Insurance terms dictionary

A variciliary commissioner is a specialist who, on behalf of the Insurer, determines the cause, nature and amount of losses and issues an emergency certificate.

Addendum - an additional document to the Insurance Contract, which indicates changes in terms of insurance.

The act of an accident is a document that is drawn up by the administration and the committee of the trade union of the enterprise or organization, if an accident occurred with their employee connected with the performance of official duties. In cases with a passenger, the relevant document is drawn up in the transport. If the victim is insured against accidents, the act is sent to the insurance organization with the purpose of registration of insurance payments.

Abandon - the insurer 's refusal of the property damaged in case of an insured event in favor of the insurer

Addendum - Supplemental agreement to the insurance contract, supplementing or modifying its terms.

An agency contract is an agreement between the principal (the Insurer) and the agent (Tourist Board) that determines the nature and extent of the commission that the agent undertakes to perform at the expense of and on behalf of the principal for a certain fee.

Act - insurance document compiled by an insurance organization in the presence of an insured event

Andereiter - the person responsible for concluding insurance contracts

Cancellation cancellation , cancellation, invalidation .

Lease payment for the property provided for temporary use.

Actuary is an officially authorized specialist who calculates insurance rates using mathematical statistics methods.

The underwriter is a highly qualified and responsible specialist of the Stakeholder's House, authorized to perform the necessary procedures for reviewing the proposals and accepting risks for insurance (reinsurance).

Assistance - a list of services (under the insurance contract) that are provided at the right time through medical, technical and financial assistance. Widely used in foreign countries to ensure the safety of travelers traveling abroad (in case of illness, accident).

B beneficiary - an individual or a legal entity in whose favor the Insured has concluded an insurance contract, the third party is the beneficiary under the insurance contract.

Bonus-malus - the system of surcharges and discounts, used in insurance.

The basic program of compulsory medical insurance is a list of medical services approved in the established order, which are guaranteed to all insured in the system of compulsory medical insurance in the event of an insured event

Border - a documented list of risks taken to insurance and subject to reinsurance

Beneficiary - Virtually a voluntary insurer's river. Sometimes it is understood as: The third person indicated in the insurance policy by the insurer as the recipient of the insurance compensation or the sum insured.

Bonus - Zhyvets-bait when catching the insured in the muddy water of the Russian economic marsh. Sometimes understood as: Monetary amounts that are distributed or assigned to the owners of policies with participation in the company's profits.

Bordero - (from other Roman " bordel ") A list of bordel's employees transferred to another bordel . Sometimes it is understood as: a list of insurance risks transferred to reinsurance under an obligatory reinsurance contract, sent by the assignor to the reinsurer.

Gross-rate - The last stronghold of Brutus. Sometimes understood as: Part of the insurance rate, which includes the costs of the insurer to conduct business, agency fees, deductions to the fund of preventive measures and the profit of the insurer.

In the beneficiary (beneficiary) a legal or natural person appointed by the insured to obtain insurance compensation or compensation under the insurance contract.

Probability of the insured event A quantitative characteristic of the possibility of the occurrence in the future of events in which an insurance indemnity or an insured amount is paid. V.S.S. Is determined on the basis of statistical data.

Contribution insurance premium: the amount of money paid by the insured to the insurer for the last obligation taken by the insurer to compensate for the material damage caused to the insured person or his property, or to pay the insurance sum upon occurrence of certain events in the life of the insured person

The return of the insurance premium can take place if the insurance has not taken place and the insurer does not bear any responsibility, and also by agreement between the insurer and the insured

Renewal of insurance conclusion of an insurance contract for a new period without interruption (prolongation) or addition of an existing special application

The age of the policyholder is the main factor that influences the risk of the disease (including fatal) and the need for medical services. In addition, when determining the tariff rate, the lifestyle and health of the insured are taken into account

Group Insurance One of the two terrible legacies of socialism ( bytovuha and group sex ). Insurance of a group of persons with similar interests. A group policy is issued to the employer or another representative of the group, and each member of the group receives a certificate confirming the fact of his insurance.

