Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.


18.1. Зміст і type of economy. Нагромадження та інвестиції, їх role in economical zrostanні

Зміст і type of economy. Rushyni sily ekonomichnogo zrostannia (progress). The pogrom is that norm. Інвестиції та їх ефективність. VTRiv NTR on ekonomichny rozvitok.

18.1.1. Зміст і type of economy.

The problems of the economical zrostan have been put out in front of the people in the twentieth century, and are not meant to mean anything, but they did not hive wits earlier. It's harder to talk about economics, people talk mercantilistically, and bilsh-mensh in the subject-matter of the problem by putting the fiziokrat F. Ken. The protagonist of the remainder of the decade is one of the most important countries in the economy, in addition to the economy, the stimulus of economic growth, the padding of the yogic tempos on the stable and optimal rivnya. Усе це ціткого уявлення about економічне зростання, factori yogo stimuljuvannya і стримування.

Economist zrostania is an extraordinarily foldable hideout. W. Seligmen, reappointed to the drive to the drive of the American official of the economic economy, declaring that the theory of economical zhostany is guilty of vrachovuvaty natural resources, political institutions, legislation, and that of the psycho-social and societal factors. The scrap of such allopathic theories, the duma of the veche, is the zeal of the zest. Відомі економісти, the authorization of the economical zrostania, it is clear rіch, did not pretend to keep everything in the uni-versal theory, did not ruffle the demand to "unbundle". Tomu kozhna teorіya abo model moyut vedpovdnі pripuschennya ta abraktcії, yakі allow vidiliti i vivchiti naybіlsh sut'evі factori ekonomichnogo zrostannya.

In the theoretical and practical aspects, understanding "economically viable" tisno povyazyane term "widen the view", or for its zmistom - not a total of economical categories. So, the remainder (widened in the image) is hunted by the processes of macroeconomic (national, economical), and on microdistrict (galuz, pidpriemstvo). The economy is characterized by the strategic economy of the economy in the main on the macro (national policy). Here, on the first plan, the problem of the capital and the economy of the national economy is to be discussed. Sam Mekhanizm ekonomichnogo zostannya, yak rule, in the case of economical literature look at unreliably in the most vulnerable socially-economical issues in the tiie chi іншій країні (економічній системі).

The sutnist understands "ekonomichne zostannia" is possible to sign yak kіlkіsne zbіlshennya ya yіkіsne vdoskonalennya for vidpііdnyi perіod results in vibrobitvva (goods, services), yoga basic factors. At zahіdnі lіteraturі pіd tsim term, priinyato rozumіti zbіlshennya obsnyagіv kavіstіv i іdg, vvorenih per daniy perіiod.

Dysno, head method of economical zrostanya є zbіlshennya obshyagіv ekonomichnyh blag, scho spriyanie polyshennju zhittya populus, strenennu stabilnogo prjatelivel'no sotsіno-polichnichnyh situatsії v kraїnі, pіvіschennju її mіzhnogo authority. To the point of view of etymology (march), the term "zrostanya" is close to the "rozvitok", and the rest remains shirsy for zmistom. Economical rozvitok - tse process of transition kraїni vіd one стана економіки до іншого, більш досконалого - тобто якісно new on the basisіївідповідних structural and інституціональних зрушень. Comprehensively to be manifested in a comprehensive and comprehensive economy.

Viokremlyuyut two basic types of economical zrostanya: extensive and intensive. Extensive type of economical zrostannia zabezpechuyutsya for rahunok kilkisnogo zbіlshennya obsnyagі functііnoychih vzryvnіvі vibrobnitsva і practical for zzreberzhennia nezminіnim їх передніх техніко-технологічних параметрыів. The intensive type of economic growth is characterized by the development of the virbitnitsva on the basis of the yakisnogo polischennia all yogo factoriv, ​​tobto ratsionalnogo vikoristan vsyogo vibrochnichogo potentzialu. Yak vidhilennya vіd lawful process of economical development in the environment for a number of territories can be (Міє) місце a regressive type zrostannya, for a typical trivala znizhennya obsnyagіv suspilnogo vibrobitvtva. Zokrema, takie yasische spostriagalos stretch of the 90's. In all the territories of the CIS, in addition, in Ukraine, in the literature, it was called the transformational decline.

The basic type of economical zhostaniya, then practice does not exist in absolute forms. In real life, stinks are manifested in the most disastrously exten- sive, and vice versa, the intensive type of economical zhostaniya. Ninі in rozvinutyh kraїnah perevazhaet іntensivny shlyakh ekonomichnogo rozvitku. In Ukraine, the list of the trivial recession of vibrobitvtva neobhidno pidgotuvati material basis for intensive economic life. Chim ratsional'nii funkіonuє process vіdvtrenennya, tim vische efektivnist supilnogo vibrobitvtva. Ефективність вимірюється динамікою эти макроекономічних витісних показників як ВНП, ВВП, НД до загальних витрат, тобто ефективність суспільного виробництва на рівні країни - це співвіdosen:

Efektivnist sushpilnogo vibrobitvtva na rivnyi krayani

Vaughn is shown, in some of the vitrices otrymano that chi інший обсяг відповідного макроэккономічного otkaznik.