Фізіологія і психологія праці - Krushelnytska Ya.V.

Coordination functions

The vibratory activity of the reflex actives and the active functions of the functional systems are avoided by the coordinative function of the central nervous system.

Coordinatioynoyu funktsiyeju nazivayutsya dіyalnіst mozhku schodo podilannya antagonisticheskoe vzaimodії mіzh reflexes z rіznym funktsionalnym gratitude. Antagonistic vzaimodіya vinikaє vnaslidok of that, one and the same subdivision ─ a stimulus for bugatogh reflexions abo one-hourly for people dyyt numerically pobychni subbotik, yaki zaroshushut vikonannya labor zavdanya.

Risni for its functional recognition of reflexes can not be without restraint zdіysnyuvatysya one and the same hour. The reason for this is that they are stored in inadequate klostkost chutlivih, inserting and vikonavskyh neuronov, yakі vikonuyut vidpіdno funktіії sprimyannya, crushing and transmitting information. Кількість чутливих нейронів nabagato більша, ніж вставних і виконавських. Tse means, in the lodge, to adhere to the velikozhny Potik information in the organ of the chuttiv, to what is to be given інформація, котра виробляється у процесі творчої діяльності та вилучається з пам'яті.

Usyatsya information is to be confronted to the vikonavsky neurons, which are without any problems with robotic organs. Ale tsikh elementіv nabagato menshe і, utlyuyuchi zagalny kyncevy shlyakh, stench vnutrenyut prozdunu zdatnist 'mozhku.

Sprymovoychis to vikonavskyh neuronov, riznі zbuudzhennia sticking on promizhnih stantsіyah i vtyagyuyutsya so titles neyrofiziologicheskiy konflikt for kintsevyvy shlyah.

Neurofiziologicheskiy konflikt - tse supernitsuto mizh riznimi reflektornimi acts for providіn znachennya in organizmі. For the neyrokonfliktu approached, the mosquito mobilizes the coordination function. On the basis of the analitico-synthetic dia- lnosti the brain is reserved for the vivir of the pivot form of the leader in the bugalo alternatives, the tobto is a lump in the mindset, a kind of reflex for the organisms to be fundamentally meaningful. For this reflex, the power of the transcendence of the vigilant process of zbuudgeon is to be understood. Vihіd rival reflexes on vikonavsky neuroni block the process galmuvannya. The zagalny kinetsevy shlyah stoi vidkritim for the reflex, a kind є strong.

Otzhe, koordinatsiya - tse pidporyadkuvannya for dopomogoju gal'muvannya of one reflex act to the ninho, yak moe in danii moment voznalivishe znachennya. Tse reflex is the house.

Dominantuyu nazivayetsya timchasovo panyuychy reflex, a kind of power silov perevazhannya. For dominanti characteristic є stіyka pidvitchena zubudlivist nervevyh tsentriv, yaka posiljuetsja weak nervovimi імпульсов vід of the competing reflexes. Zaluchennya up to the sphere of the house of the noble clods of nerves, clichés, in one rhythm and tempo, the stability of the system. Proyavami dominanti in the process of praeci, yak beckoning OO Ukhtomsky, є statsionarno pidtrymuvana robot avo robocha pose.

Stan Zbudzhenna in the house is characterized by such marks:

  • Підвищена збудливість;
  • Стійкість збуджень;
  • The building of Akumulyuvati zbuudzhennia;
  • Інерція після закінчення роботи.

Dominanta є fiziologicheskuyu the basis of concentrating respect and creativity of the mission in the process of praec, I compel the productivity of the anchor and robotics.

Utvorennya dominanti pidporyadkane laws of concentrating zbudzhennya in the nerve center of the current reflex and inducing galmuvannya on pobichnі reflex actives.

Zauvazhimo, but not all works of art, priojmi can be seen by the housekeeper. Dominanta utlyorovatsya todi, if postaє zavdonya zasvoiti trudov operatsii, znannya, yakі є zmіstom specificallyї professіnoї діяльності. Dominanta - tsevala іnnervatsіya, rather than shvidkoplinnyi reflection on the subcategories of the call of the middle. Vaughn mozhe szprovodzhuvaty muzhchinu is not deprived from the hour of roboty, and th at the time of the dozens, the docks will not bother the problem. At different times the house is ruined, rozgalmovuyutsya konkurujuchi reflexi і підвищується рівень їх збудження, що to bring up to дисodediіїї діяльності the central nervous system. At robotі pracіvnika z'yavlyayutsya zayavі, inaccurate ruhi, spovilneyutsya dії тощо.

Supervised livelihoods

1. What is the phisiological system? Attach the butt of fiziologichnyh systems.

2. Does Yaku Budo need a human system? What is the nerve-racking system?

3. Yak is motivated by the nerves of the clitin? Які групи нервових клітин ви знаєте?

4. To name the power-nervous nerves and textile fabrics.

5. Describe the nerves processes, їх functції та взаємодію.

6. What is the relationship and parabiosis? Yak stink viyavlyayutsya at trudovіy діяльності?

7. Name and characterize the main principle of the nervous system.

8. What is the reflex and reflex arc? How to reflex? Znachennya clever reflexes for people living.

9. Name the principle of reflexivity.

10. In chomu polyagae are the lower and the more nervous nerves? What is the result?

11. Що таке аналізатор, з яких відділів warehousing і які має властивості?

12. What are the first and other signal systems? Turn on the value of another signal system.

13. In whom is the reflex function of the central nervous system manifested in the process of prac- tice?

14. Що таке робочий динамічний стереотип та яке він має значення для підвищення ефективності праці?

15. Yakі cycle self-regulation realizes the robotic stereotypes?

16. Yakі umovi na vibrobnitvі zabezpechuyut formovannya і stійкість of robust dynamical stereotypes in pračivnikів?

17. What is the essence of the integrative function of the central nervous system?

18. Досягнення яких цілей забезпечується інтегративною функцією у процесі праці?

19. What is this functional system that is grounded on? What is the role of the aferential synthesis?

20. Yak взаємопов'язані в цілісній діяльності метаізму мета, програма і result дій?

21. What is the acceptor of the result of this one?

22. What is the function of the robot system? Is the system reflexive and is the system of regulation in place?

23. What is the essence of the coordination functions of the central nervous system?

24. What is the cause of the appearance of the neurophysiological controversy and the mechanism of yogo adherence?

25. Що таке домінанта та яке її значення у трудовій діяльності?