Фізіологія і психологія праці - Krushelnytska Ya.V.

Zorove spriteatti

In the process of praty vinyatkovo importantly the meaning of the mother of the zorov oriectatsiya. Zavdjaki zorochnogo analizatoru pracivnik otrimuє 85-90% of all the information. Zіr permissibly сприйматиі form, колір, яскравість і рух предметів.

Zorove vidchuttya zalizhit v jd jasrkavosty i objektnost yogo z background. Sama tsі dvі obstavnyi slіd vrahovuvati under the projected labor process, especially, yakі characterized malymi rozmіryami details, sprimannyam dvizvirnyh і znakvyvikh signalov ta nepruzhennyam zoru.

You can directly contrast the subject (the subject is dark against the background) and obernnim (the subject is clear to the background). Robot with direct contrast bilsh pridlivliva, nizh with obernenemu contrast. For the alignment of the optimal minds of the gyrus sprinting, it is necessary not to conserve it, but to reduce the contrast and contrast, and the rivnorny rozpodil jaskaravostey at polzor.

Umovno field zoru under three directions:

  • Central bachennya (? 4 °), de nebezpechuyutsya naybіlsh chitke rozpiznavannya details;
  • Clear bakennya (30 ... 35 °), de nereuhome oko mozhe vpiznati object without rozprіzvannya dribnyh details;
  • Periferic bachenia (75 ... 90 °), de foreseeing viyavlyayutsya, ale not rozpiznayutsya. Prior to zonya clear bachennya stink pass zavdyaki ruhu eyes.

An important characteristic of the analysator is the yogo obmyg, tobto kіlkіst об'єктів, які може охотити людина stretching odnієї zirovoї fіsatsії. It is established, that the octail of sprimannya to become 4-8 not obyazhanyh mizh himself elements. Tse obmezhennia in the main obmovlyuetsya obmezhenistyu obyamu pam'yat shchodo vidvitrennia spryaynatogo materialu. Grupuvannya ob'ektiv permitting zbilshiti otnyg spriinyattya. For organisatsiyi pratsі it is important to know about the characteristics of a zoral analizer, yak latenti (prihovany) period of zirovoi reaktsії, hour of adaptation.

Latentniy period - tse promitshok hour from the moment of submission of the signal to the moment of vinikennya vidchuttya. Він to occupy the intensity and importance of the signal (chim strong and meaningful sub-division, time reaction to this short); Folding robotics (chim folded poshuk, Tim dovshoyu bude reactiona); Від віку та індивідуальних властистисти працівника.

Adaptaciya zorovogo analizatora povyazana zі zmіnoyu yogo chuttivostі. Розрізняють темнову (при переході від світла до темноти) і світлову (припуротному переході) Adaptation. The hour of darkness adapts to tens of hvilins, and the svitlovoe - oditnitsami i navіt parts hhovini.

Vіdomі so zvanі sistemichnye pomilki mneni u sprimanni, wiklikanі ілюзією зору. Systematic pardon - tse zakonomirne vidhilennya reaktsії peoplini vіd tієї reactіії, yaku is guilty bi wiklikati singing signal. At zvyazyku zim before the project, there are a number of wimogs put forward by the control-and-visuyuvalnyh priladivs, and they are especially well-behaved.

Naybilsh widened - three types of indications: non-silver scale and ruhoma page; Рухома scale і нерухома стрілка та індикатор «Відкрите вікно» (лічильник). It is established, if I look at the scale less than 0.5 s for a while, then the rukhoma scale is more readable, yakshcho is more than 0.5 s - then the non-rukha. Naybіlshu accuracy of the scale is of the type "Відкритого вікна". The scales are horizontal, vertical, arc, circle. For an accurate review of the product, you must read the scores of the scale and promo of them (subscriptions). Стрілки повинні мати the maximum contrast vіdnosno background with the optimal освітленні і buti zabarleniyami so, yak numeral і strokes. Tsifri rozmisyutsya on the protivolezhnoy botsi pages.

To finish often zastosovuyutsya znakova індикація у вигляді геометричних фігур, букв, цифр. Visibility of the sign to lie in the yogi rozmіrіv, form, jasrkavostі, contrast. Optimum churning rosemir sign 40 ?. The value of the sign is 20 ?. (Kutoviy rozmіr sign - tset kut mizh promenyami, sprymovaniami vid o ochoy sposterigacha to the extreme points ob'ekta). Chim menshy rozmіr signіv, tim більшим має buti contrast. Optimal vvazhaetsya vidnoshennya vysoti bokvy ​​(digit) to the width, yak 3: 2 abo 4: 3.