Фізіологія і психологія праці - Krushelnytska Ya.V.

13.2. Methods of setting regulations for a break in the picture

Reglamentovani perervi on vidpochinok ta vstanovlennya їх загальної тривалості

Reglamentovani perervi on vidpochinok - tse breaks for rahunok robochogo hour, yakі vstanovlyayutsya in pevnі vіdіzki zmіni і perebachayut pripinnenya roboti podmіnu pračіvnika. The project of the regulation of the breaks into the visibles is preceded by the following problems:

  • Vstanovlennya zagalnogo hour on reglamentovannyi perervi;
  • Obgruntuvannya trivalisti odnієї perevi;
  • Rozpodil break by stretching robochoi zmіni.

When vstanovlenniі zagalnogo chasu per regentovanovi perervi realizuetsya decilka methodical pіdhodіv.

Practically zastosuvannya knew so to them:

  • Vstanovlenya riznyh allowances for vidpochinok lay in the minds of the vibrotic mediocrity and factor in the labor process;
  • Empirical method;
  • Viznachennaya hour on the basis of the basic characteristics of the phisiological characteristics (the average frequency of the pulse for zmіnu, vitrati енергії for one hvilina with vikonannі roboty, znizhennia stіticchnoї vitіvalostі in kіntsі robochogo days porіvnyano z budočim perіodom tіn.);
  • Vstanovlennya zagalnogo hour on vidpochinok for pokaznikom second і minds pratsi.

Naybіlsh of extensions in the practice of the separation of regimens in prac- tices and visual procedures, the method of placing redundant add-ons for the visualization of the robotics vikonenya. The technique of putting the hour on the watch is done by the following factors: fisichnu zusillya, nervovoe napruzhennya, tempo roboti, robocha pose, monotony of roboty, temperature, water, vypromunyuvannya, zabrudnist povitrya, vibromichi noise, vibration, osvitlennya. In the field, the strength of the skin factor should be set to the normal hour for adiposity in the range of 1 to 9% of the operative hour. The operative hour is an hour, but it is vitiated without any middle ground to form the power of the subject matter, and so on the vikonannya dіy, yakі cienti tsim zmіnam. Napriklad, yakshchoo trivalval prikladannya fizichnyh zusil on rivnі 5-15 kg become less than half robochkoi zmіni, then the norm of one hour for adolescents is 1% of the operational hour, yakshcho more than half of that 2%. When the tooth is 31-50 kg tsei pokaznik pays up 8% and 9%. With an unknown nerve-wracking hour for adolescents, it becomes 1-2%, with an average of 3-4%, and with a pidvizhennomu - 5%. Analogously vstanovlyuetsya norm hour for vidpochinok on інших factors. The normative values ​​for the hour for adiposity by the skin factor are induced in Table 13.1.

The hour for adolescence is defined as the sum of percentages, the restorations for the skin factor. Tsya technique vikoristovuyutsya vibrobnitsy, hocha maє suttievi neldoliki. Fundamentals of these are the lack of coverage of extra hours for admission and admission of graduation factors in the minds of prats.

The essence of the empirical method of polygas is in the fact that the hour for visual impairment is set in the process of the vibro- pic experiment with the flag of the past, the effects of the ristant regimes, the deviation of the curtain, and the triviality of the break. Criteria otsinki serve servicemen pratsi, percentage of marriage, signs of the second pravtsivnikiv, injuries. Tse method of work and not zasosovuvatysya in the scale of the vsogo people's government.

Method viznachennya on the clock on the basis of the physiological characteristics ґruntuyatsya on the principles of the principles.

So, odnі doslidniki proponuyut pripinyat robot, yak tilki reach the rivny riven napruzhennya concrete fiziologichnogo funktsii. Nayachechshe vikoristovuyutsya such a show, yak frequency pulse. Вважається, що кількість надлишкових удаів pulse is not responsible for perevishchuvati 60-100. Yak tilki reach such a riven, the robot is guilty of getting drunk.

