A volumetric snowflake made of paper. To make it is not more difficult than usual, but it looks much more effective!

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It is difficult to imagine the New Year without Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, mandarin and snowflakes.

Plunge into the magic world of the New Year and learn how to make three-dimensional snowflakes from paper to decorate them with the whole apartment.

Make them a little more complicated and longer than usual, but they will look much brighter and more efficient.

Your apartment will turn into a real place where you can celebrate holidays!

To make a volume snowflake, you will need paper, scissors, glue and a stapler.

Ready? Then turn on the video and learn!

It takes a little longer than to create a normal snowflake, but the result will be just amazing!

To create it, you can also use colored paper to your taste.

Add a little imagination and color - and your apartment will turn into a colorful New Year's extravaganza!