Privacy Policy
General Provisions
This Agreement on the use of the sites of the group (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is concluded between the site administration and any user who accesses, connects or assists any third party in gaining access to any kind of information or information that is placed On the sites of the group
The reference to any of the sections of the Site, as well as placing links to it, citing and reprinting the materials of the Site, implies the legally binding consent of the user to compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Information located on this server is intended solely for private use for educational and consulting purposes and can not be downloaded / transferred to another computer. Neither the owner of the site, nor the hosting provider, nor any other individuals or entities can bear any responsibility for any use of the materials on this site.
This Agreement is not an agreement. The administration of the sites of the group reserves the right to both change this Agreement and enter a new one. Such changes come into force from the moment of their posting on the sites of the group The use by the user of the materials of the site after the modification of the Agreement automatically means their acceptance.
The site works, rather, as a paid search system for interesting materials.
By entering the site, you, as the user, thereby confirm full and unconditional acceptance of all terms of use.
Limitation of liability
Materials are taken from books, magazines, other sources, purchased in e-stores, received by exchange and are provided "AS IS" ("AS IS") without any kind of guarantee, either direct or indirect, to check the performance of each is not possible - User Voluntarily refuses to prosecute the owners of the site and compensation for possible harm caused to the User.
The user expressly agrees that he uses the sites of the group at his own risk. Text and graphic content, information materials presented on the site, information posted by registered users of the site, serve only for acquaintance and can not be a guide for independent activity and can be applied only after consultations with specialists.
The administration is not responsible for any damage caused to you, conducted on the recommendations given on the sites of the group The user is fully responsible for any misinterpretation that may result from viewing, reading or copying the materials contained on the Site and thus no legal or natural person can be responsible for using the materials mentioned. Under no circumstances shall the responsibility for the consequences that directly or indirectly entail the use of information posted on the sites of the group, can not be entrusted to the administration of the site and be the basis for their prosecution.
Neither the administration of the sites of the group does not guarantee the uninterrupted and error-free operation of the site. Also, it does not guarantee that such will be both the results obtained during the use of the site, and the accuracy and applicability of its materials.
All information and materials posted on the sites of the group, presented without the guarantee that they can not contain errors. The site administration has the right to change information and materials posted on this site at any time and without prior announcement of such changes.
Registered trademarks, marks, mentioned on the sites of the group, are the property of their respective owners.
Information for rights holders
If you are the copyright owner of any material, the link (or links) to which is placed on this site, and would not want this information to be distributed by users without your consent, we will be happy to assist you by removing the appropriate links.
For this it is necessary that you send us a letter (in electronic form) in which you indicated the following information:
- Documentary evidence of your rights to material protected by copyright: a scanned document with a seal, or other contact information that allows you to uniquely identify you as the copyright owner of this material.
- The text that you wish to place with the deleted information. In it you can specify where, and on what terms you can get the information, the links to which have been deleted, as well as your contact details, so that users can get from you all the information they are interested in regarding this material.
- Direct links to the pages of the site that contain links to the data that you want to delete. Links should look like or similar.
Email Administrator: tarasshram [doggi] gmail [dot] com
- A) We reserve the right to publish on the website any information sent to us
B) We do not monitor the actions of users who can re-post links to information that is the subject of your copyright. Any information on the site is automatically placed, without any control from either side, which corresponds to the generally accepted world practice of posting information on the Internet. However, in any case, we will consider all your requests regarding references to information that violates your rights.
User Security
Services fix exclusively technical parameters of visiting the site by the user of the Internet. Services do not collect any personal information about site visitors. Services use only legal technologies and only open sources of information.
Administration does not transfer the source statistics collected through services to a third party, and does not provide access to these data.
Services fix the IP address solely for:
- - Definition of uniqueness of the user with preservation of his anonymity;
- determine the geographical location of the user to the accuracy of the city.
Administration guarantees the members of the services the confidentiality of the statistics of their sites.
The administration reserves the right to use the statistical data of the participants' websites for marketing research and global statistics. Marketing research and global statistics are built on the basis of aggregated data, which do not allow you to obtain any information about specific sites of participants.
The administration guarantees the confidentiality of the registration data entrusted to the participants of the services.
Administration guarantees the confidentiality of financial data entrusted to the participants of services. Financial data can not be transferred to a third party and is used only for mutual settlements of the company with customers
!! Personal information received by ShramSite during registration will not be transferred to third organizations and individuals without the permission of users, except for situations when the law or court decision requires it.
4.Additional information
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via the Contact Form or by phone +3 (063) 328-78-37
When commenting on, remember that the content and tone of your message can hurt the feelings of real people, show respect and tolerance to your interlocutors even if you do not share their opinion, your behavior in the conditions of freedom of expression and anonymity provided by the Internet, changes Not only virtual, but also the real world. All comments are hidden from the index, spam is controlled.