Основи політології - Bregeda A.Yu.

3. Functions of the science of science

The nature of the science of science is naiobilsh vovyavlyaetsya in її funcies. Odnією з найважливіших функцій політології є theoretically-pisnavalna . The function is realizing through wivechenia, systematization, explanations, analisys, and the seizure of sexual manifestations. Polітотологія в цій functіії present itself yak sukupnіst vzаmozv'yannyh teoreticheskikh kontceptіі, scho spirayutsya vyavlenі sistemirnostі suspilnogo rozvitku.

Teoretiko-piznavalnuyu funktsyyu povyazano z rozrobkoyu basic conceptual iidy, yakі clarify the nature of the development of sospilstva yogo riznih etapah. Іstorichna practice nashogo the recent passed perekonlivo svіdchit scho nespromozhnіst kolishnіh theoreticity nastanov, zokrema schodo povnoї i ostatochnoї Peremohy sotsіalіzmu, become a spravzhnomu Naukova polіtichnimi kontseptsіyami zumovlyuvalasya not tіlki tim, scho stink boule vіdіrvanі od real suspіlnogo Zhittya and second tim, scho stink bazuvalisya On non-financial economic, social, political and spiritual basis (nepodilne panuuvannya sovremennoy vlasnosti, negativne stavlennya to unsanctioned forms of social activities, one-partnitelno kerіvnitsvo, intolerance to anonymity).

Having looked forward to the old polichnichnyh concepts, the Ukrainian state abandoned the new doctrine. Such a situation could not but negatively affect the state of the state of the state, which is characterized by a balanced and economical unsteadiness, an uneven regenial adherence, social, moral and psychological urges. Ale-tsevsim not mean, but the poliotic processes in our state are vzduguvayutsya vzagali without a theoretical basis. Submissions of the remaining hours, especially priinyattya novosti Constitution of Ukraine, perekonlivo svidchchat about those, scho for the role of one of these theoretical doctrines insanely pretend conceptual politynogo pluralism, yak long ago vzhe mitschno affirmed in zazіdnih zahіdnih kraїnah. In our countries, as in the other regions of the CIS, and in pluralism, such is the active statement about itself. Navіt short perіod rozvitku Ukraine yak powers nezalezhnoї pokazuє scho processes realіzatsії tsієї іdeї in polіtichnomu zhittі vіdbuvavsya dosit burhlivo: od plyuralіzmu dumok - to plyuralіzmu Act reasonably, od plyuralіzmu Act reasonably - to plyuralіzmu organіzatsіy, od plyuralіzmu organіzatsіy - to plyuralіzmu suspіlstva in tsіlomu. The basic privablivіst іdeї polіtichnogo plyuralіzmu for democratic rozvitku polіtichnih protsesіv in derzhavі polyagaє in fact, scho Won not tіlki protistoїt іdeї authoritarianism totalіtarizmu th and th vіdkrivaє shirokі perspectives for uchastі rіznih group population in polіtichnomu zhittі suspіlstva.

Poyva polichnichnogo pluralism - tse vidnosno novew for Ukraine. And that yogi stverdzhennya d broaden is inevitable povyazane with pivnimi difficulties. So, in our past, we have to recount the memory of anarchist tendencies. Yak svidchit історична practice, anarchism zazhdi і vsyadi speckulyuvav na svobodі sobistostostі na ії postійному прагненні самореалізації. Those who stayed in the rest of the shackles to finish up with the widened yashevshem became a masova neposaga up to the law, to the rozporyadzhen svyatvnoi vladi z boku riznyh structures, vstitel populyarnya ta posadovikh osib, na nachne pidstverdzhennya nebezpeki for suspilstva chyogo protsentu. Can not Turbuvati takozh znachnoe poshirennya in Ukraine regionalnogo mіzhkonfesіnogo egoizmu. The natural yak Z'yavivshis reaktsіya on dії admіnіstrativno-komandnoї system regіonalny, mіzhkonfesіyny that grupovogo egoїzm (Yakscho not bude in suspіlstvі znaydeno vіdpovіdnih zasobіv for yogo podolannya) Mauger Break (Practice vseukraїnskogo strike shahtarіv tse pіdtverdzhuє) in large-scale konfrontatsіyu s stole negative for The power of syspylism naslidkami. Especially the necessary nagolosity on nebezpettsi for nashoi power avtarkkizmu, regionalno vidostoblenostі t zamknenostі, yakі prizvodit to disintegration syspilstva i zavazhayut stanovlenu spravozhnogo polichnichnogo pluralizmu.