Civil liability of the policyholder to third parties for the damage that it can bring to their health, life and / or property. Civil liability can also occur in case of an unintentional offense or violation of contractual obligations.

Guarantee a form of written guarantee, a document issued by an insurance company, confirming the solvency of the firm to which the guarantee was issued.

A guarantor is a surety. A state, an enterprise, an institution, a company or a person giving in any way a guarantee.

Insurance agreement is a written agreement between the Insured and the Insurer, according to which the Insurer undertakes to pay an insurance payment to the Insured or to another person specified in the insurance contract in the event of an insured event.

Dividend - Something small that shows everyone for decency. Part of the net profit of the insurer, distributed among shareholders in proportion to the number of shares in their ownership

Power of Attorney - Gives credentials to the representative of the insurer, which you can BELIEVE before the insured event, and after this - there is no faith. Written authorization issued by one person to another person for representation before a third party

Dispatcher Insurance agent for wet cases. A person who conducts an investigation and negotiates the procedure for settling the claim for compensation.

Voluntary insurance is one of the forms of insurance; Arises only on the basis of a voluntarily concluded contract between the insurer and the insured

A green card is a system of international contracts and an insurance certificate of civil liability insurance for vehicle owners who travel to the member countries of this system.

The insured person is an individual in whose favor a life and / or health insurance contract has been concluded.

The green card is a system of international agreements on compulsory insurance of civil liability of motor transport owners traveling to the member countries of this system.

Application for insurance - the will of an individual or legal entity to enter into an insurance contract.

And material insurance - the insurance industry, in which the object of insurance is the property of legal entities or individuals.

To ASKO insurance of vehicles (ships, aircraft, cars). Does not include insurance of passengers, transported property, liability to third parties, etc.

Cargo   (From the ugly "Karga") A specific type of insurance for the contents of avosec harmful old women. Cargo insurance; General name of goods.

Combined insurance - comprehensive insurance for several types of insurance, which guarantees one insurance policy.

The insurance commission is a monetary reward paid by the insurer to intermediaries for attracting them to insurance companies, drawing up insurance documents, etc.

L License A charming woman, without which a true insurer is indecent and dangerous to appear in a decent insurance company. License for the implementation of insurance activities, issued by the Department of the Ministry of Insurance Supervision.

Limit of liability of the insurer is the maximum possible liability of the insurer, resulting from the terms of the concluded insurance contract. This limit is fixed in the insurance policy and carries the name "insurance sum".

License for carrying out insurance activities a document of a standard form issued by an official institution certifying the right of its owner to carry out insurance activities in the territory of the country

Personal insurance is the insurance industry, in which the object of insurance relations is the life, health and working capacity of a person

M health insurance is a kind of personal insurance in case of loss of health from illness or accident.

Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTIBU) is a form of association of insurers that carry out civil liability insurance for owners of land vehicles.

N etto-rate (frog from the "not on that") A part of the insurance premium, on which the proverb " The eye sees something , yes the hand is not dm ". Part of the insurance tariff used to form insurance reserves and payments.

An accident is a fire, a traffic accident, a catastrophe, poisoning by chemical products or other action that caused the death or disability of the Insured person, damage or destruction of the insured property.

About the objects of insurance the owner's property taken for insurance; Responsibility for damage caused to life, health and / or property of third parties; Medical expenses; Life and health.

The object of insurance is a specific property interest of the Insured or the Insured Person (property, liability to third parties, life and health, etc.), which can be damaged by an elemental event, accident or other insurance action . Not conflicting with the legislation of Ukraine, property interests related to life, health, work capacity and pension provision of the insured or the insured person.

