Rhetoric - Gritsenko TB

Лекція 7. Practical aspects of ship rhetoric

Sudova Promo

Sudova promo - tse promo, zvernena before the court of those інших щасників сучичинства і Presence at розгляді кримінальної, цивільної, адміністративної свиви, в якій містяться висновки що тієї чиі іншої справи.

Vystupayuchi in the court with a promo, the prosecutor and the lawyer pidbiivayut pidssumki not only shipyard's sight, but the assis- tance of his time, analize him, persuade him to position his position in the right place, on the court, on the date of delivery, at the time of the warehouse, , Praised.

Згідно зі ст. 318 of the CPC of Ukraine, at the debates of the prosecutor and the lawyer (zahisnika), the brothers can participate in the massacre of the accused and the gigantic zahisnik, the victim and the yogi, the representative of the country, the relatives of the people, the opiates of the peninsula of the peninsula (yak zahisniki) and himself Підсудний.

At tsivilnom protsi in ship's debates you can take part: posavach yogo predstavnik; Відповідач та його представник; A third person, yaka declared self-pozovnі vimogi, taїї predstavnik; Thirdly, a person without self-imposed wimogs, independent bodies of state administration, profspilok, state property, establish cooperative organizations and organizations, representatives of large-scale bodies and workers, and, incidentally, a prosecutor (article 194 of the CPC of Ukraine).

Sudova promova stern zapolnuvacha u kriminalnomu protsessi svoim zmistom moe: gromadsko-polichnu otsinku zhilchinu i osobi pidsudnogo; Characteristics of the warehouse of evil, a kind of vicarious analysis of the zine and urns on the ship's seaboard, and their obvgruntuvannya them svoeї positsії shodo viny pіsudnogo, kvalіfіkatsі yogo dіy ti miri pokarannya.

Sudova promo Gromadskogo zapravnuvacha guilty of nasampered vidobraziti stavlennya before vchonenogo zlachinu that individuals pidsudnogo gromadskoi organizatsii neo kolektivu laboring, yakis nedovenovazhili yogo for the party in the ship's rozglyadі spravi.

Судові промови цивільного позивача і цивільного відповідача або їх предвівівівії with its basic zymistom матють питання, які стосуються відшкодування завданої злочином майнової шкоди.

Sudova's promo gromadskogo zahysnika is straightforward for vikonannya function zahistu. At nii gromadskiy zahisnik vikladaє court his own mirkuvannya to the drive: obnovlani, scho pom'yakshyut blame pisudnogo ov vizpravdovut yogo; Mozhnovosti pom'yakshennya yomu pokarannya tochno

Sudova promiscu zahisnika, zoumovlana yogo funktsiєyu kriminalnomu protsessi - funktsiєyu zahistu і ponnistyu pidporyadkovuyutsya vidstoyuyannu legitimate interests of his pidzasinogo.

Replika is a part of the ship's promo service, mostly confessed in short, in the style of the form, zvernuti respect to the court for kinked facts, dominance and principle of wrong judging, admitted by participants in debates in their own promos (Article 318 of the CPC of Ukraine).

Judge promoi vplylivat on formuvannya vnutrishnyogo perekonannya suddy, dopomagayut tribunal glibshe rozibratisya in ush obtavnykh spravi, vsebіchno, povno i obektivno doslitsiti tі obshchatni, vystavitosti істину у справі і приняняти правильне рішення.

On zmist and the form of ship promo, you have to absorb the character and the oath of the right, the person of the rhetorician, the court auditorium.

Heads in the courts of rumors of the rhetoric.

At the ship's checkpoint at the sight of criminals, civilians, administrators, governorships, it is possible to see the following types of ships:

1. Oblnoval promo of the prosecutor in the criminals on the right in the court of Persia Інстанції.

2. The prosecutor's promo in the criminality in case of violation of the prosecution in the court of Persia territory.

3. Zahisna promo lawyer in criminal law in the court of Persia Інстанції.

4. Promotional attorney - a representative of a victim, a civic pozvacha i tsivilnogo vidpovidacha.

5. The self-saluting promo of the judge.

6. A promo of the patient and yogi.

7. Promotion of civil liberties and civil liberties at the offices of the representatives (at the interlocutors' posts in the criminals on the right).

8. The prosecutor's office and the lawyer's office in the civic right of the court of Persia's territory.

9. Advocate the prosecutor and the lawyer in the administrative right.

10. The prosecutor's office and lawyer's office in the criminality and civil right at the court of other countries.

11. Rinse off the huge accusation and hulking zahisnik in the criminals on the right.

12. Promovi pozavacha vidpidacha abo їхніх представників у цивільних справах.

13. Promovi tretih osib abo їхніх представників у цивільних справах.

14. Promovi obnovnovazhenyh organііv state management, profspіlok, підприємств, installation, cooperative organіzatsіy ta їх об'єднань у цивільних справах.

15. Promovi represented in the gromadskih and rabotivh kolektivіv at tsivilnyh right.

16. Promovi osb, yakі attracted to admіnistrativnії відповідальності, та їхніх представників.

17. A promo of the patient in administrative admissions.

18. Zahisna promoveva blizkih rodichiv, opikuniv podklyuvil'nikov pіsuduvnogo kriminalnii spravi.

19. A ransom of the lawyer (the representative of the party) in the case of the governor's office in the Lord's Court.

20. The prosecutor's promo at pidtrymannyi call in the Lord's court.

Vydhodachi from the subject of the ship's promo, the structure of the prosecutor's promo is violated in the event of accusations:

  • Vikladennya actual obstavin spravi, yak stink buli reinstalled in the course of the merger;
  • Claiming about the non-verification of the accused in the court - about the crime against the accused;
  • Analis ta otsynka dokaziv, zibranikh i doslenijeni pіd the hour of the first and the second seasons;
  • Factual obtstanovani that legal pidstavi vidmovi vіd sovernivnoy accused;
  • The causes of the unprimed attracted individual yak accused of criminality, the propogation of the schodo uchunennya;
  • Propositsії about povnovlenya povshenih pravdusnogo rights;
  • Propositsii about podalshu share spravi.

