The global trading system: rozvitok institutes, rules, and labor of SOT - Tsigankova TM Compositing (topographies) and integrals microcircuits

Що стосується захисту топології інтегральних мікросхем , Угода ТРІПС забезпечує захист на основі Вашингтонського договору 1989 р. About інтегральні мікросхеми, що був відкритий для підписаня в травні 1989 р. Alya Ugoda dopovnjuє tse dogovir with active novy poslozhnni in the interests pokraschenya zahistu. So, in Ugodi of the verdicts of zagalny termin zahistu rights in 10 rockiv (Minimal period hour). TRIPS dodatkovo viznachaetsya illegally імпортування, sales of sales of goods with the commercial method of goods, components of some є mikroshmi, scho zhoryronyayutsya, yakshcho not boolo otrimano vidpіdnogo permissibility of the right of rights.

However, in vipadka, yakshchos individuals knew that they had been bought by them in order to illegally create an integrated microcosm, then such a family would not be guilty of illegality. Takso individuals can vikonuvati be-yakі dії stasovno kavkaz for the purpose of the legitimate administrator of the rights of the collection of royalties. [1, p.352]

Members of COT can masturbate obovyazykov litsenzuvannya konunuvannya інтегральних мікросхем або її використання урядом чи на корсть уряду відповідно до положень шдо обов'язкового ліцензування патентів. [1, p.353] Nerazgoloshuvana information

Until nerazgoloshuvanoї nalezhit taka інформація, yaka:

Секрет the secret of the rozuminya, čo vona yak єdine tsil, abo y uchinnyi sukupnosti ta pedyonnanni її componentіv not є gagolno vidomoyu abo available for osib cola, scho zvichayno maiyut spravu z іnformatsієyu, about yak ydetsya;

Mae komertsynu tsinnnost vasledidok of that, is secret;

Зберігається у секреті внаслідок вжиття за відповінихних обставин пвних заходів extra, яка законно здійснює control of цією інформацією;

Nadaetsya Uyejdu turadyvim set to the anchor ymovi otrimannya dozvolu zbut pharmaceutichnoi produkcii proizvodstva sylskogoospodarskoi hіmії (nerozgoloshuvanni dany viprobuvan abo інші danі, otrymannya nuzhkostyu znachnih zusil). [1, p.354]

To the method of the infidelity of the uninformed information - the inadmissibility of unfair competition. For the purpose of the territorial division, the COTs were self-confident, but the masters of the nezgoloshuvannoi informational information on the mother's ability to pereskojati to that "information", legally to be owned by the control, rozgoloshuvala, zobilaras abo vikoristivuvalas іншими individuals without їхньої згоди in such a way, such as to control the commercial practice (тобто такій Practically, yak povshennya contract, povshennya dovіri ta spounkunnya before zarashennya, including including pribannya informatsii, scho not pіdlyagaye rokkrtyu third parties, yakі knew the nobility could not but the nobility, but the prizbanyam misconcerned komercitsyna practice). " [1, p.354]

Thus, in Ugodi TRIPS, the standard for the protection of the rights of intellectual property rights of authorship of those sums of rights, trademarks, geographic signs, promulgations of claims, patents, topographic integrals and non-disclosure of information (Table 2) was formulated.

Moreover, in Ugodi, the honor is honored for being able to be splashed by kraine-members of anticompetitive practices, stolen litsenzennyh ugod. For zapobіgannya negative vplyiv zaznachenih vische standardov zahistu rights інтелектуальної власності on the process of transmission of progressive technologies, The face is pobracheno, scho krainei-cheni SOT mait the right to live an adequate entrance, in that number and legislative nature, for zabovigannya zlozhivannya vlasynikami інтелектуальної власності своїми праваь, що може привести To the state of the unpleasant minds of transmissions and technologies, and so negatively get acquainted with the international trade.

Table 42

Standard zahistu rights інтелектуальної власності в Угоді ТРІПС

Об'єкт інтелектуальної власності

Standard zahistu rights інтелектуальної власності

Stattja Ugody TRIPS

The author's right

Zahist avtorykskogo rights oshiryuetsya on visly, and not on the idese, procedure, method, diso, mathematical concepts,

Art. 9.2

Pieces of Povinni Vikonuvati Statti 1-21 Bernsko Conventions (Dodatka to Neji, Statti 6bis)

Art. 9.1

Ohorona copyright law trivaє stretching the author's life plus 50 rock

Art. 12

Comp'yuterni progryi zhurnonnyayutsya podbno before ohotroni, scho nadaetsya literaturnim tvam

Art. 10.1

Compilation of danykh, yak zavdyaky vіdboru abo priadjadkuvannuyu її zmіstu є result інтелектуальної творчі діяльності, охороняється як така

Art. 10.2

Author of computer programs and sound recordings of the right to allow abortion of commercial hire to a wide range

Art. eleven

Sum of Law

Vikonavtsyam nadaetsya mozhnivіst zapabigti nastupnih dіy, yakshcho records zdіysnoyutsya without permission

