Psychological psychology - Maksimenko S.D.

12.5. Process rozvjazannja zavdan

Mislenia - tse protsentu dumki vid nevidomogo v vidomogo.

Mislena to start there, de before the people's poste-shoch novo, nevidome і kolon vona pachinaє schos analizuvati, porivnyuvati, uzagalnyuvati. Takі pitannya vinikayut in the minds of the problem situation.

The problem situation is characterized by the presence of the superpersonality of the real world, and it is known that it is absolutely necessary for us to have a good business.

Process rozv'yannya piznavalnogo zavdannya pochinayatsya z formulyuvannya pitan, yak treba viznachiti vigodachi z specific minds problemnoї situatsii. Formulyuvannya pitan - the first stage, naiskladnisy in the process of rozv'yana zavdan. Vazhlivet znachennja na tzomu etapі moe zdatnist manni bachiti nez'yasovany asiks in the quieter things i ta yavischah dіsnostі, її vmіnnia staviti zapitannja, vio-kremljuvati problemy, yakі zabybujut virishennya. Tsya zdatnist znachnoju miroyu zalozhit vid kolepodnyogo dosvidu mneni, penetrativisti її rozumu, vmіnnia bachiti nezrozumіle there, de іnshіy ludinі all zdraєtsya zrozumіlim.

The other stage of the rozvozyannya rozumov zavdannya pochinayatsya z poshuku shlyahіv analizu stavlenogo zapitanennya ta povedenny gipotezi.

Hypothesis Hypothesis is a lyudin mozhlivist pogobachiti straightforward rozv'yana zavdannya y mozhilі results. Yakschoo will not adhere to the hypothesis, do not write anything, refine the name of the zwader.

Розв'язаня розумового завданя - the final stage of the process - you can get into it in a different way. Іноді людина діє by the method of consumption and pardon, перевіряючи ефективність висунутих гіпотез. Розв'язання zavdannya mozhe bazvovatisya takozh on vikoristannі vіdomіh modіv, on zastosuvannyі analogy for the new minds of problem situations. Rozv'yanya zwadnnia can be guided by a creative process. In order to solve the problem, the mission of the newcomers strives to solve the problem. Pobudova novyy strategii zavzhdi результатом the result of trivalovoy pogodnya roboti myslennya, узагальнення й реконструкції досвіду розв'язання задань у тій чиіншій царині человеської діяльності.

Rozv'yati zavdannya іноді вдається раптово після попередніх напружених, але безрезультатати зусиль, як інсайт. At the time of the meeting, it is not effective, it is not up to the letter to the processual plan of knowing what it is. Same so robili zakalivі vidkrtya in nautsi ta tehnici vіdomi vchenі vinakhіdniki. On vidkrtya to the law vsesvitnogo zhilіnnya I. Newton nashtovhnula dumka about yabluco, scho fell yomu on his head at the time zapruzhenoi zoesredzhensti on problemy. Analogical situation imposed on Arkimed vishtovkhuvalnoy sily rіdini, yak dіє on zanurene in neіtilo.

I have a role to play in stimulating the rosemo dyaliness of the process of rozviania zavdan vidrygayut poteuttya. Exclusively important is the importance of waving pocuta zdivuvannya, dopytlivosty, poteuttya new. Pochuttya rodyuzhuyutsya vikinennnyam іdeї, perebіg rozv'yazuvannya zavdanya, completeness roboti vyzalannyam udrudnen, scho vinikayut on shlyayu up to the result. Розв'язання заверняня need for a man of the great free will. Від її napleglivostіі, сили волі та цілеспрямованості зажать ефективність пізнавальної діяльності, the zagal culture of the rosemane pratі. "Yakby, who is interested in the wines of the genius, can glance at the very process of winnowing, then, in order to achieve a fair share, it is not so much for the rose, but for the power of the wolf, the preoccupation with the pushlegging wines," K. Ushinsky complained.

Otzhe, process rozv'yatnya zavdan nobilizm mobilizilizatsii that napruzhennia vsyh psihichnyh forces osobistostі, concentrії її пізнавальноїї activity.