Держане регулювання економіки - Chistov S.M.


11.1. The need to preserve the natural mid-range.

11.2. Principle of this subject is to conserve the natural middle ground.

11.3. Держане екологічне регулювання.

11.4. The state control in the galusies of the felling of the natural middle ground.

11.5. Економічний механізм забезпечення природоохоронної діяльності.

11.1. The need to preserve a natural natural medium

Ponyattya ekologіya (gretsk -. Dim, Zhytlo) zaproponovane in 1869 p. E. Haeckel, means the science of visualizing Roslinnye і тваринних оргаізмаів із навколишнім середовищем. In 70-th of the рr. ХХ сторіччя it was uttered social ecology, abo ecology of people, yaka vivchaє lawrnostnosti vzasmodії suspilstva n nakkolishnogo sredovischa.

The problem of becoming a state in Ukraine is extremely flexible and bagatical. Traditional components of the state are socially-economical, politically-ideological, geopolitical and informal. Uvidomlyayutsya, and tim bishe realize with great difficulties, and such neobhydny for sushasnoї practice aspect, yak ecologic, may not take up to respect.

Між тим тотальне погіршання рівня життя in Україні має чітко окреслений екологічний контекст. Without the assiduity of the situation, obovaniiv і врахування її in real processes, the power of creation can not be effectively defeated, politically, economically, sociocultural, people's problems, and so hliniuyut ninі our gromadskіst. Usi nashi nerazdi, directly chi osoeredokovato, povyazheni z nazvichayno zagrozlivoju ekologicheskoe situatsiєyu, scho was folded on the terreni of our power.

In Ukraine, the long-standing structure of the deformation of the people's government has already become a reality, if the transfer has been delayed by the development of the syrovinno-vidobuvnih - naybіlsh ekologіchno nebezpechnyh galuzy promyslovosty. Economy of Ukraine is pritamnaya vysoka pitoma vaga resursomistkih tenerhoєmhnih tehnologiy, vikoristannya y in the promyslovosty sylskom gospodarstvi zdіysnuvalosya naybіlsh "cheap" way - without budivnitstva vidpovidnih oschinnyh sporud.

Not a boulet of effective legal rulers, administrative and economical mechanisms for the swindling of the natural middle ground. Tsі that INSHI chinniki, zokrema nizka Ekonomichna svіdomіst suspіlstva, a temple rіven kontsentratsії promislovostі that іntensivne sіlske Gospodarstwa, crudity, ekologіchno neobgruntovane rozmіschennya th naroschuvannya virobnichih bearing-down, fіnansuvannya i zdіysnennya prirodoohoronnih zahodіv for zalishkovim principle prizveli to the temple man-made navantazhennya on natural seredovische to yogo degradatsії , Nadmirnogo zabrudnenya poverevevih i pidzemnhnyh waters, atmospheric landscapes, pogromedzhennya velikaznih kolichestvu shkіdlivih, beside that number vysokotoksichnih vidhodiv vibrobitvtva. Sochi processes trivali desyatirichchimi і have been called up to a meaningful poghirshanya to the health of people, zmenshennya naruzhuvaostnosti zbіlshennya mortality, scho zagrozhuє vimirannyami і biologichesko-genetichnoyu degradatsii vs'ogo narodnu Ukrainy.

І досі в багатох промислових aglomeratsіya і great mіstah zalishayutsya vysokimi rivnі zabrudnennya atmosfernogo povitrya, water basseynu, zemlі, produkt kharchuvannya.

Trivaє visnazhennya y ruynuvannya bіologichnyh resursiv, landslivіv ta іnshih tsіnnyh natural kompleksiv.

I knowingly settled the situation in the nuclear disaster in Chornobylsky AEC. For its scales and values, vladiv gospodarskoy diyalnosti na nakkolishne seredovische pevnoyu mіroju - adequate stihіynim natural processes. Аварія на ЧАЕС 1986 р. Z її in the edge of negative medico-biologic, economical and societal naslichkami sprinkinila in Ukraine situatsiu, scho nablizhaetsya up to the region of global ecology catastrophe.

Throughout the territory of Ukraine, the parliament of the kraini is denuded by the zone of ecologic dashing.

2.6 billion cubic meters of zabrudnenyk stocks are to be disposed of by water, and 17.5 million tons of non-heaped peaches, 11 million tons of commercial zymotum are emitted to the atmosphere.

Pitoma of the vag of the ornith lands becomes 55%. Prote Ponad 31 іz 42 million hectares sіlskogospodarskih ugіd zaznayut vodnoї that vіtrovoї erozії, 10 million hectares of toil pіdvischenu kislotnіst, 4.7 million hectares - zemlі zasolenі th solontsyuvatі. For ostannі 15 rokіv іz sіlskogospodarskogo turnover vilucheno 450 hectares yew, s yakih 97% - kolishnі visokoproduktivnі zemlі.

Найвищий рівень забруднення в містах Донецьку, Маріуполі, Одесі, Дніпропетровську, Запоріжжі, Lisichans'ku, Krivomu Rosi, Dniprodzherzhyns'k, Lugans'ku, Makіїvtsi, Komunarsku, Poltavi, Yalta, Kyiv.