Navigating from the theory and practice of ship rhetoric, you can see three basic grounds of the ship's promo: psychology, etichnu ta logichnu . Skin from them vplyivе not tilki to zmist shipbreaking promo, and th on sposib neobhodov.

Змістом судової промови завжди є певні думки, ідеї, доводи, міркування, пропозиції.

In the psychology of shipwrecked debates, one can see both the component, the individual, including the psychologi- cal power of the person, the psychology of sprinkling, and resting on the form of the ship's perekonannya.

In the structures of the ship's debates, the ship's promo service is visible, so that it is informative and informative .

Sudovі debati vystupayut zledіlshogo yak zasіb spіlkuvannya, komunіkatsії, yak sposіb obmіn dumki i sudzhennyami. Tse form vidstoyuyannya sudovimi ritorami his procedural positions, processes vzasemodії mіzh them. At ts'omu rozumіnnі sudyi promo - zasib komunikativnogo zv'yazku, sposib realizatsii komunikativnoi funktsii.

Judge promo vikonuyut takozh informative function. The promo of the skin participant of shipborne debates is guilty of a misdemeanor failure to receive information on the use of the dowry, and the dani, pikidverdzhuyut rule tlumachenia cich sui. Obgruntovannіst visnovkіv і propositsіі, tobto promo moe bouti argumentovannoyu, dokazovoyu, peremonlivoyu.

Кожен судовий ритор, у відповідності зі своєю процесуальною позицією, аналізує й дає оцінку зібраним prove, formulate its own віновки і обґрунтовує іх thіѕ give, yakі buli zdobutі in the process of development and ship's sight.

Судова аудиторія - певна кількість людей у ​​залі судового засідання, які take the fate in the course of the sight and tick it. Umovno її mozhna rozdіliti on chotiri groups:

1) professional participants in the process (court, prosecutor, lawyer, secretary of the court hearing);

2) Representatives of the Gromadskost (Gromadskii zahisnik, Gromadskii prosvinuvach, representatives of huge organisatsiy i izvivich kolektivіv), yakі vikonuyut beside sudovodnogo zasidannі svoї gromadskі, morbid obovvozyki;

3) participants in the process, secured by the virtual report (pidsudny, patriots, posavach, and other representatives), and those whom they requested for vikonannya pokladeny on them by the law obovyazykov (svidki, eksperti, perekladachi tochno);

4) publik, yaka has come from riznih motiviv і spunukan, ale vseih їh ob'єdnue іnteres up to process at danіy sravі.

For досягнення своєї мети, yak put before himself ships and rhetoric, їм neobhіdіno vlytvati on the whole ship's auditorium. For the Whart War do not know the auditorium, її motives, intresi, perekonannya.

Uvagu auditorii can attract and in the past hour such priyomami, yak:

  • Straight vimoga uvagi vіd sluhachіv;
  • pause;
  • Зміни у звучанні голосу;
  • Zvernennya to sluhachіv із napitannjam, povyazannim zі zmіstom promovi;
  • Nespodivane perervivannya dumki;
  • Zasobi мовної виразності (sentences, orders, humor, jaskravі images);
  • Tin, міміка, рухи.

Shipbuilding of a ship's promo is made on the basis of a ticket: zbіr матеріалів, аналіз матеріалів, систематизація матеріалів, письмова підготовка промови.

Збір матеріалів починається в процесі вивчення кримінальної справи. Ті entries, які можуть бути використані в промові, необхідно підкреслити або бы бысь позначити.

Spotchatka zbіr materіalіv for promovi є forgive pogromsjenny dokazіv і dumok. In the hour, at the course of the expansion and the destruction of the ship's sludge, the material is stored.

Analis materіalіv for ship promo on the back of dіyalnіі з be-yakіїї spravіmіє, yak, usually, the alternating character. At the foot of the stage, it is important to zanotuvati all, scho analizuyutsya, at least an hour for an hour to turn to tsikh dumok і perevriyati їh obgruntovannіst.

Preparation of the ship's promo-service for the operation of the zybarnogo materialov, dobrі і systematization of facts, додаткова перевірка міркувань, the correctness of any claims, the postmodernity of the dumpling of the Maybutny promo.

The letter of the letter of preparation is possible, but it is also possible in the nature of the folding of the background, the auditorium, the kvalifikatsiya of the prosecutor and the lawyer, the other departments.

Pristupati up to systematization materіalu naykrasche todi, if neobhіdny materіal s spravі zіbrany. Actually, Ikі pidtverdzhdzhuyut one th th the very idea, allow obgruntuvati zagalny wigs. The court rhetorician fіksue віновок, but order is proved, які цей висновок підкріплюють. So vinikaє group of mirkuvan, z'ednana zagalnim visnovkom.

After completing the systematization of materials and services, the rhetorician shall proceed to the letterless preparation of the ship's promo.

Nairaša podgotovki sudovoe promo - veca warehouse of detailed promos.