If you wake up at night at this time, then you may have problems. This is serious!

Если вы просыпаетесь по ночам в это время, то у вас могут быть проблемы

Energy channels (meridians) are a combination of biologically active points located on the body on energy channels. A channel is the path through which energy is distributed to feed the organs of the physical body. In the usual representation, the organ is a light bulb, the channel is a wire, the points are switches. Energy meridians connect the etheric body of man and the physical. These points were discovered by ancient Chinese medicine. They are characterized by increased electrical conductivity, increased pain sensitivity. The circulation of energy through channels is realized irrespective of the person's awareness of it. But awareness is able to increase circulation. In addition, the channels can be poorly passable and this patency needs to be strengthened.

Rhythms are inherent in all galaxies and cells. The change of day and night, the time of year leads to the fact that human organs also rhythmically change their activity. Including and switching factors are physical changes in the external environment, for example, a change in the intensity of the light flux associated with the motion of the sun and the phases of the moon. Moreover, the activation of organs is subject to internal biological clock. With the energetic excitation of the organism, the main organs interact, adjusting them to each other, and changing the environment. The complete cycle of energetic excitation of organs is completed in about 24 hours. And the maximum activity of the organs lasts about two hours. It is at this time that human organs are better suited to therapeutic effects. In the body, a whole cascade of additional biochemical reactions that use substances of natural preparations and medicines is launched.

You wake up at night at the same time and are already tired of guessing what is happening to our body? Then it's time to find out. In Chinese medicine there is a kind of biological body clock that will help to determine which problems in which body do not allow us to sleep or what emotions awaken us in the middle of the night or early in the morning.

It is difficult for you to fall asleep in the period from 21.00 to 23.00

Если вы просыпаетесь по ночам в это время, то у вас могут быть проблемы

At this time, blood vessels are active. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at this time, then you may have problems with immunity, adrenal gland and thyroid iron. Psychological factors complicating sleep at this time are stress, discord in thoughts and fixation on one's own person.

You wake up from 23.00 to 1.00

Если вы просыпаетесь по ночам в это время, то у вас могут быть проблемы

At this time, the gallbladder is active. This body is responsible for processing the fats that you consumed during the day. If you wake up at this time, then you need to include in the diet more correct, healthy fats. If you are condemning yourself or others for something, then you can also have trouble sleeping in this gap.

You wake up from 1.00 to 3.00

Если вы просыпаетесь по ночам в это время, то у вас могут быть проблемы

Time of liver activity. If sleep is disturbed in this gap, then you are giving too much pressure to this important organ. It's time to lower the consumption of alcohol and revise the diet to avoid problems. Malice, anger and guilt also prevent sleep at this time.

You wake up from 3.00 to 5.00

Если вы просыпаетесь по ночам в это время, то у вас могут быть проблемы

At this time, the lungs accumulate oxygen in order to transfer it to the rest of the body. At the same time, people feel sadness, sadness, grief. If you wake up, then there is a clear sign of depression. To fix the situation, you need to switch to a healthy diet and breathe more clean air.

You wake up from 5.00 to 7.00

Если вы просыпаетесь по ночам в это время, то у вас могут быть проблемы

The large intestine is activated, so it is not unusual that you wake up, because it is at this time that you may have the urge to go to the toilet. To remove the problem, drink plenty of water. Emotionally, you are hampered by the desperate situation in which you are, or the impatient expectation of progress in life.

Via marketium.ru