Table 13.1

An hour for admission is based on the importance of robotics and sanitarian-minded minds, in% of the operational hour


Characteristics for an hour and a half

1. Vaga peremyschuvannogo vantazhu nabo spend fizichnih pristine, kg

Від 5 to 15 kg - 1% at the cost of the phisicales, and the cost of the half of the operational hour is 2% at the cost of more than half an hour;

Від 16 до 30 кг - відповідно 3 або 4%;

Від 31 до 50 кг - 7, 8, 9% (відповідно at cost фізичних зусиль a stretch of 1/3, 1/2 abo more than an operative hour)

2. Nervowe's Involvement

Uncertain - 1-2%; Mean - 3-4%; Підвищене - 5%

3. The rate of robotics

Pomaryn - 1%; Mean - 2%; High - 3-4%

4. Robotic pose

Mixed - 1%; Non-armored - 2%; Scuta - 3%; Non-arcing - 4%

5. Monotony of robotics

Not clear - 1%; The average - 2%; Piadvizchena - 3%

6. Microklimate

1-5% of the bottom of the thermal viprominuvannya, pidvistchenya temperaturu up to 20 ° C, vidnosnіy vologogisti ponad 70% abo lowered the temperature for the interstice - 5 ° C (in the inter-admissible sanitary standards)

7. Забрудненість повітря

From 35 to 50% of the boundary-permissible concentration (GDK) with a non-toxic saw - 1%; From 51 to 60% of the GDK with a non-toxic pilaster to 35% of the GDK by toxic rechovin - 2%; From 61% to 71% of the GDK with a non-toxic saw blade from 36 to 50% with toxic rechovin - 3%; For 71 to 85% of the GDK with a non-toxic saw blade of up to 51% to 70% toxic leucine - 4%; 85% GDK non-toxic saw (robot vikonuytsya z zastosuvannya zahishnih prishstovan) abo podad 70% toxic rechovinami - 5%

8. Vibrant noise

Low-frequency noise (NS) by force from 60 to 70 dB, mid-frequency (NW) for 55 to 65 dB, high-frequency (W) from 50 to 60 dB - 1%;

НШ - від 71 to 80 дБ, СШ - від 66 to 75 дБ, ВШ - від 61 to 70 дБ - 2%;

НШ - від 81 to 90 дБ, СШ - від 76 to 85 дБ, ВШ - від 71 to 75 дБ - 3%;

NS - for 91 to 100 dB, for schools - 86 to 90 dB, for schools - 76 to 85 dB - 4%;

9. Вібрація, оберти і поштовхи

Підвищені - 1%; Strong - 2%; 3 to 3% (for a factor not greater than 50%) 4% (more than 50% zmіni)

10. Awareness (it is zoomed by the character of roboty)

Reduced (from 31 to 48 lux) - 1%; Освітленість до 30 лк або осліплююче світло - 2%

Fiziologami installed such a fallowness mizh robochoyu frequency pulse of prazivnika і trivalistyu robochogo hour [28]:

Pulse rate, hp / hp.







Working hour, year.







Bіlsh priinyatnim criterion of a borderline permissible river basin for organism can be in the mean of the frequency of the pulse for zmіnu, including periodi roboti vіdpochinku, at rіvnі 100 beats / хв. Середньозмінний пульс, ударів / хв:

Pulse pc hour robotics

De Pr - pulse pc hour robot, shock / hw; Pv - pulse pіd hour відпочинку, ударів / хв; Tp is the ptoma of the wag hour of roboty at the winter fund of the robot hour,%; Tв - Pitoma vag hour for admission to the breeding fund of a robotic hour,%.

On robots, the frequency of the pulse frequency at the antennas is 100 beats per second, VV Rozenblat and Yu. G. Solonin, propelled the virachovuvaty hour for admission and additional robotics for the formula:

An hour for admission and additional work for the formula

De - the mean frequency of the pulse is the hour of the basic robotics - the mean frequency of the pulse is the hour of the basic robot;

Mid-frequency pulse rate pіd hour виконання допоміжної роботи - the average frequency of the pulse is the hour of the vibe of the additional robot.

