu in Brazil, and specimens with an iridescent coloring come from Burma. Sometimes there are giant crystals, reaching a half-meter in length, but their dignity is small. In addition to Burma, scapolites are found in Kenya and Tanzania, in Brazil, in Madagascar, in the Eastern Pamirs, in Tajikistan and in the Canadian province of Quebec.

Application in jewelry.
Very transparent and elongated crystals of this mineral are cut by an oval or in a quadrilateral, and having inclusions - in a cabochon. Because of its low strength, the scapolite is not widely used in jewelry. Yellow and purple scapolite is very similar to citrine and amethyst.

Semiprecious stones, GemsSemiprecious stones, GemsSemiprecious stones, Gems

Semiprecious stones, Gems
Scapolite (meionite). Madagascar. Photo: © А.А. Evseev.

Poisonous and radioactive dangerous stones and minerals

** - poisonous stones and minerals (mandatory check in the chemical laboratory + explicit indication of toxicity)
** - radioactive stones and minerals (mandatory check on the standard dosimeter + ban on open sales in case of radioactivity exceeding 24 milli / g / h + additional measures of population protection)

  1. Adamine *
  2. Annabergite * Erythrin *
  3. Antimonitis *
  4. Arsenolit **
  5. Arsenopyrite **
  6. Auripigment **
  7. Baildonite *
  8. Beryl **
  9. Betafit **
  10. Billietite **
  1. Bismuthinite *
  2. Breithauptit *
  3. Witherite *
  4. Gadolinite **
  5. Galit * *
  6. Geocronite *
  7. Glaucodot *
  8. Decloisite * Mottramite *
  9. Jordananite *
  10. Carnotite **
  1. Kinovar **
  2. Cobaltin *
  3. Kotunit *
  4. Lyroconite *
  5. Marcasite *
  6. Monazite *
  7. Mytalian *
  8. Nickelin *
  9. Otenith **
  10. Pyromorphite *
  11. Pyroclor *
  1. Proustite *
  2. Rammelsbergit *
  3. Realgar **
  4. Mercury *
  5. Senarmontitis *
  6. Sulfur *
  7. Scutterudite *
  8. Strontianite * *
  9. Antimony *
  10. Tetrahedrite *
  11. Thorionite **
  1. Torit **
  2. Uraninite **
  3. Pharmacolit *
  4. Chalcosine *
  5. Hutchinsonite *
  6. Celestine * *
  7. Zircon **
  8. Euxenite **
  9. Enargite *
  10. Ashinit **
  11. Conichalcite

Catalog of minerals and semi-precious stones of the world by groups

** - poisonous stones and minerals
** - radioactive stones and minerals

Types of minerals (classification
On chemical composition)

