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Theory and practice of self-management - Lukashevich NP


It is a table with two columns each pair manifestation of the signs of personality type (tab. 4).



Energize in the company of other people like to be in the spotlight first act, then think Tend to think aloud

More open to others; willing to talk about themselves

More talk than listen to violently express their emotions rather on the response, like fast paced Prefer breadth depth

Energizing alone

Avoid being in the spotlight first, think later are inclined to analyze everything in your mind about yourself

More closed; They prefer to talk about themselves a select few

They listen more than talk Keep your enthusiasm with you Do not rush to answer Prefer breadth depth

Note the position of the point on the scale of your preference.

(E) _____________________ Extraversion Introversion (I)

Table 4

How to use the test. By comparing each pair of feature displays, select one of them, which is most identical manifestations of your feelings or actions. If you experience difficulty in choosing, try to answer the question: "If I had to choose a behavior for a lifetime, what would I prefer?" Deliberate answer to this question will lead you to the correct definition of their true preferences. Note the position of the point of your preference on the scale of each of the signs. The closer this would point to the scale of the center (does not matter which side), the weaker expressed your preference. The farther from the center point that is spaced apart, the brighter your preferences. If you are not sure of your preferences, all the same, specify which side of the center would be. This task is very important because it is another way to determine your type of personality.

The first sign of the type of personality describes the way we prefer to interact with the world around them and where to direct your energy. Carl Jung introduced the concept of "extroversion" and "introver-And this," to identify with them our attitude to the outer and inner world. Each of us from birth tend to be oriented either to the outside world or the world of his inner feelings, even though we all live and act, and in fact, and in another. If we act in a preferred us to the world, we are energized; we act and harder in the opposite world, and tedious. Those who prefer to interact with the outside world, we call extroverts. Those who are more prone to inner peace - introverts (Table 4.).

The second sign of personality type determines how the perception of information. Some people focus their attention on "what it is", and others - on the fact "that it might be." Both approaches are equivalent, but based on completely opposite principles (Table. 5).

There must be something to explain. We use the term "sensation" when we want to say that the person receives information mainly through the five senses. sensorika we call such people. Sensorika fix their attention on what they see, hear, touch, smell and taste the products. They trust that can be measured, justified, seeing that there is a real and concrete. Sensorika receive information about the world, based on the five senses and their personal experiences. They focus on the present, they are interested in what is happening at the moment. Faced with a situation sensorik wants to determine what is happening.

Table 5



Trust that reliably and specifically

Trust inspiration and crazy game

Approve new ideas only in those cases,

when they have practical applications

Approve new ideas because,

they are new

Appreciate realism and common sense

Appreciate the imagination and innovation

Love reached to hone skills

I like to learn new skills;

reaching a certain level

skill, to lose interest in the case

Prone to the accuracy and clarity of expression;

gives detailed descriptions

Prone to common expressions,

figurative speech; enjoyed

metaphors and analogies

Provides information sequentially,

step by step

Sets out jumps

"Walking in circles"

It focused on the present


Note on the scale, some of these methods you prefer.

(C) ______________ Sensory Intuition (N)

It is obvious that we all use the five senses to obtain information about the world. However, some are showing greater interest not to facts as such but to their meaning, relationships, consequences. We can say that they trust their "sixth sense" (intuition) is much larger than the other five. People resting in the knowledge of the world more on intuition than on feeling, let's call them intuitive, easy to read between the lines around looking for hidden meaning. In our table of intuition indicates the letter N. intuitive fix their attention on the underlying reason for reasoning. Unlike sensorics they appreciate the imagination and trust their hunches and insights. Intuitive future-oriented; they tend to see events in the development, and, as a rule, prefer to change the status quo than to preserve their normal state. Faced with any situation, against intuition, he seeks to understand her, and possible sign of type posledstviya.Trety

(P) rationality / irrationality (C)

The third feature concerns the type of personality, how we make decisions and draw conclusions. As there are two different ways to interact with the outside world and the perception of information, so there are two different ways of making decisions: rational and irrational.

