Фізіологія і психологія праці - Krushelnytska Ya.V.

Non-standard modes of administration and visual assistance

In actual types of work, disagreements are stuck in non- standard modes of administration and admission . One such regime is 12-year-old robocha zmіna with a normal triviality robochogo tizhnya. Vin zastosovyutsya is very important in the operator and dispatching professions, yakschoo robot triva tsilodobovo. In ts'omu vypadku після 12-годиної денної зміни працівникові надається добовий, and після такої ж нічної зміни - dubious vidpochinok. In chotiridobovoem cycle, one month, one day and one winter.

A single riznovidom nonstandard regime є dobivi cheruguvannya with the right sleep with obhasgovuvannnyi automatic systems for umovi, scho vono not vimagaє postіynoї priests.

For pračivniki in the sphere of the mystery, zastosovuyut osoblivi regimes, for some timid day to be stored in two periods: the main one for the year and the year 11 ... 12 to 14 ... 15 year.

Pravtsivniki upravlennya maitu so titles nenormovany robochy day, trivalal yakogo mozhe perevischuvati 8 year.

It is not clear that the part of the workplace is hanging in a vicious manner in the nineteenth year (repair work of transport vehicles).

At fiziologichnomu obgruntuvannі vsіh cih regimenі pratsі i vіdpochinku neobhіdno vrachovuvaty zagalnu trivalіst robochogo tizhnya, robochoї zmіni, perervi na vidpochinok (їх trivalіst, frequency and іmovi), optimіnne cherguvannya змін.

Річний режим праці і Відпочинку peredachaє раціональне чергування роботи з періодами тривалого виіпопокунку. Trivalov shchorichnoy vidpustki for znyattya pracitsnikov vkladochnoi vvomi vstanovlyutsya in legislative order, regulate the collective agreement and vrahovuє pravokikst, zaplosnist tak osobblivostі minds roboti.

Supervised livelihoods

1. What is the regimen of the practice of public opinion and criticism that characterizes the yogic rationality?

2. Basic vimogi that methodical pіdhod to the separation of regimenів праці і відпочинку.

3. The essence of the basic fiziologichnih law, and pokladeni in the basis of the separation of the regime in pritsi i vpodchinku.

4. Yaki method zastosovuyut when vstanovlenni hour on reglamentovani perervi on vidpochinok?

5. Sho taket active vidpochinok і yaky fіzіологічний мехаізм to lay down in the yogo basics?

6. What is the meaning of the music for the vibrational music?

7. What are the basic principles of the process of the development of the civil and political life in the country?