The economics of agrarian applications - Andriychuk V.G.

4.10. The rozvitok syl'skogoospodarskoi cooperativi ta ії оргаізаційні form

4.10.1. Світовий досвід кооперації в сільському господарстві

Cooperation in sіlskomu gospodarstvі bere svіy cob s 50th rokіv XIX stolіttya, if at Prusії F. Rayffeyzenom Bula zapochatkovana Selyanske cooperation in formі tovaristva Relief sіlskim Ruler i blagodіynogo tovaristva. H hour in deyakih kraїnah Єvropi pid vplivom potreb vnutrіshnogo i zovnіshnogo prodovolchih rinkіv steel vinikati and pіznіshe іntensivno rozpovsyudzhuvatisya cooperatives h pererobki sіlskogospodarskoї produktsії, vіdbuvaєtsya wider the magnitude kooperuvannya fermerskih Gospodarstwa have zbutovіy i postachalnitskіy dіyalnostі areas.

Ninі in the lands In the west, in the United States, Canada, the smallest countries, the Solskogospodarskoe cooperative society, the Maypark of all the basic spheres of the farmer's government. Zokrema, uspishno funktsionuyot soi vidy kollektiviv: obslugovoychy, zbutovi, co-operatives of the financial and credit insurance, the cooperative society with social services, and management.

Yak bachimo in sіlskomu gospodarstvі zarubіzhnih kraїn rozvivayutsya rіznі FORMS kooperativіv, SSMSC bezposeredno stvoryuyutsya fermerskimi Gospodarstwa for dosyagnennya bіlsh temple rezultatіv gospodaryuvannya ta Zahist in konkurentnіy borotbі s monopoly structures in sferі pererobki produktsії th Especially in sferі її zbutu on vnutrіshnomu that zovnіshnomu prodovolchih Rink.

Tom Nepipalovo naybіlshogo rozpysyugzhennya nabuli co-operatives themselves from the organisation zbutu syl'skogoospodarskoi produktsii її promislovoi pererobki. Odnochasno, yak svіdchit US dosvіd, kraїn Zahіdnoї Єvropi, fermerskі Gospodarstwa not stvoryuyut kooperativіv s virobnitstva sіlskogospodarskoї produktsії, vvazhayuchi scho Private gospodaryuvannya in tsіy sferі dіyalnostі Je bіlsh efektivnosti i samodostatnіm for them.

About the scale of the development of cooperatives in the sylvic government of the developed zarubizhnih kraine svidchat soi dany. In the US, 3,651 co-operatives are engaged in the trade (trade turnover) with 120 billion dolar, 1,7 billion dolaris are paid to them. The number of members of cooperatives is 3,353,000, the number of hanging from them rests on the post-basic basis of 174 tis. Choloviks, and privately zanyatih - 92 yew.

Chastka mainly vidіv sіlskogospodarskoї produktsії, yak realіzovana through cooperatives, becoming: milk - 86%, i Nasinnya olіynih grain crops - 40, bavovni - 43 fruktіv that ovochіv - 19, thinness i outside - 14%. Chastka resursiv, purchases through cooperatives, є takozh dos istotnoyu і on okremih їh types of warehouse: dobriv - 45%, palnogo - 50, zasobiv zahistu roslin - 34, food - 21, nasinja - 10%.

Bagato of the Silesian cooperative societies in the United States is superimposed on great pidpriimstva. Tell me, say, seven such cooperatives (0.4% of the total number of mining companies) have a turnover of 1 billion dolar.

Перебні кооперативно Скандинавських країн (Норвегиягії, Швеції, Фінляндії) та Data Recovering and realizing 90% of milk and milk products, 70-80% of m'sa and m'yasoproducts. Збутові кооперативы Швеції реалізують 80% of grain і 75% яєць, вироблених Swedish farmers. Znachnyh scales diyalnost silsskogospodarskih cooperatives reached in Nimecchini and Frantsii. In ostannіy at 90 Rokach has funktsіonuvalo bagato (Ponad 10 tis.) Kooperativіv new spryamuvannya - іz spіlnogo vikoristannya tehnіchnih zasobіv in sіlskomu gospodarstvі, SSMSC obslugovuyut 25% fermerskih Gospodarstwa. In cich molds, 4% of zagalnyi kolkosty tractors, 30% of cereal grains and 35% of feed combines, 16% of roses are added to the molds, and 12% of them are sewed in the same way. The analogue dossier was accumulated і in Nіmecchinі, and the farmers' state property of the machinery of comission із спільного використання техніки.

In the territories of Zahidnoi Європи спостерігається process диверсифікації діяльності кооперативів. Skazhimo, Bagato zbutovih cooperative societies have taken on themselves the function of securing farmers' wealth in material and technical resources. At Franzії velikі cooperativі zіbutu grains stvojumyut потужні виробництва з yоgo переробки і виготовлення broad assortment of boroshnyanyh virobіv, zabezpechuchi zavdyaki tsіomu додоткові прибутки farmerskim gosdarstvam - members of such cooperatives.

We are new to the development of the Silesian cooperative societies in the marginal areas ство the alignment of the asociative cooperatives, the coffers of whomever to reach the rivet rіven їх rivals the food on the food rink, the bolsh nadіyny zahist vіdvu monopolіzovannyh structures in agrobusiness.