Theory and practice of personnel management - Shchekin GV


At present, a huge amount of work has been published on the theory of organization and management of personnel, but most scientists tend to conclude that none of them is universal [1, p. 3-16]. At the same time, the successful development of the economies of Western countries over a long period prompted specialists to carefully study the mechanisms ensuring high production efficiency in them, that is, management.

In the center of progressive management concepts is a person who is regarded as the highest value. Proceeding from this, modern management systems are aimed at developing various abilities of employees so that they are used as much as possible in the production process. The growing role of the social component of production determines the qualitative changes in the management systems of organizations, finds expression in new forms, methods and content of personnel management.

From the point of view of the system approach, the modern production organization is a complex socio-technical system in which the material-material and human (personal) factors of the development of production are distinguished. Work with staff predetermines success in business and the public sector of the economy. The human factor has turned into the main factor of production, in connection with which the concept of "investments in personnel" is increasingly used. At the same time, the effectiveness of employing the human resources of an organization depends on the balance of its main components - the personal and material factors of production.

At present, the staff of the organization has a high dynamism of development. It manifests itself not only in accelerating the process of updating professional knowledge, skills and skills, but also in steadily increasing the role of professionally important and business qualities of employees. Education, qualification and level of development of professionally important qualities are today the main qualitative characteristics of personnel.

In practice, these characteristics do not always correspond to the objectively necessary level in specific production conditions. Therefore, for a balanced formation of human resources, it is necessary to create an effective system of personnel management that would meet the modern content of the organization and motivation of labor [1].

1. Evolution of management

Numerous forecast studies conducted by Western experts clearly confirm that in the next decade only those companies whose productive and managerial potential will allow them to more or less sustainably position on the market will be able to solve problems that were previously considered to be almost mutually exclusive. This predetermines the need to form new approaches to production management, since traditional ones (with a focus on gross indices of mass production that do not ensure effective interaction of participants horizontally, do not pay enough attention to the end user) do not justify themselves. Therefore, at present there is an unprecedented breakdown of existing stereotypes of managerial thinking.

In the business world, people come to realize that during a period of sharp aggravation of competition in world markets, an increase in the scale and frequency of technological, organizational and other innovations, companies that are more capable of critically assessing the state of affairs, overcoming the stereotypes of effective management in the past, and developing Strategy for transforming their organizations.

"Rationalistic", "mechanical" and "Taylorist" approaches to management, which have taken deep roots in the economic system of Western countries, become obsolete. Growth, complication and dynamism of production relations, multivariance of decisions at high rates of technological and structural shifts necessitate a rapid and flexible reorientation of production and marketing in conditions of uncertainty, constant volatility of the market. The main tasks of managers are the creation of adaptive, fast-agitating management mechanisms and the implementation of "organic" approaches.

Modern management does not completely reject the rationalistic model. It remains the methodological basis for the formation of organizational structures, planning, pre-project research, economic calculations, etc. Elements of strict command control remain preferable under certain extreme conditions, requiring, for example, rapid concentration of effort in any area of ​​work, or in solving production Tasks (such as the release of mass standard products). And where it is necessary to experiment, look for, establish various working relations between partners in conditions of increased economic risk, administrative levers become inefficient - a new, more flexible, so-called organic management is required.

In the practice of management in recent years, the closer interlacing of its various models is clearly visible: American, Japanese, Western European. This is the process of internationalization of modern management. The origins of innovations lie not in the national and cultural characteristics of a particular firm. They are predetermined by the objective logic of scientific and technological progress, and sober-minded managers understand this well. However, a simple statement of the shifts in managerial thinking is not enough to understand the essence of the changes in the production management system of Western countries that occurred in the early 90s. Its roots are much deeper; It is primarily a change in the nature of economic development, the impact that management has on changes in technology and the degree of training of labor, the conditions of economic activity of corporations in domestic and world markets.

The evolution of the term "management" predetermined the variety of concepts expressed by this word. Management is the management of a social object, mastery of management skills, high professionalism, allowing to combine in one person the owner of the property and the organizer of production, which ensures high productivity without hard administration. In international practice, management is a synonym for managing socio-economic processes in the conditions of an entrepreneurial corporation or a joint-stock company.