The high рівень хімічного and bacteriologic zabrudnenya має акваторія Azov Sea, especially in the districts of Mariupol i Berdyanska. Chorne moe moe doo zabrudnі aktivіії біля Odesi і Karkіnіtskogo estuary.

In Ukraine, for 1 inhabitant, 1130 m3 of water per a ridge are falling, 15 times less than in other regions of Europe. Гострий дефіцит води відчувають districts Donbas, Krim, Придніпров'я. Забруднен річки і ріки, зокрема Дніпро, Сіверський Донець та та інші. Унаслідок порушення гідрологічного mode from the pictures of Ukraine ninі znikla bezlich malich rіchok, lakes інших водомищ.

Water resources of Ukraine to acknowledge the post-war zhhorstokhim chemical presing. Tretina promyslovy і pobytotivh stokiv in the rychki vzagali not purify, and stink pomad 7 million tons of shkidlivyh and otorojnyh rechovin, scho at the water in the middle of the sea to talk new toxic spoluky.

Відбувається термальне забруднення природних вод унаслідок Skidannya garyachoї vіz із systems охолодження електростанцій та інших промислових підприємств. Виникає цвітіння води, яке активізується хімічними елементами мінеральних і оргаічних добрив, що також трапляють у водомища.

Зараз in Україні неякісну water п'є 17% of the population, шо sprinkinyaє жовчнокам'яні захворювання, вірусний гепатит і навіть холеру.

Ukraine, most recently kvituchy zі svjatlivimim klіmatom krai іz clean richkami z syryuchimi gruntami, in the eyes of one pokolinnya peretovyuetsya on the desert, poorly for zhittya, on the zone, peresasichenu promysistyustyu, de mista zadikhayutsya vіd toxic promyslovyh wikidіv, vodu not vistachaє, de rasstliy Dity to suffer from the past zahdovyuvan, de field, yakі rіsіs rіght mіljoni people, тепер отруєно ядохімікатами, and знівечені земіноною технікою всемогуніх меліораторів malovnovichі rіchichki, more recently spivnіni zhіttya, nіnі peretovyuyutsya na bagnistіі kanavi.

Our able Dnipro, tsiu sacred to the riku of the Ukrainian people, to the Gogol and Shevchenkom ospivan, it is quartered in our day, it is subordinated to the so-called seas, and the skin of the skin is rotted on the great plazas, the flocks are plundered by the mountainous greens of the greens.
Зекологічного погляду Україна нині значною мірою може бути суним приколдом майбутнього людства, моделлю нашої нещасної планет, де Червоних books not anymore вистачає for the record загиблих видів флори і fauni, so bezgluzdo i zhalzhasno znischenіh muzhnoiu.

Chornobil became the lihovsnym sign of the people's dolya, naimramaticnim naslіdkom nerozvazhnogo prototerstva z nature.

Chornobyl - tse pograzka vidomchoї science, science, baiduzhoy up to humanity.

"Rozum and forward," said Mikola Gogol, "if you are strong, you are strong".

Yaksho suhasna tsivіlіzatsіya not virish headache issues - nuclear and ichuvannya z it ekologicheskoe, - do not virishit zhodnoy zі svoyїh problems.

People are not gentlemen of the national lanu, but they do not care about it, they do not care for the welfare of the Suspensia. Spiroba not prilashtovovatysya to nature, and prilashtuvati її to itself bula nystrashnіshuyu pomilkoju in istorії people.

Tom nezalezhna Ukrainska power to torment yakshchoo not vidniviti kolitshny stan zhivoy zhodi (tse, sorry, it's already inconclusive!), Then prinaymni podbati about those who do zavdavati miinimalnaya shodi dovkill. An alternative is to plant a plant for the zubuduvati plant-mai zavzhdi, for all obstavin virishuvatis on the corridor lisu. Our situation is dodatkova zakladnuyetsya tim, scho virishennya problems of nature protection of the middle of the midst of the midst, it is not necessary to sort out the "zahodiv", yak bilo early, but to the grandiose entuzizma of all the gromadyans, zagostannya zagalnoy culture, glybokogo i exact knowledge of law in nature.

In addition to the international community, in the midst of the mediocrity, it is important to designate the steel natural natural positive rozvitku є neobhіdnimi soi peredumovi:

  • Polichnichna system, zdatna zabezpechiti the fate of wide gromadskosti in priinyatti rishen;
  • Ekonomichna system, yaka could b zabezpechiti rozshirene vyrobnitsvota tehnichny progress in the natural base;
  • Sotsialnaya system, znatna znimati napruzhennya, sho vinikaє vasledik odoharmonnogo ekonomichnogo rozvitku;
  • System of effective vibrobitvtva, ori-entovanoj on zhreberzhennia ekologo-resursnoj bases;
  • Technologic system, yaka could be stimuljuvati postійний пошук нових рішень;
  • The international system, which interfered with the development of trade in steel and in finance;
  • It is enough for the gin, it is built up to self-correction, the administrative system.

