How and where to get experience and priblizitsa to become hacker target

. :) Next Generation Hackers Group (:.
Article written by: vizor'om
----------------- | writing date: 04/01/05 Year
----- | Contacts: rel4nium ([email protected])
"How to become a hacker" ...
goal: to tell you how and where to get experience and priblizitsa the goal to become a hacker, you put
on the right path and to develop respect for a certain circle of people.
>>> <<<
In a network many such articles, but they did not talk about how to become a reality
hacker, almost all of them about some certain vulnerability, ostensibly to crack if you like
the author described it, then you become a hacker. Of course it's nonsense to become a hacker you need to have
You had a lot of patience, because the need to read a lot. The distinction between simple
the user and the hacker is very high, and do not think that after reading this and other similar
articles you become a hacker, but you are close to within a few steps to your goal. I'll just
tell you what resources you can visit, what to do in the beginning, just in general about what should
you push on the way forward and to lay your head in the knowledge that you are very
will be needed in the future.
To do something in practice, of course you need to know the theory, so start with it.
* Make out more asked questions about what they need to know, to establish the person for
In order to learn hacking *
It will be very good if you programmiruesh in any programming language, if you know or
php or perl. Since it is very useful to you. If you do not programmiruesh and do not know any
programming languages, it is not beda.No still have to sooner or later, something to teach,
* Delphi can be, but certainly better to know C ++ *. With all the programming, go further ...
___operating system:
Optional Linux should be your everyday operating system (of course if you're sure,
that you can get used to it, you dare) for example I use and win and linux, linux but I
I use for any important things. I advise you (if you certainly did not work in Linux and do not know
basic commands) to download linux written in Java, ie ie just a window open it, it is unnecessary
install, and it will not affect the operation of the system, weighs little is generally recommended:
junix (download: and learn from it just happens
that people put linux, but nevchёm unsorted remove it, and still enjoy vynem so
I advise or broken disc to instalit 2 OSes (win and lin), or simply
put the emulator (VMware-workstation).
___ Software:
Any program - a work of the programmer, who tried to users, so that respect the
programs and programmers, software is not bad, all of them for specific purposes and if
a program is not quite cope with their responsibilities is quite insignificant, that it
Soft money had to be a lot, everything should be limited by any:
Scanner open ports, nmap: web scanner
who can filigree on XSS, SQL, php, css can find any in the net, but I advise to download
nikto: http: // go = 86 + new scan:, here are the must have
scanners how to handle them look at - here about NMAPE, and with no need to so
to understand, with the help of the English. HELP.
password cracker:
Join the ripper (video tutorial on using jtr
you can download virtually any portal, specialized in hacking, hacking.
utility services: - voiz (to determine the ip range, and name of the person to whom has been launched
This online tool)
telnet client is in any ye not (telnet www.adre port) may also be required to
determining the operating system, etc.
net-cat "Swiss army knife" to read about this utility in the first ezine (magazine) mazafaka (
is the main software that you may need to break-server site, so neraspylyaeysya
otherwise, download and enjoy the fact that you really come in handy.
.......... Other scanners: Nessus 2.2.2a NRG

___ Sites:
I advise to visit the sites on your level of knowledge, ie, it is unnecessary to go immediately to the abstruse, and start from
such as ( - video tutorials), and then after a witness material antichata,
to move to the other, although it is unlikely you will find something for sure stoyuschee, there is only a small fraction
very good articles that will help you in your development, so that you do not need to spend
a huge amount of time to search for them, later in this article I will give links to those articles that you
really useful for development after you and their prochtёsh razbrerёshsya in their essence,
it can be considered a certain stage in your development and you will already be moving
farther. I think that the basic knowledge, you can get a couple of months, a development many
hampered by the fact that they start to look for different items begin sprayed on many subjects, and
as a result they do not understand is not one, and often drop everything. But in order for this not happened with
you, for that I'll give links to the starting material.
The theory still go further ...
This section provides links to relevant material that you need to go:
Tutorial Delphi:
by pearl and B look himself with the help of search engines, I advise to visit - a lot of information on
lang. programming kryakerstva portal.
___ Sites:
Sites that you should visit:
* Need is smooth in the case, but after reading the material they can understand a lot *
_______ Material to read:
.......... Web Hacking:
Web hacking - is a way of breaking it when you break open the site through a vulnerability
directly on the web page server, it can be vulnerable script, or non-filtering
and other variable programming errors.
XSS and CSS:
SQL injection:
php include vulnerability + security php:
+ Other articles on this bug look at
.......... Unix command:
Unix commands you really need in order to be able to deal with Unix, since without
knowledge of Unix commands you not to crack Unix server. And so it is now dominated by the Internet
yuniksopodnobnye OS, without the knowledge of teams anywhere.
.......... Exploit's
Eksployt- program is usually written in C or Perl, it uses any
the vulnerability of web servers, web sluzhb.eksploytov a great multitude, so that if you do not think
Download one of them, then you will be able to break even, which unfortunately is not the case, because the Internet
distributed different server, different software, different versions, and already the basis of that kind
version, which name
in web server is chosen to exploit it and use. (mass exploits)
>>>> Description of the protocols:
Perhaps enough to start :) In future articles I will say that you can still read ...
? You still want to become a hacker? :)
Good luck in training ... use this knowledge only for good purposes :) !

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