Compulsory insurance is one of the forms of insurance in which insurance relations arise by virtue of the law

Risk assessment is a natural-physical and cost analysis of all risk factors that characterizes the risk parameters

A penalty is a limited measure imposed on a debtor-insured by law in order to compel him to fulfill his obligation to pay an insurance premium

Reinsurance is a system of economic relations in which the insurer, taking insurance risks, part of the responsibility for them transfers on agreed terms to other insurers to create a balanced portfolio of insurance and insurance operations . A transaction between two insurance companies in which one of them (the assignor) transfers part of the risk under the contract concluded with the Insured to another company (reinsurer) on its behalf for a certain fee.

A policy is an insurance document certifying the fact of signing an insurance contract. The right to regress the insurer's right to receive from the third parties guilty of causing damage, in the order of the reverse demand (recourse), the amounts paid as insurance compensation for the claim of the insured in accordance with the insurance contract.

The insurance premium used in international practice is the name of the insurance premium (insurance payment).

Insurance period for the start and end date of the insurance contract.

Pool Voluntary association of medium-sized companies with the goal of at least once punching insurance monsters on their paws. Association of insurers for co-insurance of major risks.

Progress is the right of the insurer to nominate in the amount actually paid to the Insured to recover damages / claims against a third party who is guilty of the insured event in order to obtain compensation from the insurer for the damage caused.

Retrocessionary (from the Latin retro ) In an old cautious reinsurer. The company that took the risk of reinsurance and again transferred it to another insurer or reinsurer.

Retrocession The amount promised to the company about 40-50 years ago. Reinsurance of taken over reinsurance.

The risk of insurance is an eventual event or a combination of them, in the event of which an insurance is provided.

With the trawling Oh the bottom of the directions of Tolstoy's life, when the insurer for a fee (insurance fee) substitutes his cheek for all slaps owed to the insured from anyone. Relations to protect the property interests of individuals and legal entities when certain events (insurance events) occur at the expense of monetary funds formed from the insurance premiums paid by them (insurance premiums) .   With the system of economic relations, a set of forms and methods for the formation of trust funds and their use to compensate for damage under various adverse conditions (insurance case), as well as to assist citizens and (or) their families in the event of certain events in their lives (injuries, Disability, death, etc.).


Insurance payment An event that causes an eruption and cramps in the insurer, for it is said: "You take strangers, you give yours ..." In the event of an insured event with property, the insurance payment is made in the form of insurance compensation, in case of an insured event with the personality of the insured or a third person - in Form of insurance coverage.

Insurance indemnity is the amount of compensation that the insurer pays to the Insured for damage caused to the Insured Person as a result of an insured event.

Insurance compensation is a mechanism of financial compensation to the insured of actually incurred expenses, which can be carried out in the form of:
- cash payments;
- repair;
- replacement;
- recovery

Insurance Act O dyne from the methods of violence against the insurer by the insured. The duty to protect lies with the insurer. A document compiled by the insurer when it recognizes the occurrence of an insured event and serves as the basis for the payment of compensation.

Insurance broker A trump card for anyone, regardless of the form of ownership and content of the portfolio, the insurance deck. Legal entities or individuals registered in the established manner as entrepreneurs, performing intermediary insurance activities on their own behalf on the basis of instructions of the insured or the insurer.

Insurance portfolio A portfolio full of fear, surprises and troubles for the insurer. The set of risks assumed by the insurer on its own responsibility.

Insurance of a life insurance company. Not an attractive human being.

Term of insurance - the time interval during which the insurance contract is valid.

The insured is a natural or legal person who has concluded an insurance contract with the insurer (insurance company).

Insurer - financial institution

Insurance payment (insurance premium, insurance premium) is a payment for insurance, which the Insured is obliged to pay to the insurer, in accordance with the insurance contract .

Sum insured means the amount of money within which the insurer, in accordance with the terms of the insurance, is obligated to make a payment upon the occurrence of the insured event to the Insured.

Insurance risk is a possible event in the event of which insurance is conducted and shows signs of probability and accidental occurrence.

Insurance rate - the rate of insurance payment from a unit of the insured amount for a certain period of insurance.

The insured event is an event stipulated by the insurance contract or by the Legislation that occurred and with the onset of which the insurer's obligation arises to pay the insured amount (insurance compensation) to the Insured, the Insured person or other third party.

