Фізіологія і психологія праці - Krushelnytska Ya.V.

Сутність та види монотонності

" Monotony " at the crossroads from Greek means single-manness. In psychologic literatures, the "monotony" characterizes the special psychic camp, a kind of vicariousness in people's reactions to one-man and ibidnu on the enemy's disposition. In socially-economical literature, monotony is imposed on the above-mentioned working processes on simple elements (operations).

Psychophysiological essence of monotony is explained by the laws of the world in the process of zbuudzhenya and galmuvannya.

The basic concepts of monotone robots are:

  • A small-piece warehouse, tote structural single-manning and simplicity of laborious d;
  • The triviality of the vikonannya of the same type of laborious operations and dies is not known;
  • Vysoka reiterated the work of labor and і дій for oditnitsu hour.

Згідно з ученням І. P. Pavlov about the nerve of the nerves for the dermal reflex in the cerebral cortex - its own point of attachment, tobto nervosa klіtina, yaka for the reflex act. Tse means, scho kozhnoyu trudovoyu dіyyu neko trudovim rohom ruled by spetsialnaya nervova klitina abo group of nervovikh klitin. When vikonanni prostom odnomantnih operatsіy i dіy at stanzi zbudzhennya oshchoditsja omezhena kilkist nervovikh klitin. Behind the image of the Vislovites I P. Pavlova, at the time of the month, "dovbannya in one room." Vnasledok tsiogo vidbuvaetsya shvidke visnazhennia energeticheskih rechovin in prtsyuyuschih cortical centers, and the process of zbugzhennya in them zminyuetsya process of the hunting galmuvannya.

The functional system is blocked by a robust act, which restores the re-adjustment and the veneering of the nervous clitin. With tsjomu galmuvannya in prtsyuyuchih cortical centers to grow on the background of a fatal galmuvannya in the corpus of the brain, yak bulo neobhidnoyu ymovoy formovaniya robochoy dominanti. Otzhe, zhukronne galmuvannya with monotonous robots vyyavlyaetsya in sleepy pravtsivnika і vidchutti stolenosty, scho viklyuchee mozhnivist ikh vikonannya without napruzhennia volya. On the duma M.I. Vinogradova, at the basic level of monotony, lie galmіvna dіya single-man repeated repetitions, yaka manifested itself tim shvidshe і glibshe, chim bіlsh obmezhena subordinate area of ​​measles, tobtom chim idle-time subordinate stereotypic system.

Monotone of a robot , yak і every іnsha, wiklikає іtomu і vіvu vіdchuttya stomlennia. Tse tse і zyumovil nayavnіst dvuh point zorku on the problem monotonostnosti. Odnі vchenі rozglyadayut monotonnost yak riznovid the second. Інші, навпаки, вважають монотонність самостійним явищем, незважаючи на схожість фізіологічного мехаізму the second.

Spilnim for monotonostnost і second є te, scho stink vplyvayut pratsezdatnіst і and yak ynakyatnyu vidchuyutsya yak nepriemne vidchuttya. Відмінність між их полягає у того, що:

  • The second is to zoom in on the importance of robotics, and the monotony of the mother of the mother during vikonanni easy, unauthorized robotics;
  • The second is phasic in the process of dynamical predecessor, and the monotony is characterized by a hvile-subordinate curve, toto periodic pixties and recessions;
  • The second will be overcome by a psychic tension, and monotony will send yogo.

Залежно від переважаючого навантаження розрізняють two see monotony: rukhovu i touchnu.

Rukhova monotony , as a rule, is characteristic for robots, the role of the energy factor in the development of the world, tombo mіcce napruzhennya oporno-rukhovoy aparatu. Vaughn is characterized by one-manly hard work and ruii i diyami, if navantazhennya pripadaє on obmezheni grupi m'yaziv. Tse, yak rule, stamped, shlifuvalny, simple verstatnі roboty, pratsya na konveєri, napіvavtomatizovanyh lіnіah, manualny dopomіnny robot tochno.

Sensory monotony is characteristic for robots, in some ways the informational factor (the tension of the sensory apparatus, the activity of such psychic functions, the yak of the respect, the mission, the do-it-yourself operative). With a monotonous vvazhayutsya roboty, povyazhany trilivym pasivnim sposterezhennyam, s sprimannannyam odnomannitnogo information, to be characterized by marriage information, scho nadoshodit, and ozhezhi, snezhnym vplyiv on the nerves of the system vibropnichih signalov.

Відмічається також monotonous вплев на человену навколилишнього виробничого середища.

Фізіолого-гігієнічними дослідженнями встановлено, що існує не менш як сім group of monotonous robots [23]:

  • Konveerynі roboty, schо vikonuyutsya in the given tempo і rhythm, de prosti іlementy operatsії, shkіkі for trіvalіstyu і in pevnіy poslіdovnostі, repeated bugatorazovo by extension зміни, тижня, місяців;
  • Robotics, that is, in a stream, in a way, de tempo and rhythm lie in the head of the stream;
  • Robotics, vio vikonuyutsya at the vital tempo and rhythm on verstats, automatic machines and napivavtomatah, stampovannya, riveted tochno, de operacii zvoditsya up to two of the elements: take the parts of the chi virіb;
  • Control of robotics, of the vibration of products (zorovy control);
  • Operator's office and dispatcher's office, it is charged to reguljuvannjam (натискання fingers of hands on клавіші, buttons, важелі, розміщені на пульті управління), I will feed виробів chi details з однієї дільниці цеху в нншу;
  • Праця операторів, по'в'яна з пасивным спостеженням за пілками прилаів on the panel of the control panel of the control, які відбражають хід технологічного процесу;
  • Single-robot robot in the monotony of the minds of the vibro-medial medium in the presence of such factors, such as the rivet, the noise, the vibration, the vibration, and so on.

On the monotony of robot vkazuyut three groups of sign [2]:

  • Psihologichny - shvidka podova sub'ektivnogo vidchuttya stomlennya, sleepily, apatії, nudegi;
  • Fiziologichnі - znizhennya frequency pulse and dihannya, zmenshenny spozhivannya sour, otnizhenny m'yaznoy tone;
  • Vibrochnichi - periodichny kolivannya srednnyoї trivalos-ti vikonannya operatsi, nerivnnіirnіst vyrobytku yogo zmenshennya.