Art. 14.1

Zahist, scho nadaetsya vikonavtsyam to the vibroks of phonograms, trivia prinaimny to zakinchenna 50-rіchnogo periodu

Art. 14.5

Телерадіомовні оргаізації повині мати right to take notes of its programs, іх відтворення та ретрансляцію via teleadіомовні засоби щонайменше 20 років

Art. 14.3,



Vlasnik zarestrovanogo trademark is guilty of mother vichlyuchnoye right to take care of all the third parties, yakі not mjat 'zgody zhgorod, vikoristvuvati in the process of trade in the identity of the people, the knowledge of goods for the sake of goods, the de joke of vikoristana has been called to the result of the plovtanini

Art. 16

Pervisna reestracy, and takozh nastupne prodovzhennia reestratsії trademark mae zdіysnyuvatyasya on the lines of not less than seven rock. Prodovzhennia reestratsії mozhe zdіysnyuvatisya neobezheno

Art. 18

Реєстрація може бути анульована лише після невикористання stretching uninterrupted prinaymnі trirіchnogo periodu

Art. 19

Primusov litsenzuvannya trademark not allowed

Art. 21

Geograficheskiy znachennya

Members of the guards are obliged to ensure that they are lawful, that if they are not zigzag, you must introduce a wide lock in oman, stolen geographically, to the goods, that be-yokogo vikoristan, yak-act of unfair competition

Art. 23.1

Bіlsh visokі rіvnі Zahist zabezpechuyutsya for geografіchnih zaznachen, SSMSC іdentifіkuyut wine that spirtnі nápoje

Art. 23.2, 23.3, 23.4

Geografichnyi zaznachennya, yakі szprovoduzhuyutsya such words, yak "grade", "type", "style", "імітація" тощо також охороняються

Art. 23.1

Promyslovy zrazki

The members of the guilty party will care for the unseasonably decayed promises of the zrazkiv, yakі є novimi abo original

Art. 25.1

Захист надається щонайменше 10 років

Art. 26.3

Vlasnik promyslovogo zrazka, scho zhoryronyaetsya, is guilty of the mother's right to pereskojditi third parties, yakі not mait the permissitude of the governor for virbitnitsu, sales of the products of the product, yaka misty u sobi abo include zrazok, yakii є kopiyeju, scho zhoryronyaetsya

Art. 26.1


Patenti vidyayutsya for be-a kind of wine, irresponsible for that, chi-stink products abo processes in the useless areas of technolo- gy for the needs of the new world, mute the wineside riveni and the supply of goods

Art. 27.1

Stroke of the day is not guilty of being fined until the end of the twentieth anniversary of the filing date of the application

Art. 33

Patent guilty nadavati yogo vlasniku viklyuchne right viroblyati, vikoristovuvati, proponuvati to sell, prodavatsya abo іmportuvati for Tsikh tsіley zaznacheny product

Art. 28.1

Vlasniki to the patent povinni mati the right to transfer the patent chi to lay down licenses

Art. 28.2

The members of mozhut not dopuskati patentuvannya vinahodіv, SSMSC pereshkodzhayut Zahist Gromadska order abo suspіlnoї moralі, vklyuchayuchi receptionists Zhittya abo Zdorov'ya people tvarin chi Roslyn

Art. 27.2

The members of shaping can takozh not dozvolyati patentuvannya dіagnostichnih, that is therapeutic hіrurgіchnih metodіv, Roslyn that she tvarin bіologіchnih protsesіv for produkuvannya Roslyn abo tvarin

Art. 27.3

The members of povinnі zabezpechiti Zahist Roslyn sortіv abo through patents, abo through efektivnosti system abo zavdyaki їh kombіnatsії. The position of this item will be recounted through 4 rockes.

Art. 27.3

Compositing (topographies) and integrals microcircuits

Stroke dії охорони топографії повинен бути не менше, ніж 10 років

Art. 38.2

The Zahist is guilty of including the right to defend the import, the sale of goods by a commercial method

Art. 36

The members of povinnі vvazhati nezakonnі takі dії, yak іmportuvannya sales abo rozpovsyudzhennya s komertsіynoyu metoyu іntegralnih mіkroskhem that topografіy, Yakscho stink zdіysnyuyutsya not allowed vlasnika rights

Art. 36

Nerazgoloshuvana information

Fіzichnі that yuridichnі individuals povinnі mother mozhlivіst pereshkodzhati fact dwellers іnformatsіya, yak legally znahoditsya pid їh control rozgoloshuvalas, zbiralas abo vikoristovuvalas іnshimi personages without їhnoї Zgoda in Taqiy sposіb, yaky superechit chesnіy komertsіynіy praktitsі, Yakscho taka іnformatsіya Je secrecy Got komertsіynu tsіnnіst through Those, the wo, the secrets, the abortion of the secret

Art. 39.2

Shleni, vimagayuchi yak otvu otrymannya dozvolu on zbut pharmaceutichnoi produkcii proizvodstva sylskogoospodarskoi hіmії, povinni zahischati takі danyi vіd necheschego kobertsіnogo vichoristan

Art. 39.3