Labor law of Ukraine - Gruzinova L.P.



12.1. The right to regulate the internal labor order.

12.2. Ponyattya labor discipline and methodology.

12.3. Disciplinary information is also visible.

12.4. Discipline: leaning order, oskarzhennya znyattya.

12.1. The right of regular internal labor ordering

Відповідно to the station. 142 КЗпП трудовий розпорядок в оргаізації визначається правила интеріішньо розпорядку.

Intrinsic labor security - the rule of law in the sphere of labor, in the dairy industry.

Normie vnutrіshnogo labor rozporyadku regulyuyut suspіlnі vіdnosini s drive organіzatsії kolektivnoї pratsі mіzh robotodavtsem i of labor collectives (Yogo authorities) mіzh robotodavtsem that vibornimi authorities profspіlkovoї organіzatsії on pіdpriєmstvі in ustanovі, organіzatsії.

The labor order rozpoljaderi hunt the system of normative acts, which regulate the order of the working age.

Normative-legal actives , shcho regulyuyut vnutrishnyj trudovy rozporyadok, podilyayatsya na dvі grupi:

• zagalnі (KZPP of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, presidential decree of Ukraine, the rules of internal labor ordering of the order of that year);

• spetsіalnі, SSMSC vrahovuyut spetsifіku okremih Galuzo gospodaryuvannya and takozh osoblivostі pratsі okremih kategorіy pratsіvnikіv (galuzevі rules vnutrіshnogo labor rozporyadku Statute about distsiplіnu, provisions about distsiplіnu okremih kategorіy pratsіvnikіv toscho).

The basic legal forms of regulation of the spinal procedure and concrete organization are the rules of the internal labor order, which can be supplemented by three vises (Figure 12.1).

See the rules of internal labor raskoradku

Fig. 12.1. See the rules of internal labor raskoradku

The rules of the internal labor (nadalі - Tipovі rules) - tse normative act zagalnogo dії, in yakomu osnovylovano nachalny poslozhnya, scho viznachayut vnutrishnyi trudoviy rozporyadka1. The type of rule is to be vikoristovuyutsya in part, but not to enforce the Constitution of Ukraine on private labor legislation.

Галузеві rules of the internal labor order of the order of the doctors of the specifics of the galusies to the regime of prac ta vidpochinku, obov'yazіv pračіvnikіv. Wongs zastverdzhuyutsya mіnisterstvami and viddomstvami for pogodzhennyam z vіdpііdіnіmi trade union bodies.

Intrinsic labor ordering on a specific application, in the installation, organisation, is to be identified by the local rules of the internal labor order (nadali - Rules), which will be hardened by the labor collectives for submitting robots to the electoral body of the trade union committee on the application, in the installation and organization on the basis of the rules.

Rules mait at meti vragulyuvati vnutrishnyy laborovy rozporyad on pidpriyatstvah, in the institutions, organisatsii, without chogo nemozhilno ratsionalno vikoristvuvati robochiy chas, pidvishchuvati produktivist praci.

The rules of the internal labor ordering of the body are the local normative act of the organisation, the procedure regulates the order to the proper KZPP order, the order is to be made, the basic rights, the obedience of the employment agreement, the robot regime, the hour, the delay, the precautions, the visit, and the stagnation, and Takozh інші питання регулювання трудових відносин в оргаізації.

I am confirming the Decree of the Derzhkompracy SRSR and the VTSRPS dated 20 December 1984.

Zauvazhimo, scho rules of the internal rozporyadku organizatsii zastverdzhuyutsya work collectives for submissions robotodavtsya that vibornogo profspilkovogo organ. In the Federal State of the Russian Federation, the rules of the internal labor order of the body of the body shall be confirmed by a robot employer of the duma of the representative body of the executive body.

The structure of the rules of the internal labor order is shown in Fig. 12.2.

The structure of internal labor regulations

Fig. 12.2. The structure of internal labor regulations

In order konkretizuєtsya Rules of acceptance on the first robot zvіlnennya s robot osnovnі obov'yazki pratsіvnikіv that robotodavtsya, vstanovlyuєtsya mode robochem hour second hour vіdpochinku, viznachayutsya Vidi zaohochen for uspіhi in robotі, їh zastosuvannya order, order zastosuvannya distsiplіnarnih styagnen.

You can not superpose to the strict labor legislation: the rules of employment and zvilnennya from robotics, go in for the crippling of labor discipline, the order of zhstosuvannya, znyattya oskarzhennya.

