Фізіологія і психологія праці - Krushelnytska Ya.V.

4.5. Thermoregulation of the people in the process

Teplottvorennya і teploviddacha

Strengthening of the energy consumption and the exchange of rivers with vikonanni roboti, zokrema m'yazovoy, wiklikat in organizmі pratsіvnika zbіlshennya teplotvorennya , scho vіdobrazhaetsya yogo thermoregulacii. The basic zmіni thermoregulation in robotі virazhayutsya pіdisschennyi temperaturі tіla і shkіri, and takozh u zmіnі teplovіddachi.

People have a temperature on the post-river level (36.5 ... 37.0 ° C). Postnichnost tsza zabezpechuetsya duma processes - teplottvorennyam і televidddache.

Jerel assimilates the heat in organisms and oxidation processes. Especially the heat of the sun is said in the hours of robotics. So, on the hour of walking, the warmth of the day is 1.5-2 times, and when the intensity of the robot is 10 or more times.

When hunting organisms, heat loss is caused by a rainfall of oxidation-admitting processes. Tse so called hіmіchna regulyatsіya. In addition, the strong-hearted teplotvorennya zabezpecchyatsya mimovilnym m'yazovim tremor, scho become mehannichnu regulyaciyu. For the low temperatures of the middle peasants, the salted fungus and the heat production can be reduced to 3-5 times.

It is impossible to heat up the organisms in the warmth of the bush with a frenzied energy and wake up through the skin and legends. Teploviddacha zdіysnyuetsya shalom konvektsії, carried out, випромінювання та випаровування.

Convection - tse viddacha of heat at naukolishneh povitryane seredovische.

Conducted - tse viddacha heat items, yaki prisolyagnyo prilyagayut to lyudi (Odyag, vzuttya, іnstrumenti).

Випромінювання - це нагрівання навколишніх предметів, які мають I lower the temperature, by pressing the heat of power through the medium.

Viparovuvannya - tse viddacha heat with a flood of sweets. Viparovuvannya 1 ml potu the surface of the water to produce up to 0.595 kcal heat.

In the camp at temperatures of 18-20 ° C, the heat of the organisa- tion is reserved for a raunch of convection and carried out for 30%, for a ravish viprominuvannya - by 45% and for a Viparovuvannya raion - by 25%. At the temperature of the summoning up to 34-35% of the heat, it is difficult to wake the sweat visually. In the minds of the pinned-up temperature, especially when the intensity of the robotic movement, if in the organisms of the primal heat, the flood can be reduced to 1 liters per hour, 0.5-0.7 liters per dow.

At the time of the temperature of the vibro-medial medium, the frequency of the pulse in the pulse frequency is up to 140-180 strokes per hvilin, the pinnacle of the arterial blood pressure and the temperature drop of the curtain. In the active vipadkah mozliviy teploviy hit, tobto hyperthermia (peregryv organizmu) third step, scho prizvodit before vtati svydomosti, pogryshnnia krovobogu. Zauvazhimo, proto, scho neveliche pidvishchennya temperaturu tila prattsivnika on the cob of robot positively vplivayet organizm: pidvivayutsya zubudlivist nervuzhikh tsentriv, labialnost i pratsedzdatnist. Robots of Donetsk NDІ gіgієni праці і профзахворювань it is established, шо temperature поітря +22 ° С є тією межею, вище якої знижується працездатність. Thus, at temperatures of the vibrotic impurities in the inter- ests of 26-30 ° C, prasezdatnnost znizhuyutsya half-pobivnyano z її рівнем at temperatures + 18 ° С.

Breath of the Great Heat to the organisms of the day, the hour of robot to navigate at temperatures of 18-20 ° C, to conduct intensive flooding. So, at 20 ° С pід hour, the easy phizic robotics of the flooding become 90 g / year, and at the most important - 400 g / year; At 25 ° C - it is 130 and 470 g / year.