Out in the Astral

Nervous energy is embedded in the brain neurons, typically used only by 4%. People live with enormous underload, which is not even aware. Astral exit problem is essentially the problem of the brain's own submission. After all, this is it, the brain, prevents us from "flying"! Interrupting the internal dialogue and leading a perfect life, we master the psi energy than 4%, and a few more - on 6, 8, or 10%, depending on their advancement in the way of the Warrior.

Greater Astral wanderer was mentioned contact Robert Monroe businessman: he even developed a technique of leaving the physical body. To experience it is to imagine anyone who wishes, but it is better to have behind them the experience of concentration and meditation. Promotes such studies is clear and dry weather, and the harm to the atmospheric pressure and thunderstorms. The stomach should be empty. The best time of the day - from 23 pm to 3 nights.

Monroe advises to take a comfortable position lying - if, before falling asleep. "Devastated" the mind, that is completely control the thought processes that will help you a simple tool called "finger rest." Take a smooth pebble, and holding between the index and middle fingers of one hand rolls, repeating to myself some mantra, such as a proper name.

Another useful clamp between the bent fingers several thin unpolished river pebbles, or even better a few crystals of quartz length of 5-7 centimeters. thin metal plates or tubes can be used. Keep at least three thin solid object between the fingers of each hand, squeezing them almost painfully. In the East, with the same purpose, and sorted out the rosary aloud, muttering verses from the Koran. American researcher Wanda Moore says about the condition of detachment:
- I ravage the mind, slow down breathing and pulse, focusing on the layout of light somewhere in the back of the brain. I have it takes from three to fifteen minutes - and I lose my temper!

The muscles are relaxed. Accept the fact that the first time you can not succeed. In this case, after ten minutes, simply trying to go to sleep. But not to sleep too early, raise arms above the elbow relaxed bed. Once you start to doze off, arm will fall and you will wake up.

Forget about the pressure of the bed and the pillows on your back and head - it will help you forget about the power of gravity. In the absence of this force anyone necessarily soar. The main obstacle that prevents the door from the body, is the fear of not coming back. Fear not: you will certainly come back!
- Visualize that you are becoming easier and easier, you slowly climb up, and how wonderful it - to float in space! - Monroe says. - Be sure to think about how wonderful it is, for subjective associations are extremely important ... The imagination try to respond to the department in advance, before it happened. If you can stick to just these thoughts will separate from the physical body, and you slowly floated upward. But in the first and second time may not be able to ...

Lying on your back with your eyes closed, you can think of that are standing at the head and watching in person. Another similar trick:
lying in the same relaxed position on the back, you can imagine how your astral body is turned on its side, then on the stomach, back again, and so on, faster and faster. In the end, it will rotate around the axis of the physical. Your body lies motionless in the rotating energy cocoon. At one moment, centrifugal force will throw just outside the cocoon.

Mig is accompanied by a growing separation sharp sound in my head. Remember how Carlos Castaneda described the sound accompanying the displacement of the assemblage point of the power of sound can scare you to death. We flew over your head if modern assault bombers, the reader? If so, you know, about what kind of sound

When this sound is suddenly cut off, you feel a click at the base of the neck or the solar plexus, for a moment lose consciousness ... and it's done - you are in the Astral. Loss of consciousness is crucial: at this moment the mechanism switches off the vision of the physical plane, and our mind focuses on the astral plane. A person becomes a seer, that is, seeing all my energy body, without the help of the senses.
- With me there was something very intriguing. Most definitely it could be described by saying that my ears suddenly burst, says Carlos. - Following this, I felt bursting in the middle of his body just above the navel, and even more sharply than in the ears. Immediately after that, everything was incredibly distinct: sounds, pictures, smells. Then I heard an intense noise, which, oddly enough, did not break my ability to hear very quiet sounds. It seemed, I heard the noise of some other part of yourself that is not related to my ears.
Another way. Try to mentally roll over in bed, as if settling comfortably. Do not help yourself any arms or legs. Start with the rotation of the head and shoulders. Slowly, slowly, softly, softly! If you are in a hurry or move in spurts, you can swirl like a log in the water. Then you lose orientation, you will have to touch to return to the starting position, continuing to rotate.