Such a wide range of necessary conversions for the reorientation of the system of the daily materialomist ta energoemnogo ekologichno nebezpechnoi nature-conservancy in the cradle of the scale of wanderers, they were put before the people.

Невіддільність zavdan zberezhennya srednevischa ta ekonomichnogo rozvitku bula odnієyu z gorodnikh problemy, scho rozglyadalsya at the UN Conference in the midst of the mediocrity and rozvitku (Rio de Janeiro, Cherven 1992). There, the boole was formulated as follows:

  • Економічний розвиток, відірваний від розв'язання екологічних проблем, to bring up perestvorennya Zemlі na pustelju, закріплює зубожіння й несправедливість;
  • The right to dyu without uraikhvanya zavdan ekologii torye shliakh to the collective self-enrichment of the people.

Tsі mіrkuvannya hard at the foundation ekonomіchnoї polіtiki rozvinutih kraїn de zavdyaki great іnvestitsіyam have the right receptionists dovkіllya i visokіy tehnologіchnіy kulturі Je pevnі dosyagnennya in opratsyuvannі Progressive zasobіv prirodokoristuvannya. And how do we deal with the situation, the cat has folded into our terrain?

Хоч як it is marvelous, але фахівці-екологи на Заході оцінють ourі potіtііynі mozіlіvіі not below for its power. Use to be buried in the same chi zemozemo mi uniknuti quietly ekologicheskih pomolok, bezlich some already kolis zrobili rozvineni kapitalalisticheskie kraїni.

On the dumka of the foreign experts, our perevagi pogayat at that, scho:

  • Moral and fizichna zastarilіst vibrochnichogo udatkuvannya be required terminovogo yogo zameni, and tse є priglyatel'nuyu peredumovoyu for modernizatsii, prokazvadzhennia novi, ekologichno bespechhnikh yogo modifikatsy;
  • Гостра екологічна криза, marriage енергоносівв in Україні може - як це було 1973 р. Na Zadhdy - stimuljuvati pozhuki cheap energoososhchadlivyh t vіdnovlyuvalnyh tehnologii and new "alternative" dzherel energii. Z I will look at the very high rivet rozvitku Ukrainskogo science, so spodivannya not є bezopіd-stavnimi;
  • At the edges of SND, Mayge does not matter to the "syndrome of auto-mobility", the system of eco-logical and economic transportation is rooted in good;
  • In the Ukraine did not nabula massovogo wide width of the container of one-time korostuvannya, yaka on the Sunset - one of the head zabrudnyvachiv dovkillya.

Ninh Ukraine is especially openly posted to the environment of an unconventional and uneconomic economical development. Not mayuchi dostatnoї kіlkostі Vlasnyi energonosіїv, Won prodovzhuє "trimatisya" for the complex structure narodnogospodarskogo, yak sformuvalasya ranіshe, if bezperervno nadhodili deshevі sirovinno-energetichnі resources s Russie. The structure is not evil, but the sight of ecology, the wailing of the wool is fucked up for the satisfaction of the people who are interested in it.

For marriage koshtіv екологічні проблемми в Україні нині it is practically not virіshuyutsya, hoch avyakі з them стаять дедалі зарозливішими. System organіzatsії upravlіnnya prirodokoristuvannyam, receptionists navkolishnogo seredovischa, monitoring tsimi processes scho formuvalasya in admіnіstrativno-komandnіy sistemі that for derzhavnoї vlasnostі on OAO All natsіonalnі bagatstva, viyavilasya nespromozhnoyu zdіysnyuvati efektivnosti ekologіchne regulyuvannya rozvitku productive forces suspіlstva, rozv'yazuvati skladnі École-ekonomіchnі problem.

Otzhe, vinikaє pittannya: yak dіyati in the sphere of ecology at the hourly stage, zvazhayuchi on the state economy ekonomichnoy crisis and in the conducted pre-socially-ecologic reforms?

Here є mozhlivi two varianti. Purshia - descho modernіzuvati that vdoskonaliti іsnuyuchu upravlіnnya system, while others - stvoriti printsipovo nova system upravlіnnya th regulyuvannya in sferі prirodokoristuvannya that prirodoohoroni, yak b Povny mіroyu included th rinkovі mehanіzmi. On our Dumka, other varіant Got lowest іstotnih perevag, Bo sama rinok mozhna s uspіhom vikoristati for obmezhennya ruynіvnoї dії suspіlstva on navkolishnє seredovische, zastosovuyuchi gnuchku system inventory vіdnosin penny. Dosvіd kraїn s rinkovoyu ekonomіkoyu perekonuє scho rinkovі mehanіzmi nalezhnogo for sovereign control over dotrimannyam vimog ekologіchnogo zakonodavstva zabezpechat spriyatlivіshі minds for environmental she resursozberezhennya, zastosuvannya ekologobezpechnih tehnologіy i metodіv gospodaryuvannya toscho, nіzh zhorstke scheduled admіnіstrativne regulyuvannya.