Vazhlivu role in the methodology of methodology, yak viznachaet order analizu zakonomirnost, methodіv, uchetiv і principleіv of the theoretical doslіdzhennja polіtiki and practical realizatsii otrimanyh znan. Metodologicheskaya funktsiia polіtіlogії polyagaє in that, shob ozbroїti mnіynu efektivnimi zasolami пізнання політичної реальності. Efektivnіst Tsikh zasobіv deposits od of yakoyu mіroyu polіtologіya spiraєtsya, s one side, on zagalnofіlosofskі principles, laws nd category of scho zastosovuyutsya access in all Galuzo Naukova knowledge, and s іnshogo - on spetsifіchnі priyomi that zasobi scho їh rozrobleno predstavnikami concrete sciences have protsesі Empiricheskogo analizu riznih nasisch natural taspilnogo zhittya.

For Relief svіtoglyadnoї funktsії stverdzhuyutsya tsіnnostі, іdeali, normalized tsivіlіzovanoї polіtichnoї povedіnki, polіtichnoї culture sotsіalnih sub'єktіv scho spriyayut dosyagnennyu Pevnyi consensus suspіlstvі, optimal funktsіonuvannyu polіtichnih іnstitutіv. Вивчення політології дає змогу зрозуміти, чиї інтереси виражають ті чи інші партії, суспільні групи, їхні лідери та державніструктури. Tsya funktsiya vplyiva on rovitok polichnichnogo misselnia, umnіnya otsіnyuvati polichichnі podії in the context of їхніх зв'язків з історичними исмов, які really існують у даний concrete perіод.

Speaking about the practicality znachenniya polітології, слід мати на увазі two тісно по'пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ ассе. The first aspect is the feasibility of the applied value of the polylogy. Він полягає насамперд у зверненні політичноїїї science up to the most half-real life, in postyaynomu reaguvani per consumer polіtichnogo practice. Svіy viyav the applied nature of the polіtіlogії to know takozh in ії constructive-critical cоmіvаnostі. Treba signify, scho radyanske suspilstvozvstvo, including poliologiiu, ische zovsim recently all the sunny fuse vikoristovuvalo tilki for borotby from the bourgeois ideology, not pomichayuchi problems vosposnogo sospilstva. At nauchni todi ponistyu panurovala naiv'yana "zgori" administriivativno-command system vidverta apologetika radyanskoi sistemi.

Прикладний nature політології виявляється також у підвищенні значущості її профіональних працівників. Ninі veliku demand in politologov-professionalah maiyut vishchі ta srednnyi spetsialnі navchalnyi zakladi, and takozh zagalososvіnny schools, de popit on vikladachіv polіtologії znachno perevishchu proponuvannya. Necessity in the field of education and science and research institute, the center of the laboratory, prichomu not tilki suto polіtologіchnogo, but i psihologіchnogo, sotsіоlogіchnogo, juridic, іstorichnogo, mіznarodnogo tіnіshih profіlіv. On politologіv check for the representatives of the organization of the vikonavichi vladi, vnutrishnopolimichnі ta zovnіshny ospolichnichnyi izstavit izbybi, num ber zasobi masovoi іnformatsії ta komunikatsіy, komercynі pідприємства тощо.

Do not mensh otlichivim pokazatnikom practical funktsii politologii є takozh іnshy її aspect, yaky vyavlyaєtsya v vєєmovіdnosnyakh polіtichnoi nauki taїї predstavnikіv zі vladoyu. Trivaly hour partіyno-derzhavnі mozhnovladtsі svoї vzaєmovіdnosini s predstavnikami gumanіtarnih Sciences buduvali the principle of feudal vasalnoї zalezhnostі: Scientists at Tsikh stosunkah pridіlyalasya role deprivation sluhnyanih vikonavtsіv that komentatorіv prescriptive vkazіvok kerіvnitstva. And that ninni, for the minds of radical zmіn in functionally systematic polity systems, can not be given an adequate civi-ized saspiствуstvo character. Sogodnі in nashіy derzhavі, yak i in іnshih posttotalіtarnih kraїnah, vіdbuvayutsya aktivnі Poshuk takoї modelі spіvrobіtnitstva mіzh polіtologami theorists i polіtikami practitioners, yak b i Zroby nemozhlivimi whether SSMSC FORMS admіnіstrativnogo gripe i uncritically vihvalyannya "derzhavnoї mudrostі" mozhnovladtsіv. Tacke spіvrobіtnitstvo Got Booty spryamovanim on rozrobku practicality rekomendatsіy schodo shlyahіv, mehanіzmіv realіzatsії polіtichnih knowledge that ratsіonalnoї organіzatsії polіtichnih protsesіv. For you can not forget that you want to visit the region, you can boast of it, post itally analize the station of the Suspilnaya Dumka, place yourselves before the political structures and institutions.