However, if you feel that the rotation was easy, and the feeling of friction and gravity are gone, then you have begun to separate from the physical body. A trained person achieves this in just two turns of 90 degrees. In this position, stop the mental rotation, and it will stop. It is necessary to imagine that you are lying face down, ascend over ... himself. Once again, you will hear not as much as all feel the same growing quite unpleasant roar loud chirping, ringing, buzzing or crackling. Then he suddenly leaves you with a distinctive click. You will experience an instant failure of consciousness and ...
- After the separation hovering over the physical body, not away from it further than a meter - advises Monroe. - Do not try to move in the direction of, or even higher. How to determine the distance? You will feel it. Your vision at zero. You are programmed not to open his eyes. Imagine themselves far away from the physical body - it's enough to really move away from it.

A very similar method is called propeller or flip-flop. Lying on your back, you represent that the legs are raised above the head and the body is turned upside down. Cultivate a very accurate sense of this revolution. Remember that you are experiencing with the rise in the elevator, climb the ladder, take-off on a swing ... Finally starts dizziness, you will hear powerful sound in my head, and after a momentary loss of consciousness, you will find yourself in the astral body.

Experienced Warrior astral projection displays using a method reminiscent of concentration. You can inspect the small portrait, placed above eye level. A similar defocus reach, staring at the flame of a candle or a small spot on a white wall. At the same time the mind is lazy and indifferent to slide over the surface of the object, as if inviting the subconscious take the lead. The same effect is achieved by means of breathing exercises, mantras, which we discussed above.

But what's next? Once out in the Astral, first person is frightened or falls into shock, but very quickly it catches up with the feeling of pleasure. There is a rapid growth of all abilities, even omnipotence. It seems that everything around lit translucent light: in addition to the external lighting every object on top is lit from within. There is a sense of belonging to eternity, and the ailment and infirmity, who had just poisoned a life, I remember with great difficulty.
Many astral pilgrims reported that they have no bodies, but others travel with arms and legs. The reason for this discrepancy is the different advancement of the witnesses.
Do not go directly to the distant worlds. It's as simple as it is dangerous. Learn first confidence to return to the physical body. Do not be frightened, looking at him, still lying in bed beneath you. Make sure once again that it is you and no one else. Look around the room. For the first time this is enough.
- To go back, just enough to think about it - says Monroe. - If you use the first method of separating, the reunion with the body is achieved relatively simply. Fully returning, you can re-move any part of his body and resume any physical sensation. Every time you open your physical eyes back and physically sit down, make sure that you are fully "reunited". It is necessary to preserve the orientation and maintain confidence in the ability to return at will, is the same thing - for consciousness constant contact with the material world, to which you currently belong to ... If you are separated from the body by means of rotation, then to reunite with the physical body, slowly walk up to it and after you feel full contact, do the reverse rotation of 180 degrees. It does not matter which direction you're turning.

If you can leave the body and return to it, try now moving back and forth over his physical shell. Imagine these movements - slow, no sudden movements. Try to move your arms and legs to make sure they are complete immobility. Now wander. Jump.

Are not removed from the body by more than a meter. On this tune in advance, because you may find yourself at the mercy of the fantastic emotions and desires. But do not let yourself be horror, if you suddenly feel that you can not return to his body. This will only exacerbate the situation. Just think of the physical body and slowly return ...

The first trip of the Warrior

Now let's try to make a first trip. Just do not imagine myself a shaman, or will bring you far. For starters, imagine who you want to visit. Call him by his name, and most importantly - in the brain, call it a vivid portrait. Professor Rainer Johnson and did believe that visualization is the key to all astral exits. He says in this regard:
- Concentrated strengthening desire to see the other person leads to the fact that we see the man who wanted to see.

This "condensed gain desire" to be trained. It all depends on your imagination and will to win. Think you are already familiar exercise in contemplation and get your hands on a few new ones. Try to remember a simple pattern: a second look at the original, and three seconds with eyes closed holding it in memory. Repeat the exercise 10 times or 100 - as long as the image of the figure is not completely match the original.
Train with more complex designs, go to the color, and then the three-dimensional image. Put first a few simple and then more complex items on the tray and remember them with my eyes closed, but not through intellectual effort, and purely contemplative. Imagine a book that you now hold in your hands. Walk around its eyes closed and see all of its facets as they really are.

After these exercises, sit comfortably in a darkened room on a chair in front of him and put another chair. Close your eyes and imagine ourselves back sitting on a chair person. Not getting up, imagine that you are together with the chair is moved forward ... and merge with a man sitting with his back to you.

