Фізіологія і психологія праці - Krushelnytska Ya.V.


9.1. Vleply naukovo-tehnichnogo progress on the structure і зміст трудової діяльності

The tendentious trend in the development of the daily virbitnutva polyaga is in that, the scientific and technical progress of the call of the praxis of the important phisical principles of switching the yogo to the vikonannya of operations, the vimagayut is very important in the psychic functions. So, mehanizatsiya praci, zmenshuchi navantazhennia in Pershu chergo on krupnі m'yazi, pidvishchu znachennya dribnikh gruppy m'yazyv i sykladnue programu dіy. In the course of the activity of the special meaning, nabuvaivat shvidkіst і precision of ruhіv, thin gradation m'yazovy zusil with keruvanіі mehanizmami. In the transition from the inverted one to the other large-scale virbitnitsva, the role of the ruchovi functions and the change in the quality of the praec- tion should be sought.

When napivavtomatichnomu vibrobitnvі lyudina viklyuchetsya z processu vlasne obrobki pratsi. Її zavdanya intermingle vikonannjam pobily operatsіy z obluhovuvannya zadnannya.

Automatizatsiya rіzko змінює role of people in the vibrotic process. Pratsynnik is governed by mehanism, but by the vimaga of the thorough knowledge of an observer. Vtruchanya people in the robot automatic machines can in parts with vikonanni forgive dіy ot rozrahovanim on trivalu robot zi folding program diy. The basic ritual of the prophetic in the cycle of mentalities is the preparedness before and in which the reaction is reacted. Such a functional camp of the prazcnik is characterized by the "operative spoils", which is to be superimposed on the nervous nerves.

Differentiality of the pricy nyapovnishe vyyavilsya in the flow-convection organizatsii vibrobitvtva, if vysoka produktivnist zabezpechuyutsya for rahunok avtomatizatsii ruhoviha naivich, mіnіmіzatsії hour on vikonannya operatsi, given to the rhythm and tempo of roboty. Conveyor pratsya nabuvae vizrachnih rice monotonostnosti.

The result of the scientific and technological progress is the proliferation of automatized systems with cherry- picking processes, and the number of remote processes. Rozriznyayut two basic methods of kerуvannya vibrochnim process in відстані, if:

  • Pulti management vimagayut parts active dіy pratsіvnika, and himself vin є neobhidnoyu operative lankoyu in sistemy keruvannya;
  • The bullet is equipped with a touch-sensitive field, the object is in the field of zoru pratsіvnika і zamіn'yuetsya zakadoivaniem signal. The vibrotic process of the algorithm is algorithmic. Praecivnik perebuvayє peresverno u stennі prednostnosti up to the day.

In the course of the hour, the problem was inflated to the people of new technologies, people, zokrem, and automation of all the functional areas of vibrobitvita. NaiBilshogo widen in the edge regions nabuvayut gnuchki vibrochnichi sistemi, yaki pitsyuyut pіd control elektronno-obsochlyuvualnyh machines. Sudi nalezhat automated zavantazhuvalno-transportnі sistemi; The center of the mechanical box; For the transfer of information in detail.

Negativnyy nalilki novinychnykh tehnologij viyavlyayutsya:

  • At a steady pace, robotics are monotone;
  • Підвищенні noise;
  • Ізоляції працівника in the technogenic medium;
  • Omegennnyi kontaktov vaslidok priv'yazki to termominalov EOM;
  • Rozvitku neprjatlivyhih psihichnyh staniv;
  • Nervovih navantazhennyh for the unknown phizic;
  • Motility to injury.

Computterizatsiya vibrobitvtva , broader vikoristan personal computers, zrostayucha chiselnist koristustvachiv Internet takozh peretvoyuyutsya to fold the problem, yaka vimagaє vrahuvannya adaptatsіynih mozlovistey people to display technology and dtitrannya vіdpovidnih vimog.

Positivny nasilodki vikoristana display technology in the speed of the hour, the document, the productivity of the product. Prote dosage carried out in the United States, Switzerland, and other regions, showed that the robot is in the service of the display, and that it is pinned to the impregnated forces; Інтенсивністю і monotonnіsty pratsі; Perevazhannyam static navantazhen, nervovo-psihichnim napruzhennyam. For example, on a zabor analisator with robots with displays, it is pierced with a traditional visor robot to be crossed by a zigzag in 2.5 times.

Profesionalnyj risik for korrostuvachіv displays of occurrences takozh z mozhnlistyu obremennenja. Останнє знижує activeness of measles, зосередження уваги і сповільнює реакції. On ekranі, krіm teams of operators, zyavlyayutsya podzhuyuvalnyi signal, yakshcho shvidkіst yogo robot lack, scho shche bishlse posiljue nervovo-emotsyne napruzhennia. Внаслідок цього серед операторів дошли поширеними є такі профійні захворювання, як погіршення зору, м'язові болі, психічні і нервові розлади, хвороби серцево-судинної системи, онкологічні захворювання. On the sub-page of a wide range of display technologies, you can sign an application for the International Organiza- tion.

Otzhe, vnasledok naukovo-tehnichnogo progress zrostayut monotonnist pratsi, nervovo-emotsyna napruzhennya pratsivnika, povyazanye yak s sensorynuyu deprivatsiєyu, and і perevatazhennyam great roboty, static, and hipodynia.