G. Leman for vnostovlenya dodatkovoy trivalovі vidpochinku with important robots zapononavav vikoristovuvaty pokaznik Energozatrat. With the cost of energy for the hvilin on the river 4 kcal, you can see the optimal. Yakshto spend energy for hvilina to transplant 4 kcal, then the extra charge for hours is divided into trivalovy vidpochinku with optimal vitareg energey to be charged for such a formula:

Vidpochinok with optimal vitarets енергії

De Increase in the amount of time taken - the value of the increase in the hour per patient,%;

Zagalnі vitrati енергії for one hvilinu - zagalnі vitrati енергії for one хвилну, ккал / хв.

One method is to set the hour for admission on the basis of the hour of entry into the field of functions before the vineyard.

Застосування цього методу ускладнюється тим, що різні functції poverayutsya to the vihіdnogo рівня multiple times. To that deed authorize propohuyt vrachovuvati zmіni okremoi fiziologichnogo funktsii. So, in the course of time, the static vitriolic hour for adiposity is calculated for the form:

Hour for pictures

De N - static vitrival for the first time of robotics, s; K - static vitryval for the rest of the year of robotics, p.

Tse method deshcho obmezheny at svoeemu zastosuvannnyi, oskkilki navryad chi korektno on all types of robiit oriyntuvatisya on one fiziologichnu funktsiyu. Yogo can zastosovuvati for vstanovlenya normi hour on vidpochinok with vikonanni nervovo and phisically napruzheniyah robot.

Naybilsh obruvantovanem see the method vstanovlenya zagalnogo hour on the picture for the showers of the second and the minds of prazi. Doslіzhenni [25] bula has established the presence of a foul hour on the regulation of visual impairments with the second one. In the range of the display of the second, -10: -55 sid. Od. Ця залежність Practical лінійна і опису рівнянням

Tв = -0.58 V,

De tv - hour for adiposity, xv; B - a demonstrator of the second.

Між by showers of minds праці і the second існує залежність, яка описується рівнянням регресії:

Рівнянням регресії

De V - a demonstrator of the second, vidn. Od ;;

X - Sumarial display of wits praci, bali.

Vostanovlenya korelyatsії mіzh pokaznikom vtomi umyvami pratsi allowed the rozrobiti simple method viznachennya hour on reglamentovannyi perervi. Він not vimagaye spent on laborious fiziologichnyh doslіdzhen і mozhe використовуватися у виробничих умовах. For this, the leather factor of the minds is corrected for the 1-4 Criteria, and the Potiman bali is written down. Suma vsіh balіv є pokaznikom wit praci.

The hour for admission is calculated for the empirical formula

Tв = 1,14х - 7,85,

De x - sumarniy display of wits praci, bali.

Criteria for the determination of the basal area of ​​the skin factor of the minds are shown in Table. 13.3.

Table 13.3

Критерії бальної оцінки умов праці



Optimal (1 ball)

Allow (2 bali)

Unpleasant (3 bali)

Шкідливі (4 бали)


Вище за санітарні норми

On the basis of sanitary norms

Lower sanitary standards by 25%

Lower sanitary standards by 50%


In 2 times the GDK

On the river ГДК

In 2 times more GBC

In 3 or more times the depth of the GDK

Toxic rechovini

In 2 times the GDK

On the river ГДК

In 2 times more GBC

In 3 or more times the depth of the GDK

Noise, vibration, ultrasound

Lower Sanitary Norms

On the basis of sanitary norms

To Sanitary Norms + 10

Вище санітарної норми + 10

Іонізуюче випромінювання

Lower GDR unprofessional categories of survey

On the territory of the GDR of the nonprofessional category of survey

At 1.5-2 times below the GDR professioi category of survey

On the territory of the GDR professionary category of research

Electromagnet field of radio frequency

HF, UHF, microwave in 10 times lower GDR

HF, UHF, microwave on the GDR

HF and UHF visibility of the GDR



Optimal for Sanitary Norms

Admissible for Sanitary Norms

Robot on the outdated

Behind the boundaries of sanitary norms

At the hour on the boards, in all types of robots, the hour is set for the natural consumption of food in the rozmiri 10 ... 15 хв. For zmіnu.