Then do not worry about which direction to go. Your navigation system much more perfect than that of the most advanced spacecraft. Thinking about who you want to visit, turn 360 degrees. Keep your hands outstretched.

In one moment you will feel in the right direction: You will pull back like a magnet. In the Astral to think means to act, because the beam long fibers your solar plexus is attached to the lines of the world. It is worth thinking about the destination, and you suddenly find yourself is thousands of kilometers away, next to the person you are interested in.

At first, you will identify new possibilities with ordinary human. Deciding to move to the next room, you rush towards the door to open it, and decided to go to the fridge in the kitchen, you will bypass the protrusion of habit bathroom ... Very soon you will realize that now there is no obstacle for you.

Solid objects you will see through such as X-ray machine, and for your penetration, they will not be denser than air. You will be able to run on the floor, holding a half of its surface "I"; the other half will hang from the ceiling of the neighbors on the floor below.
As a rule, you will not succeed in Astral affect the physical body and objects. You can never there for a beer and eat chicken. Toilet you also completely useless. One astral traveler tried desperately to only turn on the lights in his house, but did not cope with any switch.

However, the French explorer Urville staged many successful experiments of this kind. He hypnotized his subjects, and then doubles deduced from their physical bodies. Urville fixed tangible effects of its ghosts pressed the bell, knocked the balance weights, and even closed the closet door.

Once in the Astral, you'll be able to experiment themselves. Anyway, the tremendous experience of Mexico magicians whole is on the side of D'Urville. Only in his own physical body is better not to try to change the position of the feet and hands - away from sin. Remember: you are with your physical body in different dimensions.

The astral body, like children, are very curious and love to all kinds of entertainment. The company from the physical world seems to them no more than a troupe of actors on the stage. Fortunately, the survival instinct, nestled in the mind, forcing the astral body will eventually return to the place.

Otherwise, millions of people would have remained lethargic. Yes, dear reader: it walks the astral body is due to the phenomenon of multi-day or multi day even sleep. Astral part razotozhdestvlyaet itself with the individual and does not want to drag out a vile earthly existence - after a steep so many beautiful parallel worlds! It is there where it is not able to distinguish the lethargy of death, and bury people alive.

Guru Van Avera from Saratov offers a slightly different output circuit in the Astral. Take a comfortable position lying down in a dark room. Enter your state has already spent dive. Feel your inner energy, but do not focus on it: now we go much further!

Imagine that your limbs stretch and thicken. they soon made an unusually long and thick. Being immersed, it is not difficult to imagine, but sometimes falls a little tense ... get it? In a few minutes, and you simply stop lowering, where the own hands and feet, stop to feel their weight.

You would think that a thick, stretching into the distance limb raised and separated the sides, as if weightless. Convince yourself that they do not submit to you that your arms and legs were completely foreign to you objects. This feeling alone and lack of control of arms and legs is very important to pull out from the usual image of his own body.

Imagines now that the limbs continue to swell, their outlines blurred, dissolve ... Then the same fate befalls your body and even the head. The body turns into a heavy, hot jelly into a dense mist of energy. You lose physical form, but the channels are filled with energy and chakrams remain with you: dive continues!

Concentrate alternately on all of its seven chakrams towards top of the skull down to the sacrum. Did you notice a difference in the frequency of energy that fills every chakras - your account can fix them different colors, sizes and even density.
In this phase of the dive are aiming to lose orientation in space. Well, if you do not know where the top and where the bottom. Generally familiar physical world exists for you somewhere very far away, and you do not have any relation to it. All that you connect to it now, so the memory that you are in your room. Becoming a viscous fog energy, you dissolve into the surrounding sea of ​​energy. This is not a hostile and alien and familiar to you the sea, because it is here you remove energy during respiration.

Keep in mind you are not caught in a fierce energy Ocean of Reality, and are "only" in the lower level of the astral world, in a thin layer between the usual "earth" and the world of reality. If you prefer, consider the place where you now find themselves as the vestibule, the gateway front door or porch Reality.

If you really are dissolved, the assemblage point has moved from the usual anchor. Focus now on the center of her Hara. Be sure to do your best to achieve this: the fixation of consciousness on the Hara will allow you to move to the "thin" energy ocean. Call to the aid of all his will - tighten willed chakra, which is located at the base of the throat, and send out a pulse of energy to the Hara. Try again and again - until then, until you reach desired. Hara will be your navigator in the run-up to reality.

