Фізіологія і психологія праці - Krushelnytska Ya.V.

2.4. Functionality of the central nervous system in the process of administration

Reflective function

Z fiziologicchnogo pragliya prattsya є reflex process, in a kind of viznachalna role nalezhit clever reflexes. In zdіysnenni labor process take the fate of іsovіmіnі reflection, zokrema дослідницький, орієнтувальний, наслідування і т. Ін.

Zhodna trudova dіya can not pochati without vidpііdіonії cause, tobto sub-item, yaky sprimayєtsya bodies chuttіv. In trudovіy dіyalnіі subbotnikami mozhut bouti be-yakі yavishcha, pozhyannyi zim chіnim etap vibropnichogo protsessu. Nimi є takozh verbal signals in viglyadі rozporyadzhen, інструкцій, роз'яснень тощо. On pratsіvnika dіyut різні побічні of the subcategories, sho vinikayut vibropnichomu і sotsialnomu seredovishchі. Sub-divisions, yakі існують у трудовій spheresі and виробничих відносинах, flashing especially vidchutny vplyv on muzhinu. Вони здатні значно змінювати фізіологічні processes, wiklikati strong emotіїї, а іноді навіть стреси.

Trudov ruhi, priyomi, operatsi, scho їh vikonuє pracycnik, є zovnіshnim manifestation of folding processes, sho vidbuvayutsya vyshimi viddilyah nervovoi sistemi. Same in the cichlism is governed by the regulation of all manifestations of organization. Zavdyaki soiі centrіzalіzії забезпечується цілеспрямована, вибіркова регуляція відповідних реакцій на субники.

The central nerve regulation in the process of prac- tice is in the fact that the assis- tance of the signal stimulus is accurate, and the specificity of the response to the response in a particular Ruhu, Priyoma, and Operation is accurate. Іnakshe kazuchi, shchob zabezpechuvalasya kakomoda ponnisha vidpovіdnіst mіzh zavdannyam i vikonannyam.

The labor process of mental reflexion is characterized by such singularities:

  • By the subfamiliar pid hour of vikonannya zavdannya є usvіdomlennya meti, tobto uzavlennya pro majbutnіy result pratsi;
  • Virіshalne znachennya u trudovіy dіyalnіі majut verbal alarm, yakі - by witty subtopics and clever pіdkrіplennyam;
  • Досягнення поставленої мети і усвідомлення корисності результатів праці є умовним підкріпленням.

Whether it's a workflow or an operation, store it in a complex of events and meetings, in an hour's time or after a vikonannya.

Skin dyu can rozgljadati yak reflex, and the whole operation - yak system of reflexes. For the working people, the people are typified бага bagatorezov repeated in the next postlіovnosty chih clever reflexes. Odnі з them по'їязані з діями, другі з припиненням дії. Pershi is called positive, friend - negative reflexes. The system of positive and negative reflexes І. P. Pavlov called the dynamical stereotype. At trudovіy діяльності динамічний stereotype vyyavlyaetsya yak system ruhovih clever reflexes, to that nazivaetsya ruhovim, abo robochim, dynamical stereotype. The folding system of reflexes is formed in the process of the vibronic novo and the vikonannya of the virgin virubnikovoy zavdannya.

In the process of formulating a clever reflex, which lies in the fundamentals of concrete work, children's virtues:

1) початкова стадія, for якої is characterized by іррадіація збудження, внаслідок чого у виконанні тієї чиі іншої дії take the fate of the center of measles of the brain. At pravtsivnika pomochaetsya bagato zayvikh ruhiv and zusil, picking pardons in robots;

2) stadія завоєння і закріплення правильних прийомів роботи on the basis of concentrating zbudzhennya in notagatah klitinah measles the brain. Іррадіація збудження intermittently, the robot is characterized by honest and economical ruhami, vіsutnistyu pomilok.

In the process of attending a lyudina, the first thing to do is to make sure that the work is carried out, and that, in order to reach the cerebral cortex, the signals in the calls for intercourse and internal subcategories. Nervowe zbudzhennya, scho vinikaє pid vlistli kozhnoi rabotovoi dії, not pripinyayatsya negayno, and zalyshyatsya the extension of the piano hour in viglyadi postupovo zgasyaychih slidiv zbudzhennya. Проте людина в цей час повторює ті самі трудові дії або виконує інші. Otzhe, cleverly reflexive pidkryplyuyutsya, and slidi zbuudzhennya pogromadzhuyutsya.

System slidіv zbudzhennya, on the fundamentals of anchoring the program of the robotic dіy, nazivayatsya інтегральним образом робочих дій. In the process of robotics, the elements of the hard work must be verified with the help of the image of the office in the form of robots. Tse porivnyannya zdіysnyuyatsya for the principle of free zvoyazyaku, vaslidok chogo trudovі dії koroguyutsya zgіdno z programu.