The fundamental Oxford English Dictionary gives several meanings to the word "management": the way (manner) of dealing with people, the art of management; Specific abilities and administrative skills; Administrative body, administrative unit. In English-speaking countries, this word expresses the function, the academic discipline, the profession and the field of scientific research. The scope of management is almost limitless. It is used in state and public organizations, wherever they try to achieve goals with minimum costs and maximum efficiency. Therefore, the scientific status of management is very versatile.

Management has various professional modifications. From the point of view of the economist, management is a factor of production, along with labor and capital; From the point of view of the administrator - the system of power and organization that regulates the relationship between the leader and subordinates. The sociologist considers management as an element of the structure of society and the system of social statuses, and so on.

The basis for the definition of the concept of "management" is A. Smith's views on the nature of free enterprise, the role of the market and the functions of the state. In his view, the natural desire of people to improve their well-being is such a powerful incentive that if given the opportunity to act without interference, he himself is able to bring society to prosperity. K. Helvetius compared the role of personal interest in society with the law of universal gravitation in nature. From this, in the long run, the whole society wins. According to modern researchers, the task of management is to find and use the incentives inherent in each participant of the management structure for the systematic use of them in the management of people.

The evolution of the productive forces has had an impact on the role and place of management in management. He lost the old features associated with the mandatory formalization and regulation of management processes, but acquired new, inherent in the art of management of small social groups, individuals, using positive measures of exclusion, excluding administration, coercion, etc. In other words, entering the market means mastering the art of management [1].

There are quite a few different scientific schools of government, the main of which are presented in Table. 1. In connection with this, various classifications of the evolution of world management, the main stages of its development, have been adopted. For the convenience of the presentation of the material, it is proposed to consider the development of science and management practice in the interconnection of the three main stages - industrial, professional and entrepreneurial management, which is most consistent with the logic of evolutionary changes in the organization of production in most economically developed countries.

Capitalism as an economic system that has its own laws of development, passed in the XX century several interrelated stages, which determined the main stages of the evolution of world management:

Industrial capitalism is an economic system in which emphasis was placed on specialization, rationalization, delegation, as well as the use of mechanisms and cheap labor to expand production with the subsequent increase in the scale and significance of financial and economic functions. This stage lasted until the 30-50s of the XX century, and the main task of management at this stage was to form the market, firms, adequate management systems, as well as control over the budget of enterprises and the development of marketing;

Managerial capitalism - the economic system of the 50's and 80's, when the dominant education in corporations were groups of workers professionally trained to manage organizations, but not having significant ownership in them. The task of management at this stage was strategic planning and the attraction of an increasing number of employees to management, the development of "industrial democracy" and "human relations" in production;

Table 1

The main scientific schools of management

Schools of Management

Classical school

School of "human relations"

"Empirical" school

School of "social systems"

"New school

Human Resource Management

Basic Provisions

Creation of the scientific basis of management, the development of management theories, principles and methods of management, the principles of formal organization, the problems of leadership and power structures

Identify and take into account the role of relations in small groups, study the informal structure of the organization, create an optimal psychological climate, delegate responsibility

Collection and processing of practice materials, development of recommendations, study of the content of labor and the functions of managers, development of the concept of target management

The study of the most common forms of organization as a socio-technical system, the development of problems of conflictology, the hierarchy of needs and job satisfaction

Development of methods for mathematical modeling and control, algorithms for developing optimal solutions, technical and economic models of development, as well as the theory of managerial decisions, studying systems (systems engineering)

Development and improvement of methods for mobilizing employees through active work of managers, recording and using the human factor, developing principles for effective personnel policy

Leading representatives

F. Taylor, 0. Sheldon, A. Fayol, G. Emerson, L. Urquik, G. Ford

E. Mayo, K. Arjiris, F. Herzberg, D. McGregor, R. Blake, J. Mouton

P. Drucker, R. Davis, L. Newman, D. Miller

D. March, G. Simon, A. Etzioni, A. Maslow

R. Ackoff,

L. Bertalanffy,

S. Beer,

R. Kalman,

L. Klein,

R. Luce,

D. Forrester

R. Miles,



Entrepreneurial capitalism is an economic system that began to take shape at the beginning of the 1980s, in which the task of management shifted to a greater emphasis on small enterprises, as well as strategic management, primarily human resources management [7].