For further immersing your "I" should be moved to the heart chakra. It is not so easy, because usually we are used to realize themselves in the front part of the brain, close to the eyes. You may need a lot of attempts. For the first time you will be able to achieve this, most likely, only for a moment. Try again and again. In fact, you are now the astral body is pushed beyond the physical shifts the assemblage point further into his cocoon.

Your consciousness is like committing capsizing, inverted: the heart chakra becomes the top, and the third eye and the throat chakra are at the bottom. Very strange feeling, is not it? Repeat it again and again, hold on to it! Call to the aid of rhythm: as soon as the heart drops consciousness back into his head again tilt the mind to the heart. Back and forth, back and forth ... On the loosening of ordinary consciousness takes a lot of time and effort. From the first time at all, you can not achieve the desired. Well, put off until tomorrow, day after tomorrow.

However, if you were swinging your mind right, then after a few strokes (from the head to the heart and vice versa), you suddenly feel the same growing sharp sound in my head - near the ear or head. The sound may remind you of a loud crash of broken branches, turbulent noise of the waterfall, the roar of low-flying jet aircraft, which seems to split the sky ...

In fact, this feeling begins in the throat chakrams, at the base of the neck, but we perceive it as an unexpected and powerful sound. Immediately after that roar you find your mind rushing in a giant tunnel or uncontrollably falling into a bottomless pit.

Your astral body left the physical! On the physical body you store only a vague recollection: Yes, somewhere there is one in a different world. Remember the shamanic universe? You already stranstvuete on it. You do, too, it was under the power - without peyote and toadstools. And, like a shaman, your physical body looks now fast asleep.

The shaman falls out of its axial well on the sea bottom or rises beyond the clouds, where fights with evil spirits, and solves the problems of compatriots. But where civilized European falls, starts in astral travel on the threshold of the XXI century? Of course, you can start to explore the familiar physical world (the average for shamanic classification): all continents, cities, islands and mountains will open to you, this is only a wish. Any planet, comet, asteroid, moon waiting for you. You can even visit the space station "Mir".
However, with the possibilities of the everyday world is incomparably what is offered in their bright "tourist brochures" astral planes. They exist, as we know, a great many - absolutely parallel, non-intersecting, not similar one to the other worlds. Guru Van Avera in their wanderings always rested on a brick wall endless river or baggy. In other words, the road ahead is closed. Going to the left, a former military parapsychologist invariably ran into a series of long-predlinnuyu lives (reincarnation), have lived before his soul. If you encounter such a movie MNOGOseriynoye, you can freely admire fragments of their former lives.

However, the hope that your soul has happened previously in the physical world, as we have said, a little. Only the power of the Warrior soul to survive in the ruthless reality and re-acquire their own body. Perhaps it is your soul, and live long, and your everyday existence now - only the first in a chain of reincarnation!

What awaits us, if you choose the right path? Chances are, you will meet your guides, guides for endless vestibule Reality - one or two luminous effect, which can be regarded as their own guardian angels. At critical moments guides will come to you for help, but do not expect that they will pull you out of any situation unscathed. Remember the saying: God helps those who help themselves. If you are in the physical world there are teacher, it is very likely that you will recognize in its luminous nature guide.
But that same wall, or giant, boundless river? What's behind them? There's reality, the reader. There's absolute space, energy proporoty strings. There is a fifth dimension, Astral, which collide in a deadly battle creatures from different worlds. It is there that rush souls of the dead. During the life of a skilled magicians return there mentally and physically fulfilling. Only a warrior can stand in the power of the Astral nightmare.

No need to choose is no path to the left nor to the right path, or, God forbid you directly. While it is important to learn how to confidently go to the limit of reality - and nothing more! And now it is time to return. Fortunately this is much easier than to come here. Imagine my physical body lying on the bed in your room. Identify your "I" with this body and will focus on chakrams at the base of the neck.

Return to the normal state of consciousness you will feel like a lightning flight, perhaps even loss of consciousness and lightning ... and here you are at home: lying in his own body and try to get used to the presence of the arms, legs and head. Please note that your members will not be felt at first entirely native, vague. Do not loiter, get out of the dive.

Imagine that your body is just viscous, heavy and hot, cools and hardens. After a few minutes you should feel just relaxed. Switch on around you things, smells and sounds. Do the cleansing breathing exercises. Do not eat anything for at least four hours.