Vazhlivu role in zhitti suschastnogo suspilstva vidіgraet prognosticheskoy funktsiya politologii. The essence of the function of the field is in the spontaneity of the polylogy on the front of the lines of development of the polycentric processes, of the varivists of the polity. Tse neobhіdno for rozrobki mehanіzmu ratsіonalnoї organіzatsії polіtichnih protsesіv, urahuvannya resursіv polіtichnoї Vlady, Especially such її rіznovidіv i forms yak authority, control, vpliv, primus i t. N.

In the process of the development of our state of affairs, the role of the forecasting of the polity of societal sub-regions is concentrated in the center, and in the regions of the region, the frontiers of the past half-century acycias.

For Suchasnyj minds predictability funktsіya polіtologії vikoristovuєtsya on au-Perche, for viznachennya tsіley precisely that the prospects vіddalenih rozvitku suspіlstva, but in another way, for svoєchasnogo Naukova Venue of Sanitary and Epidemiological naybіlsh vazhlivih polіtichnih rіshen s Look realnostі ochіkuvanogo efekt od them. Usim us in Ukraine, for example, for the sake of kilkistyu rishen that law, scho boast of our parliamentarians, mi znakno viperedzhayamo bagato kraine svitu. However, one knows the right, those are the part of the cich rishen that law is lurking unrealized. The reasons for such situations are the bagato, a single one of the nigolovnihs - marriage of the cross-examination of the political rulings, the law of the decree.

Prognostichnaja funktsіya polіtologії має polagati, on-tretє, at moduljuvannі polіtichnih protsessiv i videosin. Сьогодні треба відверто скати про те, що саме цей the aspect of the prognostic function of the polітології swing not having nabuv nalizhnogo rozvitku v nashіy derzhavі. Tse mozhno iznanitim tym, scho zaluchchenna gumanitarnykh nauk na zabezpechennya naukovo-tehnichnogo progresu vidbuvaetsya duzhe kvolo, and naukovo-tehnyne zabezpechennia themselves tsikh Sciences є vkray poganim. Significantly negative role in the process of compilation has been broadened to the minimum in the present state of affairs to the formalities of political manifestations. Ale, yak svyadchit polіticchny dosvіd tsivіlіzovaniyah kraїn, mozlovistі modulyuvannya polіtichnikh protsessiv yak national, so i global character nazvichayno veliki. Yaskravim proves the high-visibility of the modalities of the political processes, the disposition of the Roman Club, and the same order that the unorganized organi- zation bugatogh kraine svitou.

Підбиняваю підсумок, треба дати відповідь на цілком правоне запитання: schо саме ця science дає суспільству і окремій людині? Chomu in zahіdnih kraїn yak konstitve, so i privatnі organizatsії vitrachayut na neїlіlіkі koshti? At the point of view so.

Поширюючи політичні знання, політологія сприяє формаванню політичної культури people, securing the thundering Suspensia. Science about the politics of the great role in the becoming of the humane humanism and the people in the world of the state and in the Gumadyansky Suspina.

Політологія має й велике виховне znachennya. In tsivilizovaniyh kraїnakh preparation of people to vikonannya vidpovidannikh obovyazykov gromedyanina zosedredzheno in the hands of politichnyh parties, churches, schools, youth organizatsiy tescho. In Ukraїnі, yak i in іnshih kraїnah LICs, polіtichne vihovannya Helsinki Human zdіysnyuєtsya school, zasobami masovoї Informácie, while vischih The Teaching mortgages qiu mіsіyu very hard on the system suspіlnih Sciences, i peredovsіm on polіtologіyu.

Otzhe, teoretiko-piznavalna, metodologicheskaya, svitoglyadna, pravochna, prognostichna v vikhovna funkії polіtologії vіdbiivayut її зв'язок з життям, свідчать, що політологія є science of living, dyuchoyu, такою, що постійно й динамічно розвивається.