Up to the end of robotics for work, we work with the contract of robot-making of zobovaniyazovi znakomity pravtsivnika with the rules of the internal labor order (Article 29 of the KZPP).

In deyakih Galuzo for okremih kategorіy pratsіvnikіv de torn down trudovoї distsiplіni mozhut prizvesti to serious naslіdkіv, dіyut Statute about distsiplіnu (transport, phone reception that deyakі INSHI) that the provisions about distsiplіnu1.

That the provisions of the Statute about distsiplіnu not zamіnyuyut rules vnutrіshnogo labor rozporyadku, stink viklyuchayut Zi spherical dії Tsikh Rules quiet pratsіvnikіv on SSMSC poshiryuyutsya Statute, the ale in the furrows vіdnosin scho regulyuyutsya statute. So, Pozdljana about the discipline of travel to the transport sector is preoccupied, scho kozhny pracitsvnik, on yakogo poriryuyutsya yogo dia, zobov'yaniyat uprimuvatisya rules internal zdorovyi rozporyadku.

Положиня про дисципліну працівників залізничным to transport поширюється на працівників, що забезпечимть рух транспорту, але не поширюється на працівників, які забезпечимть його обслуговування.

Provisions of the Statute about distsiplіnu vіdrіznyayutsya od rules vnutrіshnogo rozporyadku Especially pravotvorchoї procedure (yak usually zatverdzhenі Holds Kabіnetu Mіnіstrіv Ukraine), Structure (zagalnі provisions zaohochennya, distsiplіnarnі styagnennya) zmіstom (viznachaєtsya colo osіb on SSMSC stink poshiryuyutsya, obsyag distsiplіnarnoї Vladi rіznih Posadovikh osib tescho)

Існують особливості у змісті обов'язків працівників, які підпадають під дію статутів та положень about дисципліну - in the warehouse of the disciplinary lawful deed, it is possible to carry disciplinary charges and misdemeanors, for violations that do not accumulate from untrustworthy vikonannya їхніх трудовх обв'язків.

Okremi Elementi vnutrishnogo labor rozporyadku mutut be brought to the law of Ukraine.

Div .: Putting about the discipline of travel services in the transport sector, I approve it by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 26 June 1993. No. 55; Statute on the discipline of prazivnikiv zv'yazku, zastverdzheny I prescribe Kabinetu Ministry of Ukraine for 30 lipnya 1996 p. No. 877; The disciplinary statute of the prosecutor's office of Ukraine, of the citations, is given by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for 6 leaves of the fall of 1991. Div.: The Law of Ukraine "On the state service" dated 16th of November 1993, the main obovyazyka of the state services (Article 10 of the Law), the basic rights of the state servants (Article 11 of the Law), obmenzhenya, pozhyanni z priinyattyam To the state service (Article 12 of the Law), the declaration of income of the state servicemen (Article 13 of the Law), especially the disciplinary and administrative services (Article 14 of the Law).

The basic works of obovyazyka storin labor contract. Sphere of life КЗпП поширюється на всіх працівників, і Відповідно у ст. 139 КЗпП it is identified basic obovyazyki pratsіvnikiv, and in st. 141 КЗпП - обов'язки робота-стя. Obovyazyka storin working contract concretize the singing documents (Figure 12.3).

Specification of obov'yazyv storin labor contract

Fig. 12.3. Specification of obov'yazyv storin labor contract

Згідно зі ст. 139 KZpP, pratsіvniki zobov'yazanі pratsyuvati th sumlіnno honestly, i svoєchasno exactly vikonuvati rozporyadzhennya vlasnika abo upovnovazhenogo him authority dotrimuvatisya trudovoї i tehnologіchnoї distsiplіni, vimog normative aktіv On Protection pratsі, dbaylivo staviti to vlasnika Lane, s Yakim way of labor dogovіr.

Obovyazyka pračіvnikіv podilyayutsya on the two groups (Figure 12.4).

Обов'язки працівників

Fig. 12.4. Обов'язки працівників

Yak znachalosya, zgіdno zі st. 139 КЗпП працівники зобов'язані дотримуватися трудової та технологічної дисципліни.

Дотримання технологічної дисципліни полягає в обов'язку працівника виконувати технічні правила на виробництві.

Porushenny pratscvnikom tehnologicheskogo disciplinary ви vibropnichym otpushchennyam і pіdstavoyu for zastosuvannya dotsiplinarnogo stjagnnnia.