In the context of the theory of personality type concept of "rationality" means impartiality, objective decision, and "irrationality" - decision making on the basis of personal, subjective inclinations or values. The word "irrational" in this case means that you make a decision, guided by the fact that you consider important for themselves and others.

Rational, they tend to take decisions based on logic. They appreciate its ability to objective analysis, come to a decision only after analyze and weigh all the facts, even if they can make a disappointing conclusion for himself. Irrational decisions based on how the problem seems to be important to them or how they understand what is good and what is bad. They believe that the ability to put yourself in the other person, to empathize, sympathize. The difference in the priorities of rational and irrational is obvious (tab. 6).

Table 6



Make a step back; solve problems using objective analysis

Make a step forward; look how their actions affect others

Appreciate logic, justice

and honesty; impose the same

requirements for all and all

Appreciate empathy and harmony in relationships; It believes that the rule is permissible to make exceptions

Immediately see the disadvantages and tend to criticize them

Try not to hurt others, a willingness to express their approval

Can impress too sensible, stale and categorical people

Can impress too emotional, reckless and weak people

It is believed that the truth is more important than the measure

It is believed that the truth and tact are important equally

I believe that you can be guided by feelings only when they are logical

It is believed that the senses are valuable in themselves, whether they have no meaning or

The driving force of their actions - to achieve concrete results of successful

The driving force of their actions - desire for praise

Designate their affiliation to a particular point on the scale of preference.

(P) _______________ rationality of irrationality (C)

The fourth sign of the type of personality describes our preferences between life in an organized world (if we just accept the decision) and freer way of life (if we first take note of the information).

People who tend to the behavior of "static" (referred to as static), are prone to an ordered life, feel comfortable, if space is organized around them. Usually they all have their own opinion and do not like to leave problems unresolved. They tend to regulate and control their lives. People who prefer "dynamics" (let's call them speakers), are prone to a freer way of life, feel comfortable when they have the opportunity as they wish to change their lives. They are open to all possibilities. Speakers do not seek to control life, rather they want to understand it.

Statics and dynamics differ sharply on the issue of the relationship to the final solution of any problem. Static uncomfortable until until you reach at least some kind of certainty, and seek to ensure that in any case your point. The speakers, in contrast, are uncomfortable when they are forced to immediately take a decision, avoid to put the final point and prefer to leave the option selection (tab. 7).

Table 7

Static is preferred that the decision was made clear


They prefer to leave behind

freedom of choice

They have a "work ethic": first,

work, then entertainment

(If it will)

Enjoy the "ethics of rest": first,

Entertainment, then work

(If it will)

Aims and seek

achieve it within the given timeframe

Change your goal as

new information

They prefer to calculate in advance the impact

possible effects (to know what to expect)

Prefer to adapt

to new circumstances


(The main thing for them - to finish the job)


(Most importantly - how the work is performed)

Get satisfaction when

the work is done

They get satisfaction

when they begin to work

Refers to the time as a

a limiting factor

Refers to the time and duration

as a loose concept

The time has come to designate your preference on the scale.

(T) _________ Statics Dynamics (D)

To get the result fill in missing letters that have turned on each scale for each characteristic personality.

Compare the type of personality your code so that you receive the first test. In case of discrepancy is necessary once again to test the procedure 2, especially carefully rechecking divergent preferences. Earn your choice determined by your actual preference, not a requirement of your job or family circumstances.

Record and note the code of your personality type, which consists of four letters, always arranged in a certain order - the scheme 1, 2, 3, 4.

1 E = extroverts

And introverts 1 =

2 C = sensory

H = 2 intuitive

3, p = rationals

C = 3 irrationals

4 T = static

D = 4 speakers

In the same code sequence is read.

For example: ISTST-introvert-sensorik-irrationals - statics.

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