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Alkalosis (alkaline disease) is caused by too high rate of PH, ie PH greater than 7, or a sharp increase in its. This disease can occur in the following cases:
- In the aquarium with soft water at too dense planting in the aquarium fish and plants lack;
- In the aquarium with soft water, densely planted with plants in bright light.

Skin dull and covered with slime, gills are damaged, including mucus, fins ottopyrivayutsya, breathing quickens, there comes a violation of coordination and seizures. Fish rushing, trying to jump out of the aquarium. When tightening the disease occurs corneal clouding, leading eventually to blindness. In the end, comes the mass death of fish, especially at night.

To prevent this disease, you need 2-3 times to reduce the number of fish in the aquarium, change the water regularly.

Avitaminosis ago forward Anemia