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3. The order of financial support for strong power needs

The order of financing social and cultural admissions in the transition to the rink

Naybіshim pіdrozdіl koshtorіsno-budgetary fіnansuvannya і sotsіialno-kul'turnі zahodi. Before sotsialno-kul'turnykh vidatkіv the power to lay down videtki on: social zahist population and socioeconomic protection, science, culture, and zasobi masovoi іnformatsії, health care, phizic culture and sports, go to the galuz youthful polity. Фінансування зазначених видатків відіграє great social status та політичну role, formyuchi in suspіlstіі vіdchuttya "prosperous th zadovolenya" abo "rozcharuvannya" in the process, schо відбуваються у країні. At the same hour, in the minds of the budget deficit, the socially-cultural sphere is naughty, that is, the great number of people who need to finance for the "lumpy principle", then in the rest of the worm they follow the norms with speed and standards.

Prior to the appearance in Ukraine of social and cultural pledges with an unconstrained form of ownership (private schools, schools, universities, etc.), the whole social and cultural sphere was included in the budget sphere, the money was financed by the budget, and the money was transferred from the budget to the budget. In addition, they were vilified by the norms of the financial law norms, the regulation of visions in the mobilization of mobility, the rose and the vicarities of the koshtis, the part of the national income, and the method of zabezpechennya zavdannya that function of the power. In the wake of the unsustainable social and cultural pledges, the yak is zoomed in by gossips in the Constitution of Ukraine and in the Law of Ukraine "About Vlasnist", the form of private formality, the transformation of the understanding of the social and cultural spheres. Prior to the appearance of pidpriimstv, organizatsiy, zabotiv kul'tury i nerastrovnuyu form vlasnosti pravovve reguliulyannya vidatkiv on culture zdіysnyulos:

A) the rules of financial law, but regulate koshtorisno-budgetary fіnansuvannya;

B) the norms of the financial, civil law of the law, and regulate the financing of state procuracies of property and property in the form of insolence.

In this way, in the field of cultural and institutional interests in the form of impermanent law, the regulation of social and cultural spheres has evolved beyond the field of financial law and has been regulated in part by the norms of civil law and the rule of law. So, the norms of the civil law are regulated by the admission, and vice versa with respect to the views of the authorities, the organization and the establishment of an unsustainable form of authority. On koshtorisno-budgetary fіnansuvannі zalyshayutsya vіklychno sotsіalno-kul'turnії establish the state and communal form of government.

In the minds of the budget deficit, the financing of the social benefits of the population is allocated to the priests of the power elite. Кабінет Міністрів України своєю Поповою від 31 серпня 1996 року № 1033 прийняв рішення about вжиття заходів schodo залучення додаткових надходжень to the budget та підвищення ефективності витрачання бюджетних коштів для забезпечення фінансування соціальних виплатн population. So, for vicarities of pozubudzhetnih koshtіv budgetary installations, ostannі zobov'yazuyutsya zabezpechiti efektivne vikoristannaya primischen, scho perebuvayut na їх balance, pobachchivshi zdachu v onendu vіlnih primischen. Доходи від оренди приміщень, які зашашаться в розпорядженіі бюджетних уми, повинні спрямовуватися на галуння забогованості по заробітній платі працівників цих установка і закладів, and at відсутності заборгованості по заробітній плати на payment for житлово-комунальні послуги.