Native elements:
  1. Diamond
  2. Graphite
  3. Iron
  4. Gold
  5. Copper
  6. Platinum
  7. Mercury *
  8. Sulfur *
  9. Silver
  10. Antimony *
  1. Antimonitis *
  2. Argentina
  3. Arsenopyrite **
  4. Auripigment **
  5. Bismuthinite *
  6. Bornitis
  7. Breithauptit *
  8. Boulangerite
  9. Bournonite
  10. Wurzit
  11. Galena
  12. Gauerite
  13. Geocronite *
  14. Glaucodot *
  15. Greenokite
  16. Jemsonite
  17. Diskrasite
  18. Jordananite *
  19. Kinovar **
  20. Cobaltin *
  21. Cowellin
  22. Cosalit
  23. Marcasite *
  24. Meningitis
  25. Miargyrite
  26. Millerite
  27. Molybdenite
  28. Nickelin *
  29. Pyrgirite
  30. Pyrite
  31. Pyrrhotite
  32. Polybasite
  33. Proustite *
  34. Rammelsbergit *
  35. Realgar **
  36. Silvanit
  37. Scutterudite *
  38. Stannin
  39. Stefanit
  40. Sphalerite
  41. Tetrahedrite *
  42. Ulmanit
  43. Chalcosine *
  44. Chalcopyrite
  45. Hutchinsonite *
  46. Enargite *
Pyroxenes (silicates):
  1. Augite
  2. Bronzite
  3. Hedenbergite
  4. Diopside
  5. Jade
  6. Spodumene
  7. Fassaite
  8. Aegirine
  9. Enstatite
  1. Atakamit
  2. Boleitis
  3. Williomit
  4. Galit * *
  5. Diaboleitis
  6. Yodargyrite
  7. Carnallite
  8. Kerhirit (chlorargyrite)
  9. Connollyte
  10. Cryolite
  11. Kotunit *
  12. Myersit
  13. Marshit
  14. Nadorit
  15. Mytalian *
  16. Tomsenolite
  17. Fluorite
  1. Ghanit
  2. Magnetite
  3. Surik
  4. Franklinite
  5. Chrysoberyl
  6. Chromite
  7. Spinel
Oxides and hydroxides:
  1. Arsenolit **
  2. Betafit **
  3. Billietite **
  4. Brookyt
  5. Brucite
  6. Wolframite
  7. Hematite
  8. Getit
  9. Diaspora
  10. Ilmenite
  11. Cassiterite
  12. Quartz
  13. Colombith
  14. Corundum
  15. Cristobalite
  16. Cuprite
  17. Limonite
  18. Manganite
  19. Octaedrite
  20. Opal
  21. Perovskite
  22. Pyrolusite
  23. Pyroclor *
  24. Pyrocystite
  25. Platnerite
  26. Psilomelan
  27. Rutile
  28. Senarmontitis *
  29. Tellurite
  30. Tenorite
  31. Thorionite **
  32. Tridymite
  33. Uraninite **
  34. Fergusonite
  35. Chalcedony
  36. Zincite
  37. Euxenite **
  38. Ashinit **
  1. Astrophyllite
  2. Petrified wood
  3. Amber
  1. Azurite
  2. Ankerite
  3. Aragonite
  4. Artinite
  5. Aurichalcite
  6. Bura
  7. Witherite *
  8. Geylussite
  9. Hydrozincite
  10. Dolomite
  11. Potassium nitrate
  12. Calcite
  13. Kernite
  14. Colemanite
  15. Ludwigit
  16. Magnesite
  17. Malachite
  18. Sodium nitrate
  19. Pearsonite
  20. Rodicite
  21. Rhodochrosite
  22. Rosazit
  23. Siderite
  24. Smithsonite
  25. Strontianite * *
  26. Throne
  27. Uleksite
  28. Phosgenite
  29. Cerussite
  1. Alotrichin
  2. Alunite
  3. Alunogen
  4. Anhydrite
  5. Anglesite
  6. Barite
  7. Botriogen
  8. Brochantite
  9. Wolfenite
  10. Gypsum
  11. Glauberite
  12. Devillin
  13. Cainite
  14. Kreonette
  15. Crocoite
  16. Linarit
  17. Römerit
  18. Spangolite
  19. Tenardite
  20. Celestine * *
  21. Cyanotrichitis
  22. Scheelite
  23. Epsomith
  1. Harmony
  2. Heylandite
  3. Gmelinite
  4. Gismondine
  5. Lomontite
  6. Mordenite
  7. Mesolithic
  8. Natrolite
  9. Skolecith
  10. Stylebite
  11. Thomsonite
  12. Ferrierite
  13. Phillipsit
  14. Shabazit
  1. Adamine *
  2. Annabergite * Erythrin *
  3. Apatite
  4. Austinit
  5. Baildonite *
  6. Turquoise
  7. Brasilianite
  8. Vanadinitis
  9. Variscite
  10. Wavellite
  11. Vivianite Kerchinite
  12. Decloisite * Mottramite *
  13. Kakoxen
  14. Carnotite **
  15. Clinoclase
  16. Lavendouraith
  17. Lazulit Scorzalite
  18. Lyroconite *
  19. Mimetite
  20. Monazite *
  21. Olivenith *
  22. Otenith **
  23. Pyromorphite *
  24. Pseudomalachitis
  25. Pharmacolit *
  26. Chalcophyllite
  1. Andalusite
  2. Brownite
  3. Völler
  4. Willemite
  5. Gadolinite **
  6. Gehlenith
  7. Gemimorphite
  8. Gumit
  9. Datolith
  10. Dumortierite
  11. Ilvayit
  12. Jortdalit
  13. Kyanite
  14. Lavasonitis
  15. Monticellite
  16. Olivin
  17. Sillimanite
  18. Staurolite
  19. Titanite
  20. Topaz
  21. Torit **
  22. Forsterite
  23. Chloritoid
  24. Zircon **
  25. Euclase
The Epidotes
  1. Allanit
  3. Benitoit
  4. Beryl **
  5. Vesuvian
  6. Dioptase
  7. Klinoziosite
  8. Cordierite
  9. Milarit
  10. Osumilit
  11. Piemontite
  12. Taramellite
  13. Tourmaline
  14. Zoisite
  15. Eudialyte
  16. Epidote
  1. Almandine
  2. Andradit
  3. Grossular
  4. The pie
  5. Spessartine
  6. Uvarovite
  1. Biotite
  2. Clintonite
  3. Xanthophyllite
  4. Lepidolite
  5. Marguerite
  6. Muscovite
  7. Phlogopite
  8. Cinivaldite
  1. Vermiculite
  2. Cammeririte
  3. Klinochlor
  4. Pennine
  5. Sepiolitis
  6. Serpentine
  7. Chrysocolla
Feldspars (silicates):
  1. Albite
  2. Anorite
  3. Hyalophane
  4. Microcline
  5. Orthoclase
  6. Plagioclase
  7. Sanidine
Faldshpathoids (silicates):
  1. Analcim
  2. Gayuin
  3. Lapis lazuli
  4. Leucite
  5. Nepheline
  6. Petalite
  7. Pollucite
  8. Scapolite
  9. Sodalite
  1. Actinolite
  2. Anthrophyllite
  3. Apophyllite
  4. Babingtonite
  5. Bavenith
  6. Bustamit
  7. Wollastonite
  8. Glaucophane
  9. Cummingtonite
  10. Neptunite
  11. Pectolite
  12. Pyrophyllite
  13. Prenit
  14. Ribekit
  15. Hornblende
  16. Rhodonite
  17. Talc
  18. Tremolite
  19. Eudidymitis