The insurer (insurance company ) is a financial institution that has received a license to conduct insurance activities in accordance with the established procedure.

Term of insurance is the time interval during which the insurance contract is valid.

The insured is an individual or a legal entity that has concluded an insurance contract with the insurer (insurance company).

Insurance premium (insurance payment, insurance premium) payment to the insurer for the provision of insurance coverage under the insurance contract.

Insurance amount (liability limit) the amount specified in the insurance contract, within which the insurer undertakes to make a refund.

Insurance event (insurance event) event, losses from the occurrence of which are covered by the insurance contract.

Insurance risk   A possible event, which results in damage to property and / or life and health.

Insurance rate fee to the insurer for the provision of insurance protection, expressed in Percent of the sum insured.

The degree of risk is the likelihood of an insured event taking into account the amount of possible damage. It reflects the extent of the insurer's liability for the obligations assumed under the insurance contract.

Luggage insurance is a type of property insurance that is carried out alone or in combination with insurance of other facilities under another contract.

Insurance of civil liability type of insurance, where the object is the liability of the insured under the law before third parties, to whom harm (damage) may be caused.

Accident insurance is a type of personal insurance that provides for the loss of ability to work or in case of death caused by adverse accidental events in a person's life payment of a certain amount of money by an insurance company.

Insurance of tourists is a type of insurance, providing insurance protection for citizens while they are on a trip. In addition to life insurance, tourists can also insure their property, liability.

An insurance agent is an official performing on behalf of an insurance company an operation to conclude insurance contracts with legal entities and individuals.

Insurance premium (payment) the amount paid by the insured to the insurer for the obligation assumed by the latter to compensate the material damage caused to the insured person or to pay the insured amount upon the occurrence of a certain insured event.

Insurable damage caused to the insured as a result of an insured event

The third party is a person who is not an Insured or an Insurer in a particular insurance contract.

Bodily injuries ( local injuries) Local violations of the integrity or functionality of the tissue (body parts, organs) under the influence of direct physical or chemical exposure from outside.

The third party is a party (legal or natural person ) not participating in the conclusion and the insurance contract, but in certain circumstances acquiring certain rights arising from the content of the terms of this agreement.

In the event of a grave bodily injury

A universal insurance insurance company that performs operations for all types of insurance and reinsurance

Settlement of losses calculation of the amount of damage to be recovered as a result of an insured event

F orce-majeure 1) events, emergencies that can not be anticipated, prevented or eliminated by any means; 2) extraordinary circumstances caused by the insurance rules, in the event of which the insurer is exempted from fulfilling obligations under the insurance contract

A deductible is a part of losses, which, according to the insurance contract, is not reimbursed by the insurer. Distinguish between the conventional ( unreadable ) and unconditional (deductible) franchise. A conditional deductible is not deducted if the amount of losses exceeds its size, and the unconditional deductible each time an insured event occurs

Franchise - part of the damage provided by the contract, which in the event of an insured event is not reimbursed by the Insurer. The franchise is conditional and unconditional. A conditional franchise shows the right to release the insurer from liability for damage if its size does not exceed the amount of the deductible and the damage is fully refundable if its size exceeds the amount of the deductible. An unconditional franchise indicates that the liability of the insurer is determined by the amount of damage

The franchise is a conditional Franchise (see), which due to its insanity hardly comes into contact and it is accompanied by many conventions.   The insurer shall be released from liability for the loss if its size does not exceed the amount of the deductible and the loss is fully recoverable if its size exceeds the deductible. In this case, the deductible is set as an absolute value.

The tsent (from the tavern "Natsedi-ka, master ...") The insurer who transferred the risk to reinsurance Cession The amount that the insurance company can count on this year. Sometimes it is understood as: The amount that the assignor assigns to the reinsurer.

Shtraf a monetary penalty, a measure of material impact on persons guilty of violating existing laws, treaties or certain rules

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