On the basis of the sub-division, the signaling about the correctness of the working days, closing the nerves, addressing the zabudlivost and functional inconsistencies in some nerve centers and digging out the process of galvanizing in the others.

Pislya bagarazovogo reiterated trudovyh priyomіv і szvoyennya їх pracycnik pachinaє vikonuvati vse elementi operatsii not okremo, but yak єdiniy protses. Перехід від один елемента операції доnншого відбувається without having to switch uvgi і misslenya to vikonannya skin element. Wasp the system of clever reflexes, in order to store the operation, to be reduced to the first subsection of the system. Tse means, scho at pravtsivnika the robotic dynamical stereotype was formulated.

The robotic dynamical stereotype is a system of evil and a system of clever reflexes, yak is said to be in vain for the bagatransition of the repeated cleansing of subsections in the established post-mortem and through the public hours. In the form of a robust stereotypical stereotype, the automaticity of the script is in the forefront of the automatism, in the fundamentals of what lies the established thymus-like zv'azkiv of the world with nervous clays. Automatism дій полегшує виконання роботи і звільняє нервові клітини для творчої діяльності, сприяє підвищенню працездатності і продуктивності праці.

Otzhe, robotic dynamical stereotype - tseformovaniya i zakrippleniy vnasledok trenuvannya avtomatizovaniya sposіb dosyagnnnia pevnoy meti i rozv'jannja stavlennogo zavdannya. Stійкість functііунуняня робочого динамічного stereotypes characterize the steps відхилень трудової діяльності від програми, надійність - виконанням її за наявності несприятливих факторів.

Robotic dynamical stereotype є odnitel'yu povedinki muzhni yak osobistosti. In the life of the people, the dynamical stereotypes of the development of concrete manifestations. The hard-working Rukhs have the same technical dynamical stereotype; At vibrochnic, laboring diyalnosti - tse poslidovnist operatsiy by the extension of robochkoi zmіni that poslidovnist elementіv at kozhnіy operatsi; In povsyakdenniy diyalnost - a dobovy stereotype of functions.

Robochi dinamichnyi stereotypes have enlarged their professorship for their own structures, tote the sprites of the reflexes and the interdependent functional organisms. The purpose of this is to change the vegetative functions, to avoid disorganization of the vigorous organi- zation and to realize the dynamical stereotype.

Robotic dynamical stereotype is realized on the basis of self-regulation. S.O. Kosilov viriznya three cycles of self-regulation [11]. At the top of the regular regulation of the robust dynamical stereotype, there is a cycle of cortical self-regulation, an abortion cycle. In this case, take the fate of the nerves and centers, which are involved in the programming of the central nervous system. Funktsіya tsikh tsentrіv polyagaє u vіdvorennіі slіdіv zbudzhennya tformatannyі іntegralnogo image of the robotic dіy. For nayavnostі vidhilen in robotnyh dіyah pratsіvnika porіvnyano z іntegralnim way include a cycle of smoothness, zavdannyam yakogo кори koriguvannya traektorії і sily trudovikh rukhiv na nachalo nervovikh імпульсів, які nadevodyat to nervovikh tsentrіv rihovogo analizatora. One-hour in the cycles of self-regulation of the rihovo dyiality, the cycle of vegetative functions (dihannya, blood supply, thermoregulation).

Stereotype of vyavlyaetsya y templorechnosti, single-manness vikonannya ruhіv i dіy. Prote, zberigayuchi stereotypedness, the cortex of the brain is characterized by dynamism, building a stereotype of the stereotypes lying in the ground in the character and storage of sub-items, the hour of the day. Здатність to rozvitku, vospokonalennya і perebudovy dinamichnyh stereotypes to lie in the fundamentals of development of new visions, the formwork of hardworking beginners і umnіn, creative stavlennya before prači.

In the form of a dynamical robotic stereotype, the role is played by the people, the temperament, character, zdіbnostі, the convinience of the interventions. Ala zagalom yogo formvannya, for-kriplennya th pidtrimka lie in all subjective minds, yakі stvoiulyutsya protsessi navchannya y trudovo diyalnosti. Tse tako umvi:

  • Чітке уявлення у працівника about metу та корсність своєї роботи;
  • Materіalna і morality zainteresovannist pračіvnika in the results pračí, yaka nabuvaє znachennya udovno-reflektornogo pid-kriplennya;
  • A sharp rhythm of the vibrotic process. In rhythmic robot active sub-cleanser reflexes час hour;
  • The science of priming the regime of prazítā vidpochinku, yakiy sprijenie vysokіy pratsezdatnost і labilnosty nervovoi sistemi;
  • Ratsionalnogo organizatsіya robochogo mіstsya i prjadlivlivi umovi prači, scho viklyuchayut pobichnyi reflektorny act, not pozhyazhany bezsosednyo z trudovim process;
  • Fіzіологічно і психологічно obgruntovannyі methods that priyomi vibrochnichogo navchannya.