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Tank Object 268 guide World of Tanks

Object 268 video review guide World of Tanks - Tactics games

Overview video guide pt sau object 268 rather problematic thing and take on its creation it is very ignoble. After all, the tactics of the game on the object 268, the manner of driving it and a complete set of the machine is not yet verified. Skoreevsego it will be armed with guns 152 mm M64. Try it, it's a miracle, at the moment only on the test server. But as the proverb says: Without the guide, and life is bad. Or so she says? .. Ah, well. In short, your attention is the video guide Object 268, which will be released with the release of patch 0.7.5.

Features adequately continue the work of 704 . If we compare their performance characteristics, then, "estesno" 268 outperforms its counterpart in almost all indicators. The truth is a little inferior to the booking. But the first thing that struck you in the face - the angles of inclination of the frontal armor. Some icebreaker simply, not a tank. And that first led me into raptures. "All right - I thought, - Figure who strikes me, be solid bounce." In part, I was right. The truth now you have to expose the forehead at an angle of 90 degrees to shoot. Then the probability of a rebound will be very large. If we compare the 704 and 268 world of tanks, then it is two completely different machines, both in style of play and the characteristics of the modules. Will the top better than its predecessor, it is too early. But the difference is quite significant. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of the machine.

How to break through - Driving booking - breaking areas


  • speed and maneuverability of the tank;
  • rate of turn;
  • armor, damage object 268 carries sovesem good;
  • relative obscurity.


  • book.

Video guide on penetration

As you can see, the advantages still more than the minuses. Although this is an incomplete list. After the end of the test it is clearly filled up and it is unknown in which direction. One thing is for sure - we will get under the management a dynamic PT assault type. A sort of a version of the medium TP. How to fill the car, dealing exclusively yours. But there are only two options: either you play in the "ninja in the bushes," or else you fancy yourself a cowboy, and fly cut "Redskins". The second option is more suitable for the performance characteristics of the tank. It is worth to take advantage of his combat unit. Accordingly, to sit in the bushes and wait for comrade fragment comes into your hands, it is not reasonable. Your reservation will not allow to take a punch, such as the German second or US masthead PT . Therefore it is better to play in assault mode. That's the whole strategy.

Example ride facility 268 wot

See also guides for other tanks:

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