Фізіологія і психологія праці - Krushelnytska Ya.V.

The imprisonment and emanation of the operator

In operator dyyalnost kozhen moment robot pidporyadkovy і obromovlenie informatsii, yaka nadkodit, about the camp kerovanyogo ob'ekta, scho viklikaye vyklyucho great pyxichnosti that emotsyne napruzhennya.

Excitement in the robot operator can be performed in the same way. Operatіne napruzhennya vinikaє vnaslіd folding vikonuvanoї roboty; Emotion - vnasledok vplivu negative emotsіynih subsections.

За рівнем напруження розрізняють:

  • Pomirne naprugzhennia, abo normal robochy stan, yaky viniche pid vplyv praci. Vono ssprovodzhuyutsya pomirnimi zrushenni fiziologichnikh funktsiy i viyavlyaetsya in good self-reading, stable vikonannі roboty;
  • Підвищене напруження виникає в екстремальних момо roboti, які вимагають maximum, behind the mezhami normi, напруження фізіологічних і психічних функцій.

Excitement of the operator in extreme mentalities is manifested in the demonstration of the robotics of vegetative organs, the supporting and ruinous device, the biochimic reactions. Dinamiku napruzheni stennі goodness vіdbiваeva frequency pulse, arterialny krov'yany tisk, frequency dikhan, temperature tіla і t. P.

So, pіd hour підвищеної уваги, очікування якоїсь події, хвилювання frequency pulse at the operator can reach 170 ... 180 strokes for the hvilin, arterial systolic depression - 180 ... 190 mm Hg. Art. Emotion napruzhennya, viklikane defitsitom hour, difficult vikonannya zavdannya, pereskodami, szprovodzhuyutsya zbilshennyam frequency dikhan up to 40 ... 60 per hvilina with zmenshennі їh glybini that speedy phase is visible. Pid hour such stanziv rebuffed by the power of reflection on the sub-divisions, the smooth ruks become pitiful.
In the home countries of the operator, it is impossible to emote an emotion and an emotion.

Emotion napruzhennya characterize the active work of rіznyh functііy organіzmu in zv'yazku vіkonann'yа actively іslesprjavovanoї діяльності, пo підготокою до неї, з очікуванням яковсьсь небезпеки.

Емоційне збудження - tse such a camp, which is characterized by the activation of the functional functions of the organization, the readiness to the local unreconciled parties, to the emo- tional factors, is not affected in the first time by direct contacts.

In emotichnomu napruzhennyi especily great value zhenichenya mya psihichna component. Same psihichne napruzhennya saprovuzhuetsya mobilizatsiyu nervovo-psihichnoi diyalnosti, spinnovanoi na pidtrymannya tonusu organizmu, zabezpechenchenya operativnoї predstavnosti to the normal vikonannya labor process in specific mentalities. In the course of the empowerment in the people's behavior, the pilgrimage is celebrated, and the hostages will be honored, the processes of the mission will be sprinkled, sprinkmanny information, the hour of reaction will be shortened, and the prcesses will be published. Emotsyne napruzhennia, such a rank, zabezpechu adaptation of people to the call of the middle. At the same time, the mechanism of emanation of emotions is due to its own interstitiality, the overrepresentation of some of the problems of the psychic disorder. Perevischennya tsієї interі sprichinyaє stress, which is characterized by timchasovim znizhennyam stіykostі rіznikh psihіchnikh funkіy, koordіcії ruhіv, pratsedzdatnostі.

The behavior of the operator in extreme expirations is the manifestation and result of psychologi- cal readiness to the degree. Rozriznyayut zagalnu і situatnu (yak stan) preparedness.

Obligatory readiness is itself earlier nabuti znannya, naivki, vmіnnya, motiv shodo vikonannya pevnoy diyalnosti.

Timchasovy stan willingness - tse aktualizatsiya vseh forces, psihologichnih mozlivostey dlya uspishnyh dі y danii moment.

Prepare for the upcoming days in the extreme situations to be located in the special authorities of the operator, the river for yogic preparation and the information about the camp site.

Емоційне напруження оператора після виконання especially in the course of robotics to be suspended with psychic visnazhennyam (funktsionalnoyu asthenієyu) rіznogo stepya. Відмічаються слабкість процесів збудження (lack of ruchlivost, pasivnist, spovilnennya missel'nya) abo galmuvannya (povirno virazhena ruhova vesotnist, negligobic analiz i otsinka podi). Such a camp can tripati with a stretch of 1 ... 3 a year (richer than a douche), singing for one's head, stamen, apatia, and a non-sticky dream. Відмічаються погіршення пам'яті, сприймання. Triviali і silnі emotsіynі napruzhennya operator negatively vplyivayut yogo dіyalnіst, often prizvodjat up nervovo-emotsіynih visiv.

The main lines of change are the emotional excitement of the operator and the robotics of the operator œ the scientific dressings of the professors and trainers, the hogwash and the weathering of the specialties of the machine design with the manners of the people under the projected human-machine systems; Раціональна організація робочого місця.