Міжнародні розрахунки та валюні операції - Savluk M.І. Specific features of economical measures in the regions

У Німеччині більшість індексів розраховується у трьох варіантах: для всієї країни (Pan German) й окремо для сідноїі західної частини Німеччини. In the UK, the vice-president of the CPI is vikorostvuyutsya індекс RPI (Retailer Price Index - indices rozdribnogo sale). The PPI innovation index for two parts: PPI Input (PPI) and PPI Output ("vihіdny"). Crim of the ignorant trade balance, the publication of the Non-European Union Trade Balance (trade balance with the non-members of the European Union). The NAPM loan is vikoristovuyutsya CBI (Corporation of British Industry - korporatsiіya britsynkoї promyslovostі). In Japan, the PPI is viscous for WPI (Wholesales Price Index).

The main macroeconomic indicators: the national product (the gross domestic product), the wholesale trade and trade balance, the trade balance, etc., as a rule, to be published all over the territory, as well as to its specific specifications. Named shots of the US economy, that інших розвинутих країн (especially the G7) viyavlyayut duzhe strong vplyv on the market. Pokazniki of the smaller powers are less important. Porivnyannya will become an economist of the richest territories behind one-time indicators, not just korektnim, oskilki існують розбіжності не тільки у typeінкаторкаторів, а и у методиках розрахньку їх значен у різних країнах. In addition, specifying the specific features of skin lesions. So, napriklad, znachennie makroekonomichnyh otkaznikov in Japan is unlikely to be an appendage for the economy of the shores of the country during the trivial hour.

For Ukraine, the nutritional analysis of the economic situation, the number and forecasting of the currency market on the basis of economic indicators and statistical methods of technical analysis, should be problematic. The problem of polygamy is that it is necessary to inform the part of the national economy, the real sector and the gross domestic product, the population of the population, and the segregation of vibrotic exhilarations, the river of individual income, and the impossibility of incurring money. Stupin freedom of the financial market is worse. Fondovy ribbon perebuvaє at sti trivalovy krizi through problems with privatization and disregard of legislation. Currency paralizovany vіsutnіstyu rinku stringed ubod (zaboronenі з серпня 1998 р.), Усебічними обмеженнями на купівлю та sales of the non-monetary currency, відсутістю законодавчої інженнії інтернній понідних фінансових інструментів. The policy of the National Bank of Ukraine is limited to restricting visits. І cezozumilo, vrahovoyuchi situatsiu in ekonomiki, default zovnіshnu zaborgovannіst ta globnu ėergergetichnu zalizhnnost vid іmportnih енергоносівв. The information industry in Ukraine and the operative of the all-embracing economy is in the zadrokovymi camp, the system of economic measures is not rooted out. In addition, through the important Ukrainian economy steward in the Baghdach Vipadkas, the non-conformist methods of management are not repetitious, but in the course of time, through the value of the investment in the internal fiscal space, the forecasting of the Maybutnykilnych economic indicators in the territory, the number of the currency market, is extraordinarily flexible.

Odnache, nezvazhayuchi on zaznacheni slozhnoshi, pershi kroki in tsiomu directly vzhe є. Informational agencies, in addition to REUTERS, are regularly regulating the financial situation of the financial sector of the zokrem. Statistical data for the agency is imposed by the State Statistics Committee, the state authorities, the National Bank of Ukraine, the Ukrainian mizhbanking currency balance, commercial financial structures.

Головні українські економічні індикатори (the tables 15.3, 15.4), шо висвітлюються інформаційними агенціями, are motivated for analogue зі світовими, але деталиііція і кількість, through the forcible cause of the cause, †"by the interlocutors. In addition, publikuyutsya індикатори, що відобрабрають special features of the national economy (Table 15.4).

Process otsinyuvannya will become that prospect of changing the currency market - the draft is foldable. Річ у тім, що the processes on the market are not limited to the suto of the constituent entities in the economy, but from the subordinated to the participants in the rink, in addition, until there is a chance to settle in the Maybutny situation, come bolshist yogo partici- pants. Prediction of the behavior of the currency market in the vimage of the yogic operators, the correctness of the economy of lawfulness, the valued dossier in the ethical yoga psychology camp, and the maliciousness of the nationalities in the economy of the richest regions of the world.